《Single Father • Namjoon + BTS!Kids》xxxi.


"Namjoon, can you take this and put it with the others?" PD-nim said, handing a box to Namjoon, who took it in his arms and stacked it on top of several others of the same size. "Namjoon, are you okay? You don't look so good..."

Namjoon nodded, massaging his forehead with his index finger and thumb. "Just have a little cold. Nothing I can't handle."

"Are you getting enough rest?" PD-nim asked, ever the concerned boss.

Namjoon sighed, thinking back to earlier in the day where he'd forgotten his kids at school. "Only at the wrong times."

PD-nim gave him a sympathetic smile. "You should take a day off soon. You haven't used any of yours yet."

Namjoon just shook his head. "Who else is going to bring home a check?"

Mark smacked him lightly on the back. "You need to take it easy, you're going to wear yourself out. And then who's going to take care of the kids?"

Namjoon sighed. "Thanks for the reminder Mark but please don't stress me out right now."

Mark just raised his hands defensively. "Right, you need space to be cranky. Got it," he spoke in English.

"I speak English too you idiot," Namjoon snapped, grumpy from the combination of not sleeping enough and accidentally abandoning his children.

Mark cringed. "Frick, I forgot. Sorry, sorry...I'll just give you some space," he said, taking a box and carrying it to the back of the warehouse.

Namjoon sighed, massaging his forehead. He hadn't meant to snap at Mark, but he hadn't meant to forget his kids or catch their cold either. It was just one of those days.

"Hi," came a soft voice, and Namjoon turned to see a somewhat unfamiliar guy addressing him. Namjoon squinted as his name tag.

"Oh my gosh, you're the guy who picked up my kids. Thank you so much," Namjoon uttered profusely. "I didn't get the opportunity to thank you yesterday."

"It's fine," Shownu said, smiling slightly. "It was no bother. Although I have to apologize since I didn't legally have enough seats for everyone, but I didn't want to leave some of your kids behind."


Namjoon smiled, relieved. "That's fine. Thank you so much. I forgot to set my alarm and I fell asleep and-" He sighed. "Anyway, thanks. But don't you normally work the day shift? Why are you here tonight?"

"On the days when I pick up Hoseok - well, now he wants to be called Wonho - and my other son Kihyun from school, I usually switch to the later shift. Normally, their mom picks them up."

Namjoon nodded, trying to pretend like the word mom didn't make him tense up. "Whatever works, I guess."

Shownu nodded. "Anyway, I'm glad I could help."

Namjoon shook his head. "Thanks again. Let me know if you ever need anything."

Shownu smiled politely before getting back to business, unloading boxes and moving equipment.

"Seriously, Namjoon. Don't worry about your paycheck. Just go home for tonight. Be with your family," PD-nim said after Namjoon sneezed twice in succession.

"I don't-"

"Do it. It's a paid leave of absence. I'm telling you to go home."

Namjoon sighed, wanting to protest, but when he thought of his little kids all tucked in bed and sleeping, he caved. "All right, fine. I'll leave. But you don't have to pay me."

"Stop protesting and just do it," PD-nim insisted, forcing Namjoon to laugh (which led to coughing) before he got into his car and drove back home.

It's only 11:30, he noted as he read the clock on the dashboard. I should actually be able to sleep tonight.

He pulled his car into the driveway and went into his house, locking all three locks on the door. He'd gotten paranoid of something happening to his kids while he was at work, so he'd had extra locks installed. Not that he wasn't still scared, but he didn't have any other options at the moment.

He tried to be quiet about settling in, but he heard a soft pair of footsteps and tiny hands wrapping around his broad waist, trying to give him a hug, but the two hands didn't quite connect.

He chuckled softly and turned to see Jin, his face pressed into Namjoon's back.


"Daddy, you're home early," Jin said, his voice muffled from talking into Jin's shirt and because he had just been woken up. His hair was slightly messed up, and his eyes were barely open.

My little baby, so cute. Namjoon smiled and ran his hand through Jin's hair and down his back, stroking him gently before picking him up and balancing him on his hip. "You should be sleeping, sweetie."

"I'm not tir-" Jin started to say before his eyes shut and he yawned. Then his eyes opened back into slits as he blinked. "I'm not tired," he repeated, weaker than before.

"I think you are," Namjoon said, smiling. "It's okay, honey. They just let me off early tonight, so Daddy's going to go to sleep too. But I'll tuck you back into bed first, okay?"

Jin shook his head, pressing his face into the crook between Namjoon's neck and his shoulder. "No, I don't want to sleep. I want to stay up with Daddy."

"But baby, I'm going to sleep too."

"But...but..." Jin's bottom lip jutted out as he began to pout. "I want to spend time with Daddy." He swallowed. "I- I did all the dishes, Daddy. See?" he said, looking over at the empty sink. "So you don't have to worry about them. You can just play with me instead."

"Baby, I'm sorry...I really need to sleep. You don't want me to be sick forever, do you?"

Jin shook his head, his hair flopping all over the place.

"Well, will you go to sleep if I let you sleep with me?"

Jin hesitated before nodding. "But only if I get to sleep with Daddy..."

Namjoon smiled softly at his oldest son before carrying Jin into his bedroom and laying him down gently. "Just for tonight, okay? You're getting too big for this."

Jin ignored him and just rolled into Namjoon's side, curling up against him, and Namjoon put an arm around him, letting Jin snuggle in.

Looks like he's not going to let me change out of these clothes.


"Yes, Jin?"

"Mommy's not coming back."

Namjoon sighed. Why is it always about their mother? She manages to ruin things even when she's not here. "What do you want to know, Jin?"

"Nothing," Jin whispered. "Daddy doesn't have to tell me anything. I understand. I just want to tell Daddy something."

Namjoon resigned himself and asked, "What is it, Jin?"

"You don't have to be sad," Jin said into Namjoon's side. "It's okay. We're okay. You're okay."

Namjoon felt his throat tightening again. "I don't know what you mean."

Jin lifted his head up to lay it down on Namjoon's chest, his left ear against Namjoon's ribcage, right next to his heart. "Daddy loves us, and we love Daddy. So it's okay if Mommy's not coming back. Because we have you, and you have us."

Namjoon felt his face grow wet with tears he hadn't even known had started flowing. "Is it enough, Jin? Is that enough for you?"

Jin smiled softly, nodding, and Namjoon felt it against his heart. "Daddy is enough for us. He's more than enough. He's all we need."

"Aren't you sad?"

"Why would I be said when Mommy left if Daddy stayed?"

"But am I enough?" Namjoon asked again, his eyes clenched to try to stop the tears because the last thing he wanted was for Jin to find out that he was crying. "Am I enough?"

Don't you need more?

Don't you need her?

"Daddy has always been enough," Jin whispered. "And I want Daddy to know that."

After a few minutes of silence, Namjoon felt the familiar up and down rhythm of Jin's small chest rising and falling.

Namjoon wiped his face with the hand that wasn't cradling Jin, making sure not to shift too much and wake him.

I am enough, he told himself.

I am enough.

Almost immediately, he began to doubt the words, began to doubt himself, but then he felt the precious face against his chest.

I am enough.

After a few moments, Namjoon was able to believe it enough to join Jin in sleep.

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