《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》38. Strawberry Shortcake


"Have you seen it? Gali, look, he's back" Tony shoved a newspaper into his sisters face. She took a step back.

"Woah there! Seen what? Who's back?" She questioned and took the paper from his hands. It's a copy of the Daily Bugle and the headline reads

Spider-Man returns!

Well I hope Spidey's break was okay then. Been out of the public eye for nearly half a year and now he appears? Where the hell was he when those aliens came? Vacationing in the Caribbean?! Although the alien invasion was months ago... but still!

"Since when do you read the paper?" Galilea furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and put the paper down.

"Doesn't matter since when I started reading the papers-" Rhodey coughed and muttered "this morning"

"Gesundheit" Clint patted Rhodey on the back.

"That doesn't matter. Spooderman is back!" Tony exclaimed.

"Spooderman?" Everyone questioned.

"Whatever" Tony waved a dismissive hand "Spiderboob is back. Just like that, out of the blue" Tony kept pressing.

"And what? You're suddenly intimidated by the return of Spider-Man?" Bruce questioned.

"Of course not! Nobody can replace me"

"Conceited much?" Kami mumbled.

"I just want to know what his deal is. Gali, why don't you find out?" Tony asked his sister.

"What?" She gasped "What makes you think that I know who Spider-Man is?"

"Well look him up. Jarvis, get me everything you can find on Spider-Man" Tony told the A.I. as he walked away.

"You should go with him, babe" Gali told Steve "Inform yourself on your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man"

"You too blondie" Kami told Thor. They both left to join Tony.

"So, if he comes and asks for a spot in the Avengers" Pepper started.

"We are going to say hell no" Clint shook his head.

"Why not? He seems nice" Jane spoke.

"We don't know who's under the mask. It could be an axe murderer!" Clint exclaimed.

"Is a master assassin afraid of an axe murderer?" Darcy teased. She has been living with then for weeks but it feels like months to them. Still, they think Darcy is great.

"I can take an axe murderer down with one swift move. I just think that we should get to know Spider-Man before we let him join us" Clint explained.

"Well you should open up your interviewing schedule because I met a promising candidate this morning" Gali told Clint.

"Who?" Nat asked.

"Nice cool guy named Sam Wilson. Friend of Steve's" She informed.

"Is this what we're doing now, holding interviews for aspiring Avengers?" Nat asked the group. They shrugged.

"Accept the guy!" They jumped and turned to the far right corner of the living room.

"Happy? How long have you been there?" Pepper asked.

"Been here all day" he took a bite from his sandwich and tapped something on his tablet. The team all stared at each other in confusion.

"Did no one seriously see him there?" Darcy jabbed a thumb towards Happy's direction. They shook their heads.

"Stealthy like a predator" Clint mused. A girlish scream was heard and Happy jumped up and rapidly stomped his feet on the ground.

"Spider!" He screeched.

"And as dramatic as a ten year old" Bruce ended.

"Calm down Ron Weasley!"

Sighing, Galilea leaned against the glass window of the coffee shop and tapped her tablet. The door to the coffee shop opened and she looked up to see a woman walk in. She looked back down at her tablet and opened Angry Birds.


Stupid Bruce got me hooked up on this game. This must be how he de-stresses. Takes out his anger on the birds and smug green pigs. I hate those pigs.

Grumbling, Gali shot a yellow bird at the pigs and got a few of them as bricks fell on the pigs. But one is taunting her. It's giving her a stupid look. Damn you green pig! That's why they made you ham.

Huffing she took a forkful of cake and the door swung open. The persons mop of sandy brown hair can be seen as they tried to carefully step around the tables but failed miserably as the person bumped into every table and chair.

"Sorry... Oops, sorry sir. Sorry ma'am... Oh what a cute little dog! I don't think they let dogs in here- Oh he's a service dog, he's so cute! ...Sorry!" Gali sighed and shook her head.

Every time.

The empty seat in front of her was suddenly taken, the person panting from lack of air.

"You're late" She flatly said.


"Did you get detention again?"


"Peter Parker!"

"It wasn't my fault!" Peter defended himself.

"What did you do?" Gali asked.

"Nothing. I swear" he stared at her with his big brown eyes and she saw something in them. Mischievousness. Good thing she picked a secluded part of the coffee shop so people can't overhear their conversation

"You were out swinging around weren't you? You were late to school because of that" Galilea accused. Peter didn't say anything and looked away "What am I going to do with you Peter?"

"You sound like my aunt May" Peter grumbled.

"What did she have to say after she found out about this detention" Gali crossed her arms on the table and stared at Peter.

"I haven't been home so I don't really know. But I'm sure she will not be pleased" Peter answered.

"That is the most honest thing you have said since I met you" Gali smiled. Peter smiled and the smiling turned to laughing. Gali picked up her fork and picked at the piece of cake on the plate. Peter gasped.

"Is that strawberry shortcake? Oh I want some. Uh, excuse me, can I have what she's having?" Peter asked the waitress walking by.

"Sure" she smiled and walked to the counter that has cakes and pies.

"So, why'd you call me here for? Helping me with my science homework? Tutor me in math?" Peter joked.

"We both know that you don't need tutoring in math or science. You little nerd" Gali grumbled the last part. Peter laughed.

The waitress returned and placed the plate with a slice of strawberry shortcake, in front of Peter "Thanks" Peter smiled before taking the fork and shoving cake in his mouth. Whip cream on the corners of his mouth.

"Is this about my... absence?" His words are muffled because of the cake in his mouth "Yes" Gali handed him a napkin.

"Where have you been?"

"You know" Peter swallowed "here and there. Sick, busy with school, detention. I was out of the city the day of the alien invasion" he casually said "besides, there's you and your brother. The city can do with you and him for a while" Peter shoved more cake in his mouth "People need breaks now and then" Gali nodded agreeing.


"You came back because you were bored?" She asked. Peter nodded.

"Pretty much. I'm bummed because I missed the action from the alien invasion but there are some petty crimes to keep me distracted" he explained.

"Don't get into trouble, alright? Don't do anything stupid" She warned him.

"Since when do you know me to do anything stupid?" Peter placed a hand on his chest.

"Uh let's see, there was that incident at the bank that one time. And that one time in Times Square. What about that time you nearly crashed into Stark tower, let's not forget the Thanksgiving parade, oh and uh, Costco" Galilea listed off a couple of his incidents.

"Hey, that Costco thing was an accident" he pointed his fork at Gali with a raised eyebrow.

"You flooded half the store and turned up the temperature in the refrigerators" she told him.

"It was an accident. These guys were fighting and I stopped them. Besides, the temperature on the refrigerators didn't go up high" he waved a dismissive hand.

"The eggs were frozen" Gali said loud and clear "My friend Emil and his wife were at Costco that day and when they got home they realized their eggs were frozen" Peter snorted in laughter "You can't be so reckless, Parker"

"Oh I'm sorry, I wasn't the one who destroyed half the city" he sarcastically said.

"That's different. We were seven against an alien army and the God of Mischief" Gali noted. "You're only one and a teenager"

"How was he? His name is Loki, right?" Peter asked.

"He's a total pain in the ass" Gali informed "Very slappable face" she smiled. Peter gave her a weird look but then laughed.

They were at the coffee shop for an hour, talking about school, life, him returning back as Spider-Man and the Daily Bugle that's after him. Him asking if he can be part of the team. Gali gave him a vague answer.

"Alright Peter, I think it's time to go. Come on, I'll drive you home" Gali said after she payed the bill and swung her bag across her chest so the bag rested on her left hip.

Peter got up and swung his backpack over his shoulders. They walked out of the coffee shop and Gali clicked the remote to her car to unlock it.

"Woah, can I drive?" Peter asked, hope in his voice "Please?" He pleaded.

Gali grinned. "No" she shook her head.

"Aww come on!"

"Do you even know how to drive?" The Stark girl turned to him.

"I have my learners permit" the boy quickly replied "besides you can control the car with your mind powers in case anything goes wrong, you know?"

Gali chewed on her bottom lip and thought about it. He's just a kid but he does have his learners permit. Come on, I was like him when I started to learn how to drive. Gali sighed and nodded.

"Alright, but only half the way, alright?" She gave him a pointed look.

"Yes!" He cheered and did a happy dance. Gali laughed and threw the keys at him. He caught them in the air and ran to the drivers side.

"Okay, let's get this baby on the road!" Peter stepped on the gas and they zoomed out of the parking area. Gali held onto the door with a tight grip, her eyes wide in fear.

This might not have been the best of ideas.

"Peter Benjamin Parker, what time is this to come home?" Aunt May scolded as she stormed out of the door of the apartment building.

"It's not that late. It's barely-" he looked down at his watch and his face dropped "Oh"

"It's mostly my fault" Galilea got out of the car and went to May and Peter.

"Gali" Aunt May was shocked and confused. Even tho she's known the woman for a year now, she still seems slightly shocked every time she sees her.

"Hi Aunt May" Gali kindly waved at her "I asked Peter to meet me at a coffee shop downtown"

"Did he get in trouble again?" Aunt May exasperatedly asked.

"Of course not" Peter shook his head.

"He got detention today" Gali exposed him. Peter gasped and gave her a look of betrayal.

"Peter!" Aunt May sighed and ran a hand through her brown hair "What happened?" She asked.

"Nothing. I was late to school, that's all" he defended himself.

"Why were you late?" She asked.

"Traffic?" Peter lamely offered. May narrowed her eyes at her nephew.

"Don't worry May. I already talked with Peter. He will try to stay away from trouble until the school year ends. Which is in two months" Gali smiled.

"I'll believe it when I see it" May turned to her nephew.

"I promise to be good until the end of the school year" Peter raised his right hand like they do in court when they take an oath to tell the truth. May didn't seemed convinced.

Makes me wonder what the hell Peter does when he's not Spider-Man. Or what excuses he gives his aunt when he is Spider-Man and doesn't want to blow his cover.

"Thank you for bringing him home, Gali" May smiled at the brunette.

"No problem" Gali smiled back. "Well I should get going. Hey, if you ever wanna go to Stark tower to meet the team you're more than welcome" She told Peter.

"You mean the Avengers?" Peter's face lit up, a sparkle in his eyes.

"Yeah. If Aunt May is okay with it" Gali quickly added. Peter turned to his aunt and Gali pulled something out of the back seat of her car "Here" she handed Peter a bag. He took it and pulled out a Canon camera.

"Aww, thanks Gali!" Peter gave her a tight hug.

"You're welcome" she hugged him back.

"Gali, you really didn't have to" aunt May started but Gali cut her off.

"No, I wanted too. Peter reminds me of myself when I was his age. Reminds me of Tony when he was in high school. Well Tony went to boarding school but when he was home he was like young Peter"

"Gotta go. See you guys. Bye May, bye Peter. Hey, stay out of trouble" Gali pointed a finger at Peter "Will do" he nodded.

"Bye!" May and Peter waved. Galilea waved back and got in her car and drove home.

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