《Avenger's Soulmate》Chapter 8- Drunk


Once we get to the movie room I see a bunch of comfy looking seats, blankets, and snacks

I also see a fully loaded bar

I walk straight over to it and pick up a bottle of vodka

I take a sip straight out of the bottle

I'm about to take about to take another one but before I can the bottle is snatched out of my hand

"Hey!" I say looking at Bucky who is holding the bottle above his head where I can't reach it

"Doll, the deal was that you talk and then you get drunk" he says with a playful smirk

"I just need some liquid encouragement" I say

I walk over to the sofa and get comfortable in the corner taking a blanket to cover myself since I'm still wearing a skirt

"So where do I start?" I ask them all

"The beginning" Clint said with a smile

"Ok so mom had always been part of shield and I knew that. But when I was around 10 we discovered that I was in enhanced. So she told Nick and he and my mom started training me, just to control my powers and basic self-defense at first, just in case I ever needed it, turns out that I was capable of much more with my abilities so they started training me to be an agent, they thought it was the best option, which at the time I suppose it was. When I turned 14 I started going on official missions most of them being with my mom, Katie and Hayley. One day we had a mission to take down a Hydra facility that was targeting enhanced in humans like me. The mission was going fine when out of nowhere I loose control of my powers. It was like they had a mind of their own and I didn't know why. I started freaking out because lights were flickering and computers are crashing and I couldn't do anything to stop it. Mom came to me to try and calm me down and to keep me from causing any more damage but the next thing I knew she was falling into my arms with blood seeping out of her stomach." I take a pause to breath before continuing


"Anyways, now I wear this ring to immobilize my abilities, that way nobody can get hurt. That way I can't lose control like I did that day" I say finishing off

"Are you every going to take the ring off" Loki who was sitting next to me asked while grabbing my hand in his.

I lean my head on his shoulder and say "I don't think so, not any time soon at least that's for sure" I say

"Ok now I get the bottle of vodka" I say holding my hand out

Everyone starts laughing and Bucky hands it to me

I start taking sips

We're all eating takeout that we got and I'm still just a little tipsy

About 10 minutes later I am wasted

Everybody watches as Rory hiccups and falls on the floor straight on her ass

"Ok I think you've had enough of his baby" Natasha says to her taking away the bottle of alcohol

She pouts which causes everyone to start laughing

Sam takes her to his and Wanda's room to get her some comfy clothes

Sam gives her one of his big shirts a pair of Wanda's pants

She stumbles out of the bathroom with only a shirt and no pants on

Sam can help but laugh at her

"No pants" Sam asks

"Nope" Rory sad hiccuping again

She skips out of the bedroom and into the movie room where the rest of her soulmates were

She plops herself down a Stephen's lap cuddling into him

They all laugh at her in her drunken state

No one even noticed anything off until Bucky spoke up

"Hey Doll, where are your pants?" He says trying not to burst out laughing

That drew everyone to look at the shirt that had risen to show that she only wore black lacy underwear and no pants


"I tried but she said no to pants" Sam says laughing

"Hey princess, you think you can show us our marks?" Pietro asks hopefully

"Oooh Yea lets do that" Rory said giggling

She sits up while everyone gathers around her

"That ones Pietro's" she say pointing to her foot

"This one is is for Bruce" showing her wrist

"This is Peter's" she says lifting her hair up

"Heres Natasha's" she says gently touching her collarbone

"This one is Wanda's" she says lifting her shirt up

"Heres Stephen's" she say slightly moving her underwear so he can see the whole thing

"This one is Loki's" she say showing the top of her breast

"Here is Sam's" she says completely taking her whole shirt off and turning around

"These are Tony's and Clint's" she says turn back around to show she's chest and pulling down the center of her bra to show Clint his

She puts the shirt back on an turns around again

"This is Thor's glorified hammer" she says giggling a little

"Lastly this one is Steve's," angling herself so that her left leg is propped up so he can see the inside of her thigh

"And this ones Bucky's" she say repeating her actions but on the other side

She looks at them and they're all smiling at her

They can't help but feel love and admiration from seeing their marks on her body

They also couldn't help but feel a little bit of lust seeing her beautiful body

They couldn't believe that they finally were able to find there last piece

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