《Avenger's Soulmate》Chapter 14-Excuse Me!


We all got up and went to the kitchen to start cooking

Everybody did what Wanda asked

We start grabbing things from the fridge and pantry, and mixing it into bowls putting things in the oven

Pietro almost started a Grease fire and while trying to take care of that we didn't notice that the timer for the oven went off until we saw smoke coming out

Long story short we ended up getting our clothes dirty and ruining the food

So we decide just to get some takeout

"Oh Fury told me to tell you that there's going to be a gala on Saturday" Natasha says

"I haven't been to one of those in years, whats is for" I ask her taking a sip of my water

"For you actually" she says like it's not a big deal at all

I choke on my water a little and start coughing

"Excuse me WHAT!" I scream

They all laugh at me like it's funny

"Fury said that he wanted to do something in your honor and Tony suggested that we have a gala" she says chuckling a bit

"We'll all be there in so will be some other people that we want you to meet. The king of Wakanda, T'challa is coming since he's going to be moving here soon and so is Scott Lang. And of course all of shield will be there"

"Oh cause that's not intimidating at all"

"Don't worry you'll be fine, everyone will love you" Bruce says

"Maddie already planed everything out for you. She said that you will go dress shopping Friday after school and then you'll get your nails done and all that stuff with Wanda and Natasha." Steve says

"Oh great shopping with Maddie, can't wait" I say nervously

"Hey we texted her asking to go but she insisted that we not see your dress until the gala. So we'll see you the morning of and then back at the gala" Wanda says


"We'll all already be there when you get there" Sam tells me

"Oh great even better" I say

"Hey how did you get Maddie's number" I ask

"Jarvis" Wanda says

"Who's Jarvis?" I ask again

"That would be me, hello Ms. Sinclair I am Jarvis" says a voice

I look around confused

"It's Tony's AI. He's everywhere in the building and will help you with anything you need" Bruce tells me

After we eat and I say good bye to everyone Peter and Clint take me home

"Take care baby, I'll see you at the gala" Clint says giving me kiss on the cheek

"I'll see you tomorrow at school babe" Peter says pulling me into a hug

I decided to go straight to bed so I can wake up in time for my run tomorrow

Rory woke up, went on her run with Steve, Bucky, and Sam, got back, got ready and went to pick up Maddie for school

After going through the school day she said goodbye to Peter and got in her car with Maddie

Maddie gives her the directions to the boutique and they're aon their way to find a dress

"Here go try these on" Maddie says handing Rory a stack of dresses

"This is a definite no" Rory says as she walks out in a disgusting yellow dress

"Agreed" Maddie says grimacing

Next Rory walks out in a black gown

"You're not going to funeral, you need color" Maddie tells her

This goes on for seven more dresses until Rory finally walks out in a gorgeous red gown with a high slit, a v neck, a cris cross string back and a long train

"Oh my gosh Rory, that's the one" Maddie squeals

"Are you sure it's not to much" Rory asks

"Absolutely not, you look stunning. Your soulmates are going to die for you in that dress" she says reassuring Rory

Once they get the dress they head over to another store to get the perfect pair of shoes and jewelry

Rory was a little upset because she didn't find any shoes that she liked but Maddie told her that she would take care of it

After they got everything they go back to the car and they decide to get some fast food

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