《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》34. The Godmother


"Ah, you don't know how good it feels to be back on land" Bruce smiled as he stepped foot in the house.

After a few days on the yacht, it was time for them to go back home, on land. They made many fun memories, they made fun of one another, and Tony didn't throw anyone else in the water.

Once everyone was settled in the house, they were scattered around the living room, having a nice chat and a few laughs. Gali spotted Kami and Bruce being adorable.

Ever since they started going out, Bruce has been less stressed. Everyone has noticed it. Kamilla really does help bring the edge down. Tony jokes that perhaps she gives him funny cookies, but that's not the case.

Galilea thinks they look extremely cute together and she's happy that her friend is happy. It's not that Kamilla wasn't happy before, because she was, but this was a different kind of happy.

"Does your brother know about you two?" Gali asked Kamilla. She looked up at her friend.


"Because he's gonna be here in like 7 minutes"

"What?!" She exclaimed "why?"

"He called me. He asked if it was okay if him, Katherine and Leo could come over" Gali explained.

"Cool beans" Thor said.

The doorbell rang and everyone turned to Gali.

"I thought you said they were going to be here in seven minutes" Tony was confused.

"Seven minutes ago they would be here in seven minutes" Galilea explained.

"That made absolutely no sense" Natasha shook her head.

"Then tell me why I understood her" Bruce rubbed the back of his neck.

Gali gave them a knowing look and she went over to the front door. She opened it to reveal her favorite family. The Rosenthals.

"Hi!" Galilea smiled and hugged each of them. She crouched down to little Leo's height "you've gotten cuter!" She gushed and kissed his cheek "come in guys"

They walked in and closed the door behind them. Leo ran in and straight to the living room. The only thing Gali could see was his minion backpack that's about his size. She finds it cute when little kids have backpacks their size and when they walk it looks like the backpack moving.


"Auntie Kami!" Leo yelled as he ran to her. Kami smiled when she saw her nephew.

"Leo!" She opened her arms for a hug. He jumped right to them and she kissed his cheek and gave him a bone crushing hug "Hi baby, I've missed you"

Emil and Katherine said hi to the group and they said hi back. They sat down and Kami started to talk to Leo in German. He nodded to something she said and replied in German. They had a full on conversation.

"Why can't I understand!" Galilea groaned. Kamilla smirked.

"You still don't know German?" Emil chuckled "I've known you since you were like 7. All those years and nothing?"

"I know right?" Kami agreed with her brother.

"Shut up" Galilea mumbled. Leo got off the couch and went to the other couch were Tony is sitting.

"Uncle Tony" Leo extended his arms and opened and closed his hands to get Tony to pick him up. Tony did and sat him next to him.

"Hello little Leo" Leo took his backpack off and Tony eyed it "Why minions?" He frowned. Obviously wanting Leo to have an Iron Man backpack.

"I like them" Leo shrugged.

He unzipped it and poked his head in there, after a few seconds of rummaging through it, he took something out and gave it to Tony

"What is this?" Tony moved the thing around in his hand. He played with it, moved some pieces around, pulled something, and then confetti came out. Tony smiled "Ah, such a clever little kid"

"Yeah I wonder where'd he got it from?" Galilea joked. Emil and Katherine gave her a look. I like messing with them.

"Oh, here auntie Gali" Leo has a small pillow in his hands.

Gali took it and stared at it. It's a medium sized pillow. But when she turned it over there were black words sowed into the pillow in cursive. It reads 'Best Godmother'

Katherine saw Galilea's confused expression "Guys" she started "I'm pregnant"

Their widened in surprise. Pregnant? Again? What? Emil losses no time in procreate.

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!" Kami squealed. She jumped up and went to hug Katherine. It was Gali's turn to squeal. Steve jumped because of the sudden noise she emanated.


"I'm so happy for you two. Congratulations" Gali hugged Emil and Katherine.

"Thank you" they smiled.

The others followed to hug them and congratulate them. When they sat back down Gali looked at the pillow in her hands. I'm still confused.

"The pillow- I think you got it wrong. Tony is the Godfather here, not me" she said.

"You heard her, I'm the Godfather! Jarvis, put the Godfather song" Tony told the A.I.

"No, Jarvis don't put the song!" Gali yelled "and I meant you being Leo's godfather, not like the godfather from the movie!" Tony frowned.

"We want you to be the baby's godmother" Katherine smiled.

"Oh" Gali looked down at the pillow. Godmother. The baby's godmother. "Me?! Really?!" She exclaimed once she processed what she heard.

"Talk about a late reaction" Emil mumbled. Gali ignored his comment and jumped up and down, hugging Emil and Katherine again.

"She's so happy she could explode" Clint spoke.

"I'm ecstatic!" She exclaimed "Yes! I accept to be baby Rosenthal's godmother! Oh I'm going to spoil the kid so much"

"Why don't you spoil me?" Leo asked.

"Aunt Kami and uncle Tony are the ones that spoil you" she told him.

"Which reminds me" Tony turned to Leo "we never finished our rocket ship. You wanna finish it?" Leo nodded and they both ran to the garage.

It took them a moment to process what just happened and when they did they were more concerned than confused.

"Did he said, rocket ship?"

They were about to run towards the garage but Leo's giggles were heard from the hallway. He ran back in the room and to the door that leads to the yard. What is he doing?

"Leo!" Emil yelled after him as Leo ran by.

They quickly piled out in the yard and what they saw was indeed a rocket ship. It's made out of cardboard. The design is so intricate, it has lights and windows and it could pass by a real one if it were painted. It could pass as a small one, it's like a little bit taller than Tony.

"What is that?" Kami eyed the rocket.

"A rocket ship!" Leo jumped in excitement. Tony saw their confused faces.

"What, you thought it was going to be a real one, with missiles and explosives?" He grinned. They nodded.

"Rocket ships don't have missiles and explosives" Bruce corrected.

"But this is Tony we're talking about. A sippy cup designed by him could have missiles and explosives" Pepper noted. True. Tony smiled the smile he makes when he gets an idea.

"Don't get any ideas!" Pepper pointed a finger at him. He frowned.

Leave it to Tony to make baby things dangerous. When Emil and Katherine asked Tony to be Leo's godfather he started to design a crib with rocket projectors. He said something about Emil and Katherine practically putting Leo in jail because of the bars.

Then he was going to design an Iron Man suit for Leo. Katherine freaked out but Emil thought it was cool. Galilea can only imagine how Tony will be if he ever has kids of his own. Oh no. I'm suddenly worried about Tony's future children.

They helped with the rocket. They painted, decorated, and played around. They went back inside when Leo fell asleep on the grass, the poor kid was exhausted. When they went back inside, they played another round of truth or dare. Stupid Clint.

Tony made new rules. If someone doesn't want to answer a question they take a shot of whiskey. Natasha was the first to take a shot because she refused to answer the question of what happened in Budapest.

By the end of the game they were all slightly tipsy but it was a good game. And I said I would never play truth or dare with them ever again. Oh well.

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