《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》33. Man overboard



"It wasn't me!"

"I'm gonna kill you!"


Clint jumped in the water but not before Natasha threw a water balloon at him, hitting him on his bare back.

After the morning 'swim' they decided to have some fun. They got dressed for swimming and jumped into the salty sea water. They also got water balloons. It was all fun and laughs but Gali just needed to get away from all of it for a moment.

She went down a flight of stairs, walked pass rooms, a hallway, and opened a door to one of the most secluded rooms in the yacht. She honestly didn't expect to see anybody there because most people don't know about the room. But when she saw Steve staring at the bookshelf, she was surprised.

"What are you doing here?" She curiously asked. He turned around startled, not expecting to see or hear anyone down there.

"I was looking for the bathroom, and um, I ended up in this room" he explained. Gali had to laugh at that "What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I wanted some quiet time" She replied.

She sat on the couch and Steve joined her. She stared out into space, not noticing that Steve has a pencil and a notebook in hand. She tried to ignore him looking up at her and back down to the notebook every few seconds. After a few minutes Gali was curious as to what he's doing.

"What are you doing?" She asked still staring at nothing.

"Nothing" he answered.

"Lies" She turned to him and was about to grab the notebook but he pulled it behind him "Let me see"

"It's nothing"

"If it's nothing why won't you let me see it?" she asked as she practically got on top of him and snatched the notebook that's behind him.

Steve didn't say anything as she stayed seated on his lap and stared at the drawing in awe. It's a profile drawing of her. It's so detailed, and the lines, the shades, it's beautiful. It's so realistic.

"I didn't know you can draw" She murmured still staring at the drawing of herself.

"It's not a big deal" he tried to shrug it off. She looked up at him.

"This is really good" She pointed at the drawing.

"Thank you" he smiled.

Gali put the notebook on the table and when she grabbed the pencil from his hand, she saw one of his memories.

He's in an army base, it's raining and he's drawing a monkey on a unicycle that seems to be dancing. Then Peggy came along and they start talking. Gali gasped and dropped the pencil.


"What happened?" Steve asked in concern. Gali blinked a couple of times before looking at him.

"A dancing monkey?" She asked. He furrowed his eyebrows.


"When you were in the army base... you drew a dancing monkey" She slowly said. He seemed to remember that moment.

"How do you know?"

"I just saw it" she answered.


Steve remembered something else about that day. He got quiet as he remembered when he thought his friend Bucky had died. He went to save him, to see if he's still alive. He was... for a while. Then he fell off a train. They didn't find his body.

Galilea stared at a sad Steve. She asked herself why he's sad. He was happy a minute ago. She bit down on her bottom lip and scanned his face. She placed a hand on his cheek and he looked up. His blue eyes locked with Gali's and she smiled small.

"You okay?" She whispered. The blond man nodded.

He wrapped his arms around Gali and pulled her in for a hug. She rested her head on his chest and her arms went around his neck. She played with his hair at the nape of his neck and sighed contently.

I wish we could stay like that forever.

They sat in silence for a couple of minutes, each of them enjoying each other's company. They both thought about what they were told a couple days back. While the girls told Gali that she loves Steve, the guys told him the same thing. Tony even gave him his blessing.

Steve wanted to say something but didn't know what. After a couple of minutes of pondering, he said what Tony told him recently.

"Tony told me about Justin"

Galilea's eyes went wide and her head shot up. He what?! Why would he do that? When I get my hands on him-

"Don't be mad at him" Steve said "He told me on his own accord"

"What? When? Why?" She spluttered out.

"Yesterday. He doesn't want any repeats of the past. He doesn't want to see you get hurt" Steve said in a gentle voice.

"Did he tell you everything? How we met, the time we were together, what he did after?" Gali hesitantly asked.

"He did"

Gali sighed and looked down at the ground. Memories and images of Justin flooded her mind. Many were happy, others sad, the fights they had, awkward silence between him and Tony when they were in the same room, the times they laughed.

But then everything changed. The tears where flowing, the yelling and shouting. Drunken nights. Galilea broke up with him and after that Justin did everything he could to get the Iron Man suit.


But it's all over. It ended years ago and now he's gone and locked away.

Bitch had it coming.

"Hey, hey. Look at me" Steve calmly said as he grabbed Gali's face and brought it up to look at him "Justin's gone. He can't hurt you anymore. And if he tries I won't let him. Well, Tony will beat him up first, but we'll protect you. I know about the things he did, and what he tried to do. I know that you loved him and that you're afraid to love anyone since then because of him, but I want you to know that I'm not like him. I love you, and because I love you I will never do what he did. I wo-"

Gali had to cut Steve off right there because he said those three words that made her heart skip a beat.

"You love me?"

Steve looked like a deer in headlights. He just told Galilea that he loves her. It's not that he doesn't, because he does. He loves Galilea. It's just he didn't expect to tell her like that.

"I do Gali. I love you"

Gali smiled and kissed him.

"I love you too"

He pulled her closer and kissed her passionately. It wasn't until that moment that Galilea realized that she's so in love with him.

"No Tony, let me go- aaah!" Tony laughed as Pepper popped her head out of the water.

"Someone just needs to push Tony in the water" Jane angrily grumbled next to Gali.

Tony has thrown all the girls into the water. They don't like it. Especially not Natasha because she was caught off guard. She's never caught off guard but Tong Stark, the heinous billionaire, playboy, philanthropist, managed to get Natasha Romanoff, the Black Widow, off guard.

"Someone does" Natasha grumbled in agreement.

"Gali, why don't you throw him?" Kami turned to me.

"Oh hell no! As soon as Steve lets go of me, Tony's gonna throw me over his shoulder and into the water" Gali argued.

Steve tightened his around Gali just the slightest bit, indicating that he's not going to let go of her. He's such a sweetheart.

"I didn't say to get up and push him" Kami mumbled "I meant to push him, you know... with your mind powers"

Gali narrowed her eyes at her best friend but didn't say anything. Instead she turned to Tony who's close to the water. She gave him a gentle shove with her mind powers and he fell into the water.

Once out, Tony frantically looked around to see who pushed him. But no one was near. Galilea moved him farther away and he glared at her.

"Galilea!" He yelled.

"It wasn't me!" She yelled back.

He tried to get back on but Galilea held him back. He tried to fight it but he can't move.

"What did I do?!"

"You threw us into the water, even when we told you not to!" she yelled back.

"It was fun"

"It wasn't fun Tony!" The girls yelled. He looked at each of the girls and it dawned on him that they didn't find it fun.

"I'm sorry" he said.

Gali turned to the girls "Do we accept his apology?"

They seemed to think about it and then nodded. Gali let go of him and Tony hesitated before getting back on, but when he got on he apologized again and said that he wouldn't do it again.

A while later they were just sitting, relaxing and taking in the warm sunlight when Natasha motives that a certain someone was missing.

"Where's Clint?"

Gali turned to where he was previously sitting but the chair was empty.

"Clint!" Natasha yelled. No answer. "Clint!"


"Okay, something's wrong" Bruce said. They got up and looked around.

"Do you think he fell?" Steve looked into the water.

"Call the coast guard. Man overboard!" Tony shouted. Gali hit him upside the head.

"Shut up" She hissed. He flinched and rubbed the back of his head.

"Sorry" he mumbled.

They continued looking all around, half of them outside, the other half inside. Gali went through the rooms, bathrooms, but couldn't find him. She went back out to join the others and they seem nervous and slightly scared.

"I couldn't find him- aah!"

Gali yelled when she felt something hit her back. Turning around, her eyes landed on the floor where theres a puddle of water and a ripped green balloon. What? She looked up and saw Clint squatting on a railing of some sort.

"Clinton Francis Barton!" Galilea yelled "What the hell are you doing up there? We were looking for you. Freaking Natasha was about to drop kick me!"

"No I wasn't" Nat protested. Gali raised an eyebrow "Okay maybe I was"

"Ow, what was that for?" Steve glared at Clint. He was also hit by a water balloon.

"Caw caw motherfucker!" Clint cawed. Did he just? They burst out in laughter.

"At least he's living up to his name" Kami shrugged.

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