《Avenger's Soulmate》Chapter 16- The Gala


Eventually the car stops and Nick opens the door for me and I slip out of the car

He puts his hand on my back and gently guides me toward the door

We walk in and I see an empty foyer

I look at Nick confused

"Where is everyone" I ask him

"Through those doors" he say walking towards them

"Let's all raise our glasses for our guest of honer" I hear through the door along with loud cheers

Two men open the doors and I see everyone at the bottom of a grand staircase clapping and cheering

Rory took a breath before she started walking down the stairs with Fury's hand still on her back

Her eye wander trying to find her soulmates

Like they said, Wanda and Natasha were waiting for her at the bottom of the stair case

They couldn't help but admire the way she walked so gracefully down the staircases with her heels and the train of her dress following her

They way every hair on her head was perfect and pristine

How her tan legs seemed to go on for days

How the neckline showed her chest but just enough to make them want more

All were struck by the young girls beauty and grace

They felt pure love and admiration for their last piece

Along with a small twinge of lust

As Rory made her way to the bottom of the stairs she grabbed hands with Wanda and Natasha who lead her over to her other soulmates

All the guest went about there business while Rory made her way to her soulmates

They all stare at her for a moment

"I knew it would look bad" she mumble as little sadly

"No no! You look perfect!" Stephen tells her

Rory notices that her soulmates are matching her

"Hey, how did you all know I was gonna wear red?" She ask with a smile

"We asked Maddie" Pietro says


"Thank you for the shoes, I love them, there perfect!" She beamed turning a little and bringing her foot out to show them

"We're glad you like them" Bruce says

^The outfits

Fury got on stage and cleared his through to get everyone's attention

"Thank you all for being here. We are here tonight to celebrate the return of Agent Lorelia Sinclair. Her work done a couple years ago was immaculate. At the age of 15, she was responsible for taking down 8 Hydra facilities. She is proven to be a worthy agent and we are blessed to have her back. To Lorelia!" He says lifting his glass up

The crowd cheered and lifted there glasses up

Tony handed Rory a glass of champagne as they all lifted their glasses with the crowd

They all smiled at each other and took sips from there glasses

Slow and gentle music starts playing

Loki steps up and grabs Rory's hand

"Dance with me Lorelia" he says smiling leading her to the dance floor

He puts her arms around his own neck and holds her waist

He begins to slowly sway back and forth

Rory just barely reaches his chin even with her tall shoes

"You look ravishing My Queen" he tells her making her blush a little

"Thank you, you look very handsome as well" she says back

Steve and Bucky come over towards them

"Mind if we step in?" Steve asks

"Not at all" Loki says placing Rory's hand in Bucky's

Normally he would've been jealous or angry but today he was just happy that he could have a moment alone with her

Bucky and Steve sandwich Rory in between them

Her head lying on Bucky's chest

They do this until Rory's feet start to hurt

They walk over to there other soulmates who are talking to Maddie and and dark skinned man

"Hey Maddie" Rory says giving her a quick hug

"Hey Rory, I want you to meet someone" the girl responds while grabbing the hand of the dark skinned man next to her


"Rory this is T'challa, he is the king of Wakanda and my soulmate" she finishes with a dreamy smile

"Very nice to meet you Lorelia" the man says shaking Rory's hand

"You as well, and please call me Rory" she says with a polite smile

People began walking over to Rory and start to crowd her, congratulating her and trying to start conversations with her

She ends up feeling a little overwhelmed and excuses herself

Once out of site from prying guests she makes her way to a beautiful balcony area

She hears footsteps a couple moments later

She turns to see Bruce

"Hey, are you ok?" He asks

"Yea, sorry it was just a little overwhelming, I started to feel a little anxious" she tells him a little embarrassed

"I know how you feel. Sometimes when I'm around a lot of people the other guys starts to feel nervous and anxious too. Not as often anymore now that I have my soulmates, but it still happens from time to time" he tells the girl

"You know, I think the hulk likes you more then the rest of our mates" he says with a small laugh

"Why is that?" Rory asks intrigued

"I think it might have something to do with the ring on your hand" he says grabbing her hand in his

"He feels like he kind of understands you. Your not scared to hurt yourself, but you're terrified to hurt someone you care about" he say

"Am I that easy to read?" She asks laughing a bit

"I'm just really good at observing. C'mon we should head back in" he says

They walk back in the hall

Rory goes to talk To Katie and Hayleigh because she hasn't talked to them since her first day in New York

"Hey girl, you look gorgeous" Hayley said giving the guest of honer a hug

"So we heard you found all of your soulmates missy, how's it going so far" Katie gushes

"Honestly they're perfect. They really are everything I could've imagined and so much more. I don't have to explain myself to them, they just understand me. I've only known them for a week now but I feel like I've known them my entire life" the young girl says with admiration

Rory continues to make the rounds and settles back with her soulmates

When it's time to leave she decides to just stay the night at the tower

She gets into a car with Stephen, Pietro and Sam and they all make there way to the tower

When they get there where she walks over to the living room and immediately falls onto the couch

"As beautiful as the shoes are, they hurt like a bitch" she says bending down to remove them

"Language" Steve says with a smirk while shaking his head

Pietro sits down on the couch next to her and takes her feet into his lap

He gently starts to rub them as she lets out small groans of pain

She starts taking off her jewelry, puts it on the small table in front of her and begins to take the pins out of her hair

"That's a lot of hair pins" Sam say laugh a little

Natasha goes behind Rory and helps the girl take out the excess hair pins

"All of those fit in there!" Peter asks a little amazed

The rest laugh at the boys shock

Natasha and Wanda lead Rory to Natasha's room so that they can remove their make up and get changed into comfy clothes

"Here, is this all right or should I get you something else?" Wanda asks giving her one of Steve's large shirts

"This is fine" Rory says too tired to really care

She ends up falling into a dreamless sleep between the two beautiful women

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