《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》37. On your left


The shuffling and the scuffling has been going on for ten minutes. Maybe it's been going on for a longer time considering that the lights are barely on. Or maybe its just the light from the clock on the nightstand. Either way, the shuffling and mumbling is what woke Galilea up early in the morning.

Six fucking thirty in the morning.

"You know" Gali spoke up holding back a yawn "if you turn on the light it'll make it much easieeerr" she yawned at the end.

"Gali" Steve turned the light on "did I wake you up?"

"No. No. I always wake up at six thirty in the morning. It's when I get the good ideas for my future projects- of course you woke me up! What the hell? It's six thirty in the morning!" She snapped.

"I'm sorry!" Steve quickly apologized. Gali sat up and rubbed her eyes.

"No, I'm sorry. I'm not a morning person" she sighed and stared at him bleary eyed. She rubbed her eyes again and could see clearly that time. Steve is dressed and ready to go out for a run.

God, why is that shirt so tight?

"You going out to see your girlfriend?" Gali asked him.

"What?" His eyes widened "I don't- I- Gali I swear I don't-" She laughed.

"I'm kidding. I know you don't have a side chick. You couldn't, you're a horrible flirt, but I still love you" She told him. He smiled sweetly but then frowned.

"I'm a horrible flirt?- why am I asking this. I know I'm horrible at flirting" Steve shook his head and Gali laughed.

"Well" She started "I'm going back to sleep" she threw herself back in bed and threw the covers over herself.


"Nope!" She cut him off at the speed of light.

"I didn't even-"


"Come on!" Steve pleaded "please Gali"

"No. I don't want to go on a run!" Gali whined from under the covers.

"Galilea, please"

"Steven, no" She firmly said.

The covers were pulled off Galilea and she was startled. She turned her head and saw Steve staring at her with his baby blue eyes. He's staring into her eyes. I feel like he's staring into my soul. Well they do say that the eyes are the windows to the soul. What kind of crap is that?

The longer Gali stared at Steve's eyes, the more she's giving in. And it's not really fair, I don't want to go on a run.

"Please" Steve made a sad little puppy face.

"I don't know how you run for fun. The only time I run is when I run for my life" Gali told him. He smiled "and since I grew up with Tony, I grew up running"


"So is that a yes?" Steve asked hopefully.

"Can I take a snack?" She asked. He laughed. Hey, I don't go for runs, I don't exercise. When I have the need of doing any physical activity I eat.

"Yeah, you can take a snack" Steve nodded.

"Okay" she grabbed the covers and threw them over herself once again.

"Hey what is this? It's time to run!" Steve exclaimed.

"I said I was going to join you, I didn't say when"

Steve sighed and mumble under his breath. She placed a hand on Gali's waist and he leaned over her to whisper in her ear "I love you Gali"

"I love you too– aah!" She screamed as she was pulled out of bed. Oh, so this is how it is.

"On your left"

"Shut up!" Gali glared at Steve as he ran past her.

I hate this. I hate running.

They've been out there for a while. The sun wasn't even out when they got there and now the sun has been out for about an hour. Gali started off on a jog and then she speed up to a run and slowly decreased to a jog until she ended up walking. Yes, this is safe. I prefer walking.

People ran pass Gali as they are also out on their morning run. Look at these people. Sometimes I wish I could be like them, running in the mornings just for the hell of it.

But I'm not.

I eat.

Eating is my exercise, more like extra fries. Eh, eh? Lame. Wow. Steve is a terrible flirt and I tell lame jokes. No wonder we're together.

"Walking now?" Steve smirked and slowed down.

"No. I'm skipping" Gali sarcastically said. He chuckled and kissed her cheek.

"On your left" he mumbled.

"I hate you" She mumbled back. He ran off and Gali noticed the man ahead of her, glancing back over his shoulder and shaking his head.

"Don't say it! Don't say it!"

"On your left!" Steve said.

"Oh, come on!" The man ran faster trying to catch up with Steve but he couldn't.

Galilea isn't even going to try to catch up to him. After a while she practically crawled her way to where Steve is talking with the man from before. They're under the cool shade of a tree, talking.

"I'm dying!" She gasped "I think my asthma is coming back!" She breathed hard as she laid on the grass, clutching her chest "or maybe it's a heart attack" she panted.


"I see the light! I see it. It's so bright!" Gali stared at a bright circle in the sky. Her arm outstretched ready to grab the light.


"Uh, that's the sun" someone said and the light was blocked by Steve's friend.

"Oh. Well I guess I'm not dying... yet" Steve stood above Gali, grabbed her arms and pulled her up.

"For a moment back there I think I blacked out because I swear I caught a glimpse of my parents" Gali panted.

"I'm sorry" Steve apologized.

"I've been in my fair share of dangerous situations, but that my dear Steve, that was murder"

"I'm sorry" he apologized again.

"Apology accepted. Now, who's your friend?" Gali turned to the guy.

"Sam Wilson" he introduced himself.

"Galilea Stark" She shook his hand.

"Yeah, I've seen you on tv" Sam nodded.

"Ah, yes. I've been on tv a few times" she nodded along with Sam "so how long have you and Stevie been running buddies?"

They turned to each other before answering "a month"

"Maybe two" Sam shrugged.

"Nice nice" she took out a rice crispy treat from her pocket and munched on the delicious treat. Steve and Sam staring at her weirdly "what? I agreed to come with you and this is my reward" She motioned to the rice crispy treat in her hand. Steve smiled and she continued snacking.

Galilea looked around and saw people sitting under the shade, others are walking and laughing, some running. She caught sight of a man in a suit holding a briefcase and his phone up to his ear. He got into his car and she caught a glimpse of his bright orange socks. Gali giggled. The man reminds her of Saul Goodman from Breaking Bad.

Maybe he's a sketchy lawyer like Saul. A great sketchy lawyer.

Gali was about to tell Steve about the Saul Goodman look alike but she remembered that he hasn't seen Breaking Bad. Damn. How can he miss on such a great show? She stepped closer to him and snaked her hand down the pocket of his sweats. He tensed up and look down at her. Gali pulled out his little notebook and pen.

"What are you doing?" He curiously asked. The girl opened up the notebook to the list he has.

"You have to watch Breaking Bad" she informed as she wrote on the paper.

"And just out of the blue you thought of that?" He asked.

"No. I just saw a man that looks like Saul Goodman from Breaking Bad"

"Oh, did you really? Where?" Sam eagerly looked around.

"No he's gone. He had bright orange socks" Gali smiled and put the notebook back in Steve's pocket.

"I'm sorry what? Who's Saul Goodman?" Steve asked confused.

"Did you not hear us? He's a character from a tv show" Sam told Steve.

"Yeah Stevie. We gotta watch Breaking Bad when we get home" Gali lightly shook her head. Just then her phone rang and she pulled it out to see Iron Idiot on her caller ID.

"Hello beautiful brother of mine! How are you my dear Anthony?" She happily asked.

"Are you high?" Tony asked.

"No. I'm fine"

"Mhm" he hummed. Gali sighed and rolled her eyes "Why you calling?"

"Where are you? We woke up and you were gone. It's unlike you to be out so early" Tony said.

"Oh, well you can blame Steve for that" Steve narrowed his eyes at his girlfriend.

"Wait, you're at the park early in the morning?" Tony questioned.

"How- I'm not even gonna-"

"I tracked your phone" Tony interrupted his sister "What? No I don't know what happened to your pop tarts!" Tony yelled from the other side of the phone "Clint don't you dare! That's a six hundred dollar vase! Nat, control your man!"

What the hell is happening over there?

"Tone, is everything okay?" Gali softly asked.

"Yeah, yeah. Everything is fine-"

"Ow you bitch that was my boob!" Kami yelled. Gali's eyes widened in shock.

"Yeah, sounds like everything is under control" she sarcastically said.

"See? Everything in fine. Come back safe, love you" Tony hung up and Galilea was left with questions.

"What's wrong?" Steve asked.

"I'm not sure but I think Kami got punched on the boob and Clint might have broken a six hundred dollar vase" the girl answered.


"Is that a normal occurrence with you guys?" Sam asked, amusement in his voice.

"Sometimes" they nodded.

"It must be nice being an Avenger" Sam mused.

"Maybe you can join us. Do you have any awesome qualities?" The Stark girl asked the man.

"Uh... yeah" he nodded, a grin plastered on his face.

"He does. I've seen it" Steve nodded.

"Woo! Yeah! Hello!" Their heads snapped up to the sky.

"What was that?" Steve looked around the buildings trying to figure out where the yells of excitement came from.

Galilea spotted something glistening between the buildings and immediately knew what was happening. Sam and Gali shared a look and nodded "Spider-Man"

"Who?" Steve asked confused. There is still much for Steve to learn.

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