《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》35. Day at the beach


"The sand is hot" Kami whined.

"Boo-hoo, you sound like you've never been to a beach" Emil teased his sister. He stepped into the sand and jumped back "ow, the sand is hot"

"Aww, have you ever been to a beach before?" Kamilla asked her brother in a teasing tone. Clint cleared his throat.

"That's why there's something called shoes" he went across the sand without complaining.

The others look conflicted wether to step on the hot burning sand or run through it. Galilea ditched them and walked down the sand to find a spot to unpack the bags.

"Galilea is cheating!" Kami yelled.

"How am I cheating?" She yelled over her shoulder.

"Your protection thingy, you put them under your feet!" Damn. I've been busted. How'd she figure it out? "I know because you're barefoot" she answered Gali's unasked question.

She sighed and continued walking. She could hear the cries of the others when they touched the hot sand. Clint and Galilea found a spot but when they looked back, the others are barley ten steps away from the pavement.

Telekinetically she took all the bags and umbrellas and other things from them, brought them over to the spot and in less than 10 seconds, everything was set up. The others stood frozen in place as to what just happened. Clint on the other hand is already sitting on a chair, relaxing. The others are still not moving.

"What are you waiting for, Chinese New Year?! Move, move, move!" Galilea yelled. They ran but since Gali and Clint are a ways in, they were still not near them "Move those legs Rosenthal! Faster Stark!"

"Which Rosenthal?!" Emil yelled.

"All of you!" She yelled back "Good lord Potts, if my grandma were alive she would move faster than that! Rogers, you're the one with the military training here, you're suppose to move faster than them!"

"Shut it younger Stark!" Natasha yelled. Galilea laughed.

"Move it ladies!"

Eventually they all got there, out of breath and they collapsed on the towels and chairs under the shade. Except for Steve because he's a super soldier.

"Why... were you.. yelling like an... army... official?" Katherine asked between breaths.

"Really?" Gali asked. They nodded "I was going for my high school PE teacher, Mrs. Michaels"

Kami laughed "No wonder that sounded familiar. Oh how I hated that lady" she grumbled the last part.

"Why?" Thor asked.

"She made me run an extra lap after the mile because she said that I cut through the grass. I never cut through that grass!" She yelled in frustration.

"To be fair you did told her that the class is useless and that you'll never need PE in your life" Galilea reminded "and if by any chance you did need it, it was for running away from Tony's killer robots" She quickly added.


"Sounds like Kami" Emil nodded "and Tony"

There was a scream and then giggles. Gali turned around to face the water and saw Tony chasing Leo into the water.

"Don't go in too deep!" Katherine warned.

"We won't!" Tony yelled back.

"Hey, Thor" Gali called.


"I challenge you to a sandcastle contest"

He agreed and they grabbed buckets and shovels and started the contest. The others either joined Tony and Leo in the water or sat on the chairs with Clint.

Gali was concentrated on making the sandcastle, she didn't notice that Bruce and Jane are helping Thor. They made calculations and told Thor where to build the towers.

"Hey, why isn't anyone helping me?" Gali angrily asked.

"Because you get really competitive" Kamilla answered.

"No I don't" She defended herself.

"Gali, you broke my finger four years ago when we were playing scrabble" Emil butted in.

"That was an accident and you know it!" Gali pointed a finger at him.

"You bent it backwards because I spelt Paleontology from your word Pale" Emil argued.

"Don't get me started Emil Rosenthal" Gali grumbled and made her way to him.

"Woah. Calm down there Baby Avenger" Clint sat up on the chair he was laying on. Gali huffed and went back to her sandcastle.

An hour later, her castle was almost done. She was just putting on the finishing touches of seashells, when Tony slammed against her creation and ruined the sandcastle.


"ANTHONY!" Galilea shouted.

"I'm sorry. Look" Tony piled up some sand and placed a leaf on the top. Just like Stitch. Gali glared at Tony. He jolted in a run and Gali ran after him "Don't hurt me!"

"I'm going to fucking kill you!"

"Hey, language!" Emil yelled, reminding her that there's a kid present.

Gali stopped running, grabbed a ball and threw it at Emil. It hit him right in the gut. It knocked the air out of him and Tony laughed. When Tony saw the look Gali threw him, he shut his mouth and turn to run but he tripped over his feet and fell face first on the sand. He turned on his back and Gali looked down at him.

"Stay down" She ordered. She used compulsion so he had to do what she said "Virginia, bring the shovels"

"What for?" She asked as she took them over to Galilea.

"We're gonna make a hole"

Steve and Galilea sat on the sand as he helped her rebuild the sandcastle. He's a great helper and since it's not a competition anymore, Kami also helped.

Gali looked over to the others and saw Thor lying on the sand, Nat and Jane burying him in the sand. Clint, Pepper, Emil and Leo are throwing a ball, and Katherine, well she's taking pictures of all of everyone.


"What are they doing to Thor?" Kami tilted her head.

"It looks like they're giving him a mermaid body" Steve replied.

"Like Joey from Friends" Gali smiled.

"We should make a hole" Kami added.

"So one of us can get stung by a jellyfish? No thank you" Gali shook her head.

"There aren't jellyfishes in the sand" Steve said.

"No, sweetie. It's from a tv show called Friends" Gali explained.

"He hasn't seen Friends? What have you been doing these months?" Kami asked astounded "you know what, I don't want to know" she quickly added. Before they could argue back, Katherine yelled at them.

"Alright, who spiked the juice boxes?"

They were all confused as to what she asked, but Clint has a look of guilt.

"Clint!" Katherine yelled.

"I'm sorry" he apologized.

"My baby drank vodka!"

"He what?!" Emil exclaimed.

"Gotta start the kids young" Tony said from where he's buried.

After Tony tripped over his own feet. Pepper, Steve, Nat and Clint, happily helped Gali with digging a hole. Once the hole was deep and big enough for Tony, they put him in there and buried him up to the head. So only his head is sticking out of the sand.

"Someone put a bucket over him" Bruce said. Nat got up with a bucket in hand.

"No, wait. Come on! I've been in here for two hours!" Tony yelled as a bucket was placed over his head.

"Wait, how do you know it's vodka. You're pregnant" Bruce asked.

"I smelled it" Katie replied. Oh. Duh.

"How many juices boxes did you spike?" Emil asked Clint.

"I dunno, like five"


They all exclaimed. Good thing Leo didn't come across the spiked juice boxes because then we would've had a serious problem.

They eventually dug Tony out of the sand ten minutes later. He ran to the water, saying he'll rather take his chances with the jellyfish than to endure another punishment from them.

Clint fell asleep on a chair and Gali came up with a devious plan. Nat wanted in on it and so they dug a small hole in the sand nearby Clint. They dug closer to the chair and got closer to the legs of the chair.

The back legs of the chair are barely standing up on the sand since they're taking the sand away from under it. Finally they reached out to dig out the remaining sand and the chair fell back along with Clint.

Clint awoke with a thud on the sand and everyone was laughing at him. Never take naps in the beach. Clint didn't seem to understand because he fell asleep once again but that time it was on a towel on the sand. So they did the same thing Nat and Jane did to Thor. They gave him a mermaid body. You know for a professional assassin, Clint is a heavy sleeper.

Galilea put on a sweater and walked out of the room. They were at the beach for hours and then decided to go home, have have a bonfire and s'mores. Gali was one of the last ones to get in the shower and was the last one to go outside and join the group.

They have a fire going on, everyone is sitting on chairs, marshmallows on a stick and in the fire.

"Look who decided to join us" Bruce smiled as Gali walked out of the house "Marshmallow?" He offered a marshmallow on a stick.

"I don't want that one" Gali shook her head.

"Picky" he grumbled and shook his head. Gali sat next to Steve who's struggling to make a s'more.

"Have you ever made a s'more before?" Dhe asked.

"Once, when I was seven"

"And that was when, 1924?" Tony joked.

"Tony" Pepper warned. Gali laughed at Steve's failed attempts and helped him.

"Here" She handed him the s'more she made.

"Thanks" he kissed her cheek and took it.

"Time for ghost stories!" Tony announced.

"No!" Leo cried as he ran to his parents. Kathy picked him up and rubbed his back.

"You scared the kid" Kami hissed.

"Let's just wait until he falls asleep then" Tony shrugged.

And that's what they did. They had s'mores, milk and hot cocoa. They told stories, took pictures, watched the sunset. They didn't tell any ghost stories, not even after Leo fell asleep.

Galilea looked over at her boyfriend and saw him wearing a blue cashmere sweater.

"Where did you get this from?" She held the fabric of the sweater between her fingers.

"Tony told me to wear it" Steve replied. She turned to her brother.

"Why'd you give him a grandpa sweater?"

"To match his age" Tony replied.

Gali shook her head and looked back at Steve. "Well, at least he looks like a hot grandpa" she mumbled but everyone heard and laughed.

"I thought I'd never hear those words come out of Galilea's mouth ever again" Emil spoke.

"Wait" Jane said "She's said that before?"

"She saw a picture of my grandpa where he was 17 and she was like 'that's one hot grandpa. I'd hit that!'" Emil said in a girly voice. Gali went red and everyone laughed even more.

"Oh God, Galilea. Just when I thought you couldn't get any weirder" Kami shook her head.

"I was 16 when I said that" Gali tried to defend herself.

"Still weird" they answered. Gali pouted.

"But I still love you" Steve kissed her cheek.

"Aww" the girls cooed.

"PDA!" Tony threw a giant marshmallow at them.

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