《Avenger's Soulmate》Chpater 9- The Morning After


After everyone got to see there marks the decided to just watch some movies

Tony and Rory were sitting together on the floor

Tony was leaning on the couch while Rory sat between his legs with her back on his chest

Bruce was sitting on her right, leaning against Tony with his hand on Rory's bare thigh

Loki was lying down on her other thigh while she ran her fingers through his gorgeous hair

Peter and Pietro were both cuddled up on the couch above them

Clint and Wanda were cuddling along with Steve and Sam, Natasha and Bucky, and Thor and Stephen

They were all taking and somewhat watching the movie when Rory's phone started ringing

They all realized that she had already fallen asleep

So Peter got up and got her phone from her bag

"Hello" he said putting it on speaker phone

"Why are you picking up the phone? Where's Rory? Is she ok? Did something happen to her?" Maddie asked frantically

"No no she's fine, she just got a little drunk and she's asleep" Peter said

"Oh ok, do you need me to pick her up?" Maddie asks

"No she can stay with us for the night since you guys don't have school tomorrow, we'll drop her off tomorrow" Tony says

"Alright let me know if you guys need me to come get her or anything" Maddie says before hanging up

After that they all end up falling asleep right there in the movie room

Rory woke up with her head on Loki's chest

One of his arms where wrapped around her waist while the other one was gently caressing her head

She groaned a little and looked up at Loki

"Good morning my love, I hope I didn't wake you" Loki tells her

"You didn't, the pounding in my head did" she says with a grimace


Loki laughs a little and leads her to the kitchen counter and sits her on it

He turns away from her to grab a glass of water and some pain relievers for her

He turns back to her and she takes the water and the pills graciously

As she's taking in pills in walk Steve, Bucky, Sam, and Clint

They all see Rory sitting on the counter and go over to her and take the seats on the sides of her

"How are you feeling" Clint asks putting a hand on her knee

"Like I got hit by a buss" she grumbles

Causing the others to laugh

Soon everybody made there way into the kitchen and Rory looked down at her lap

"Why don't I have any pants on?" She asks a little concerned

"Drunk Rory didn't want to put pants on" Natasha says smirking

"Haha oops, my bad" Rory says feeling extremely embarrassed

"Don't worry, none of us mind Hot Stuff" Tony says winking at her

Causing her to feel a little more flustered

Peter gives her her phone that was buzzing on the table

She looks at the text and groans

"What's wrong" Pietro asked

"Katie says that Nick wants to see me later today" she mumbles

"Did she just call Fury Nick?" Tony asks

"Yes" Rory say confused

"No one calls him by his name" Natasha tells me

"I've always called him Nick" Rory replies

Clint and Natasha decide to take to take her home so she can shower and get ready, then they would take her to shield

"You guys can wait here, make yourselves at home" Rory tells them with a smile as she goes upstairs to get ready

45 minutes later she comes out in a tight red crop top, black skinny jeans, a leather jacket and red bottom heels

She had her hair straightened and in a perfect, tight, high ponytail with a little bit of makeup on her face, along with some gold hoop earrings and a necklace

Clint and Natasha were both just staring at her

"Um guys" Rory says shifting uncomfortably under there intense stares

"Sorry baby, you just look so beautiful" Clint says with a smile

"We can help but stare sweetheart" Natasha says with a smirk

Rory laughs a little before saying that they should head out

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