《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》30. Truth or dare


"Look Jones" Gali started but was interrupted the man once more.

"Miss Stark, we need to send Miss Rivers to France. She's the best spokesperson Stark Industries can offer. With her, Mr Dufort will sure accept the offer and the sales will increase at least 27%" Gali rubbed her temples.

"I know, Jones. But Miss Rivers is in no condition to travel. And her husband will not allow for her to leave the country, even if she agrees" Gali told him. Jones continued to argue and Gali let out a breath. She sat back in her chair and listened to him argue.

She's in her office arguing through the phone with one of the publicists. She ended up putting him on speaker phone because she's tired of hearing him right in her ear, besides she has papers to sign and fill out.

The door to her office opened and Tony walked in. He heard the arguing from Gali's phone and pointed at it, silently asking who it is "Jones" Gali mouthed. He nodded understanding. She went over to Tony and left the man talking alone. He's keeps repeating himself and he doesn't listen to Gali, so it doesn't matter if she leaves him talking alone.

"Did Kami take care of things?" She asked since Kamilla is placing a better security system on the computers.

"She just finished. But she said she was going update everyone's games in the computer. Did you know 63% of the employees have candy crush on their computers?" Tony asked.

"Really?" Gali tried to act shocked but failed. Tony gave her a look.

"What level are you on?"

"134" She replied. He shook his head and Gali went back to her desk. Jones is still arguing. When is he going to understand?

"Therefore Miss Rivers must go"

"Adriana Rivers is not going anywhere! Lauren Segel and Patrick Blair will be going and-"

"Segel and Blair aren't as experienced as Rivers. She's the one who needs to go, I'm sure her husband will understand and-" he kept talking and arguing. Galilea was growing impatient and angry. She slammed her hand on the desk as she stood from the chair.

"Listen Jones, Rivers isn't going to France. I'm not going to send a 7 month pregnant woman to the other side of the world. Her husband doesn't want that, and neither do I. Even if she would agree to go I would be here talking her out of it. She's about to go on maternity leave and she needs to rest before she gives birth to twins! Do you not understand that?! Not one, but two. Segel and Blair are very well experienced and know how this company works. So don't come telling me that they don't know snap about how we operate!" Her voice got louder the more she ranted.


"They will be leaving next Tuesday, and I'm not changing my mind about this. Also, I do not appreciate the attitude you're giving me right now. So I suggest you bring it down a little and forget about Rivers going to France. Are we clear?!" She asked.

"Y-yes, crystal"

"I'm glad we could come to an agreement, thank you Jones" She hung up and flopped down in her office chair letting out a loud sigh. God he was annoying.

She looked up and saw the whole team standing in shock "uh" Gali started.

"Wow, I thought Bruce was that one who's supposed to do the hulking out" Clint motioned to Bruce.

"Talk about a bad day at work" Jane commented.

"Lady Stark can put someone in their place. You should come to Asgard and train the Warriors with that commanding voice of yours" Thor said. Gali blinked and stared at him.

"I think I'll pass, but thank you anyway" she smiled at the man. He nodded and the rest look like they are going to laugh.

"So what's up with the sexy secretary look?" Kamilla asked. Gali looked at her.

"What do you mean?" She looked at her outfit. She's wearing a pencil dress, top part is black the bottom is navy blue, she's wearing black heels, her hair is up in a bun, and she's wearing black framed glasses. She doesn't wear glasses but she likes them, they make her feel smart.

"What are you guys doing here?" Galilea asked trying to avoid the topic of conversation.

"We're gonna go eat, you're inviting" Kamilla told her.

Galilea went to protest but the others agreed with Kami. Next time they're buying me food.

"Let's play spin the bottle" Tony suggested.

After Galilea payed for lunch, they roamed around town until it got dark and went back home. They changed into their pajamas and are now sitting in a circle on the floor in the living room.

"Spin the bottle?" Thor asked confused.

"Tony that's a kissing game" Pepper said.

"Exactly" he kissed Pepper, causing the others to groan. Gali threw a pillow at him.

"We're not playing spin the bottle" Jane said.

"I agree with her" Kamilla raised her hand.

"How about... truth or dare?" Clint wiggled his eyebrows. They were quiet but agreed. Clint grinned and sat up. Thor was confused.

"How do you play this game?" Thor asked.

"Someone asks you truth or dare, if you say truth the person will ask you something embarrassing and you have to answer truthfully. And if you said dare, the person will tell you to do something and you'll have to do it no matter what" Bruce explained. Thor nodded.


"I understand"

"Great, I'll start" Clint smiled. Gali rolled her eyes.

"Of course you will" She mumbled. Steve heard and chuckled.

"Tony" Clint called out. Tony jumped a little "Truth or dare?"

"Truth" Tony replied right away. Boring! Clint thought before asking.

"What's your tv guilty pleasure?"

"Keeping up with the Kardashians" he replied.

They burst out in laughter. The Kardashians? Oh god. Just when I thought I knew my brother.

"I never took you for a person to watch the Kardashians" Kami laughed.

"It's addictive" he said "My turn! Jane!"

"Truth" she immediately replied.

"Who in this room would be the worst person to be trapped in an elevator with?" Tony asked.

"Bruce" she answered.

"Oh, true!" Tony noted.

"I'm sorry Bruce, but I wouldn't like for the Hulk to come out in a small box" Jane apologized.

"Nobody wants to" Steve shook his head.

A couple rounds later and the questions got weird, along with the dares. There was a point were Clint wanted someone to strip, even if he wasn't the one to dare the person or if they asked for truth.

"Kami" Natasha spoke. Kami looked at her "Truth or dare?"

"Dare, strip" Clint mumbled.

"Truth" she answered.

"How old were you when you lost your virginity?" Kami went red.

Those are the kind of questions they ask after they 'warmed up' They're all staring at her, waiting for the answer, but Gali already knows.

"17" she mumbled.

"What?!" Tony exclaimed.

Tony loves Kami like a sister. He's grown to be protective over her like he is with his own sister. Tony is one of those people who cares too much and then pretends he doesn't care at all.

Kami tried to ignore him as she asked Thor and he replied dare.

"Put ice cubes in your underwear" she dared.

He stood up, went to the kitchen, and stuffed ice cubes down his underwear. Moments later Thor slowly made his way back to the group, shivering.

"So cold" he shivered as he sat down. "Clint, truth or dare?"


"Put lipstick on someone without using your hands" Clint ran to a room and got back with a lipstick tube.

"Alright Nat, don't move"


Clint put the tube in between his teeth and leaned in to Nat. He tried to put it on her lips but failed. What he did was more of coloring her face.

"My turn... Gali truth or dare?"

Of course Galilea forgetting about Clint and his stupid dare said "Dare"

He grinned while everyone else's eyes went wide. Gali realized what she signed up for "No wait no, truth" She tried to change.

"Sorry, can't do that. I dare you to strip" The look on his face.

"Do I really have to?" She asked. He nodded. Tony and Steve are sending him death glares.

Gali hung her head. "Okay" She stood up "Tony close your eyes" he closed them and put his hands over them.

Gali put her hands on either side of her pajama pants about to take them off but stopped "Wait, music or no music?"

"Galiiii" Steve and Tony whined.

"What? If I'm going to do it might as well do it right" she replied.

"Music" Clint said.

"Jarvis, put the Magic Mike song"

The song Pony by Ginuwine started to play. Gali danced around a bit and started to take her clothes off. Of course the only two crazy enough to encourage Galilea are Kamilla and Natasha, they even gave her money.

When she was down in her underwear she sat down and checked the money. Ten dollars. "I should be a stripper" she showed them the money.

"Please don't" Steve said. Gali looked over at him and his face is red. Aww.

"Galilea, who are you trying to impress?" Pepper asked.

"What do you mean?"

"That's some sexy bra and panties you're wearing" Kamilla said. Gali looked down at herself.

"Pervs" She mumbled. She put her clothes back on "Alright Tony it's safe" he mumbled something under his breath and uncovered his eyes.

They continued to play and by the end of the game Tony's legs were shaved. Clint's face was half covered in peanut butter and half jelly. Thor has the word 'Hotbun' written on his forehead with permanent marker.

Jane looks like a clown because she put on makeup without looking in a mirror. Steve ended up in just his boxers and a sock. Thank you Clint. Pepper has the names of the Snow White's dwarves written all over her since she only knew Happy and Grumpy. Kamilla went commando for the rest of the night.

Bruce and Natasha ended up swapping clothes. And Galilea ended up in my underwear again and toothpaste on her eyebrows.

I'm never playing truth or dare with them ever again.

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