《Single Father • Namjoon + BTS!Kids》xxxiv.


"Yoongi?" Hobi's voice came out, less even than usual, from the bottom bunk.

"Yeah?" Yoongi responded, staring at the ceiling. He hadn't been able to sleep, either.

"Do you miss Mommy?"

Yoongi exhaled sharply. "Stop asking stupid questions, Hobi."

"Just answer the question, Yoongi," Jin said quietly, not wanting Hobi to cry any more than he already had.

"You're still awake, hyung?" Yoongi asked, rolling over to look at Jin's bed. Since he was the oldest, he got his own while Yoongi and Hobi split a bunk bed.

"Don't change the subject. Just answer the question."

Yoongi frowned, rolling back over to stare at the ceiling. "No. I don't miss her at all. I don't care if she's here or not. In fact, I'm glad she's gone."

Jin let the silence build for a few seconds before he spoke. "Yoongi, you don't have to lie to us. It's okay to feel hurt."

"She betrayed us," Yoongi snapped, and Jin just nodded from his own bed.

"I know. I'm not saying it was right. But...you don't have to pretend like you don't care. You're only hurting yourself."

Yoongi was silent.

"I miss her," Hobi said, his voice rough and cracking from having cried recently. "I miss her a lot. She used to smell a certain way. Like her perfume. But she took her perfume with her, and now I can't remember what the smell was," Hobi said, sniffling. He didn't want to cry again. Not when his older brothers were being strong and he himself had to be strong for the triplets.

"Come here, Hobi," Jin whispered, and Hobi jumped out of his bed and into Jin's, falling into his hyung's arms.

Jin hugged him tightly, squeezing his arms around Hobi's rib cage. "It's okay. I miss her too. The way she used to make our sandwiches in fun shapes with cookie cutters."


Hobi sniffed. "I remember that."

Jin smiled. "And how she would pretend to be mad when one of us stole one of her fancy high heel shoes? And then she couldn't wear the other one because it had no match?"

Hobi giggled, resting his chin on Jin's shoulder. "That was a fun game..."

"What about you, Yoongi? What do you miss?" Jin asked, trying to get Yoongi to admit that he was upset so he didn't have to keep all of his feelings inside.

"I already told you, hyung. I don't miss her at a-"

"Just shut up and tell me, Yoongi," Jin said, not unkindly.

"...her humming," Yoongi mumbled. "She always used to hum when she was cleaning the house or cooking or doing laundry or anything. She was always humming something."

"Do you remember how it went?" Jin asked.

Yoongi hesitated before closing his eyes. Then he started humming, one note followed by another into a whole melody.

He wasn't able to finish it before his eyes grew wet and he climbed down half the ladder, skipping the last few rungs by jumping, and hopping in Jin's bed with him and Hobi.

Jin just smiled gently, pulling Yoongi into a hug with his other arm and rubbing both of their heads while they cried. "It's okay to miss Mommy. She took care of us for a long time, right? So it's okay. But we had Daddy then, and we have Daddy now. He's never going away."

"But how do we know that?" Yoongi asked, sniffling loudly. "What if he's just saying that but he does what she did? What if Daddy finds someone he loves more than us?"

Jin just rubbed Yoongi's back. "He won't do that. He loves us the most, remember? He told us so." He paused. "Do you understand? Nod if you understand."


Yoongi nodded against Jin's chest, and Jin smiled.

"Good. You don't have to worry about losing Mommy. I'll be your new Mommy, okay? I'll take care of you and cook for you and clean for you, so you don't have to be sad, all right?"

"But hyung, last time you cooked, you set off the fire alarm," Hobi mumbled, and Jin clucked his tongue.

"Hey! It was my first time! I'll get better, I promise." He smiled at his two dongsaengs in his arms.

"Ew," Yoongi muttered. "I don't want you as my mom."

"Aish!" Jin said, rolling his eyes. "You kids are so difficult. Just shut up and accept my love."

Hobi giggled. "We love you too, hyung."

Jin smiled and ruffled his hair. "Good, because I'll never leave you either, just like Daddy, okay?"

But Yoongi was still focused on the Jin-as-a-substitute-mom bit. "You'd probably make us give you goodbye kisses," he complained, and Jin just bopped him lightly on the head.

"That's right! And I'm going to embarrass you in public and make your lunch for you and all that kind of stuff too!" he insisted.

Yoongi just rolled his eyes before smiling, but his head was down so Jin couldn't see. "You don't have to do all of that, hyung. Just be yourself. But you still can't leave."

Jin smiled back. "Fine. But I'm still going to get better at cooking."

"Suuuuuuure, hyung."


They giggled together for a little longer before Jin made them both lie down, Yoongi switching so Hobi was in the middle of his hyungs, before Jin tucked the blanket in around them and they fell asleep.

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