《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》32. Francis


There were no noises in the morning. It was quiet. So quiet that Galikea thinks the men at sea can hear her growling stomach. Yawning, she made her way down to the kitchen.

Is nobody up yet? It looks like it, oh no wait. Someone's in the kitchen.

She spotted a brown mess of hair and connected it to one person. Tony.

"Good morning fruitcake" Gali greeted as she walked pass him. He looked up from his phone and smiled.

"Good morning munchkin"

Gali grabbed a bowl from the cupboard and the cereal box from the counter. She poured cereal in the bowl, grabbed the milk from the fridge, poured it in and grabbed a spoon. She sat across her brother.

"How've you been brother of mine?" She asked. He shrugged.

"Fine. You?"

"Same" She nodded.

They were quiet until Tony asked "You don't happen to know anything about Thor's pop tarts would you?"

Gali looked at him trying to hide the fact that she was the one who sent him to Tony about him eating all the pop tarts when in fact it was her.


He narrowed his eyes at her "Lies"

"Okay it was me" She admitted.

He shook his head and drank from his mug. Gali continued to eat her cereal and as the minutes passed no one went down.

"This is nice" Galilea looked around the quiet and empty boat. Tony nodded in agreement "when was the last time it was just the two of us?"

Tony thought about it "Too long to remember" he rubbed his eyes "I like it. The two of us, talking, doing nothing, like old times" he smiled.

"Yes fruitcake, like old times" Gali agreed.

A loud groan was heard from the stairs. Galilea couldn't tell who it was until the person walked in the kitchen. That's the worst bed hair I've ever seen.


"Glad you could join us Clinton" Galilea smiled.

"What time is it?" He groggily asked.

"7:47" Tony looked down at his phone. Clint let out another groan.

"It's too early" he whined like a child "and I'm sore" he added. Tony choked on his coffee and Galilea choked on the marshmallows of her cereal. Clint gave them a look "Not like that!" He said when he realized what they thought he meant.

"Francis" Gali started "I thought better of you" Clint went red when she called him Francis.

"How do you know my middle name?" He asked, still red.

"I know all" Gali waved her fingers around trying to act mysterious. He muttered something under his breath she couldn't quite understand.

"Whatever" he said like a teenager. Gali smiled and finished eating her cereal.

Jane, Pepper, and Bruce were the only ones who went down once they were awake. The others are still sleeping. But even with a small group they were able to have fun.

"It's hot today" Pepper noted. The rest agreed.

"Let's go test the water, shall we?" Tony asked.

Before Gali could process what was happening, Tony threw his sister over his shoulder and ran to one end of the yacht, the opening where they can go jump in the ocean water. Her eyes widened when she noticed what her brother was going to do.

"No Tony!" She yelled. He just laughed. "Don't throw me in the water!"

The few people that were up, followed them outside. They laughed at Galilea. Tony came to a stop and he grabbed either side of Gali, ready to throw her in the crystal blue water but she grabbed onto his shirt. So when Tony threw his sister in the water, he went down with her.



They both screamed and splashed into the water. Gali resurfaced and saw Tony's head already popping out of the water. The others are laughing at them.

"If I go down you come down with me" Galilea yelled at her brother. He splashed water at her and she splashed back.

"Splashing wars!" Kamilla yelled as she stood by one of the bed chairs.

Natasha is creeping up behind her with a bucket of water, she dumped it over Kamilla and she jumped with a shriek. Natasha dropped the bucket and doubled over in laughter.

"What is happening out there?" Thor boomed as he looked over the balcony.

"What are you doing mean swing?" Tony asked when Thor was taking a few steps back.

"I saw this in the magical screen of yours!"

"Is he talking about-" Bruce didn't have time to finish his question because Thor ran and jumped, pulling his knees to his chest and yelling "Cannonball!"

Gali's eyes widened and quickly swam away from Thor's landing spot. She heard a loud splash, turned around and saw Thor surface from the water.

"You could've died!" She yelled. He laughed and she splashed water at him. "Just because you're a God doesn't mean you can go jumping off high places" She quietly grumbled as she swam back to the yacht.

She got out of the water and shivered a bit. She spotted Steve and smirked. She opened her arms and went towards him.

"Stevie! Give me a hug!" He saw her dripping wet and shook his head. Gali frowned "Why not?"

He backed away from her and Galilea being clumsy she tripped over her own feet. She didn't hit the floor because Steve quickly grabbed her. She wrapped her arms around him and pressed her body against his. When she let go, his clothes were wet "Success!"

In one swift movement she was lifted off the floor and once again over someone's shoulder.

"Why?" She sighed.

Her eyes were on the floor and she noticed that it changed "Don't throw me in there!" She held onto his shirt as they got closer to the edge.

"I won't throw you that far" he said.

"What?!" She kicked and wiggled trying to get out of his grasp but it was useless. She let her arms hang and kept her gaze to the floor.

"You listen to me Steven Grant Rogers-" but she didn't have time to finish because she was thrown in the water.

Galilea surfaced and glared at the person who threw her in. Her boyfriend.

"You will rue this day!" She yelled at her boyfriend.

"Calm down Nevel Papperman" Kami smiled.

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