《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》31. I'm the captain now


"Is this one whole thing?"

"I'm pretty sure they got 7 different yachts and put them together, no way this is just one"

It's been a week since they played truth or dare, and Galilea and Tony took the team to their yacht to spend a few days out in the ocean and away from the city. They're currently giving them a tour and they're in awe. Tony's wearing a Captain hat and keeps telling them to call him Captain, since he's the one who's sailing.

After the tour was over everyone dispersed. Gali went outside to the front of the yacht. The salty sea breeze hit her face, making a few loose strands of her hair fly back.

She's at the very front staring out to the distance. They haven't left dock but the view is still beautiful. Gali heard footsteps and felt a presence standing next to her.

"You know, when I was little I used to be scared of boats" Galilea began to tell Steve. He glanced over at her and she kept her eyes on the blue water "the Titanic did it for me. I was terrified of the idea on being on a boat and we would sink like the Titanic sunk"

"What changed it?" Steve asked.

"My parents wanted me to get over my fear and tried to trick me to get on boats. Of course that didn't work" Gali smiled smugly as she recounted her parents failed attempts to trick her.

"But then one day we went to Disneyland and I saw-" Gali smiled small and then bit her bottom lip "I met this boy and I tagged along with him for a while and before I knew it I was on the Mark Twain Riverboat" Gali smirked.

"Oh my god. You got over your fear of boats because of a boy?" Steve asked in disbelief.


"Excuse me!" Gali gasped "his name was Nathan Vang, not some boy"

"You're unbelievable"

"I know"

They talked for a while more and the yacht began to move. It sailed off into the water and the salty breeze hit their faces. Gali turned and saw her brother on the top, wearing his captain hat.

Why is my brother such a dork?

"Hello friends!"

"Hello Mrs. Rogers" Natasha teased.

"Not my name" Gali shook her head"

"Really? Because the way you and Steve were acting out there, sure fooled me" Jane smiled.

"Nothing happened. We were talking" Galilea answered.

"And more" Kamilla smirked.

Gali rolled her eyes in annoyance. Her and Steve only talked while they were outside. Nothing happened... aside from the kissing but that was it.

These girls are obviously reading too much into something.

"So tell us" Kami began and handed her a glass of wine "how's it like to have a boyfriends from the 40s?"

"Well he still doesn't understand some things"

"Yeah, same with Thor" Jane nodded in agreement.

Gali and Jane understand those things. They've tried a couple of times to explain to Steve and Thor what some new technology can do, but they still find it confusing.

"He uses 1940s pet names and its absolutely adorable. He's so nice and sweet, and an innocent sweet teddy bear" Gali took a sip of her wine.

"Aww. Galilea is in love" Kamilla cooed.

In the movie Ratatouille, Anton Ego, the famous food critic, is drinking wine. A man tells him some news that surprised Ego. He was about to spit it out but he checked the bottle fist only to see that it's fine wine. So instead of spitting it out he swallows hard.

Galilea Stark did not do that. Wine flew everywhere.

"What?" Gali coughed and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.


"You're in love, Gali. You love Steve" Kamilla said as she dried off red wine off her arm.


"Don't say anything Galilea. Just think about it for a moment"

And that's what she did.

She does want to say those three words but she can't get them out. Perhaps it was the fact that the last time she said I love you, was to a man who hurt her. She loved Justin. She really did. But after what happened she was hurt. And then what he tried to do to her brother...

Galilea was hurt. They weren't together anymore by the time Justin tried to get his hands on Tony's suits, but they were together for years and in the bottom of her heart she stilled loved him.

But with Steve... God I think I do love him.

"Maybe he doesn't feel that way about me..." Galilea mumbled. The girls shook their heads at the same time.

"Gali, he does. You just don't want to tell him because of... well... you know" Pepper trailed off. The girl nodded.

"Yeah, the Justin thing" She hung her head.

"Forget that douchebag!" Natasha and Kamilla yelled at the same time. Galilea snapped her head up at them.

"Don't refrain yourself from loving Steve because of that... idiot!" Kami exclaimed.

"Galilea, you love Steve. Stop trying to deny it" Jane added and Gali sighed.

They're right... about everything. I do love Steve.

"Hey bro-ha!" Galilea smiled widely at her brother.

Her and the girls went to join the guys who are with Tony where he's at the wheel of the yacht. He's still wearing that ridiculous hat.

"Hey shrimp" he smiled. He looked down to Gai's hands and saw the glass of wine. "You girls opened a bottle of wine for yourselves?" Gali nodded "Gimme" he took the glass and finished the rest of the wine.

Gali reached towards his captain hat but he suddenly turned and frowned at his sister "No touchy!"

"Tony" She whined.

"No, not Tony. See this?" He pointed to the hat on his head "I'm the captain now" Gali giggled.

"Captain Phillips much?" She asked.

He looked ahead of them and she took the hat off his head and placed it on her head. He gasped and turned to her with a glare.

"I'm the captain now" She said like the guy from the movie.

He chuckled and tapped on the dashboard. Gali didn't pay much notice at first but then she heard a pattern. She payed attention and noticed that he's using morse code.

G. E. T. O. U. T.

Get out.

She replied.

N. O.

He narrowed his eyes at his sister and they continued to tap.

"Why are you talking in morse code?" Steve asked.

They stopped and turned around. Everyone is staring at them.

"Because" they replied.

Tony made a face at Gali and she did the same. They kept on making faces until Kamilla called them on it.


"Sorry" they mumbled and sat back in the seats, trying to act like grown ups. But that went downhill as Gali laid on the side of the chair, putting her feet on Tony.

"Can you not?" He asked.

"But fruitcake" Gali pouted. He sighed and stayed quiet. Gali smiled "I love you big brother"

"I love you baby sister"

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