《Hermitcraft Season 8 and 9 Oneshots》Rainy Days (Mumskall March W2)


Iskall POV

"Iskall, I think that's enough mining for today," Mumbo called for the other side of the cave. I looked down at my watch and realized it was close to sundown.

"Shoot. We better get back before Xisuma gets worried."

It was the first day of season nine and we had made a surprising amount of progress. We had gotten elytras early on and proceeded to go mining, getting about three stacks of iron and 15-ish diamonds.

I mined up to the surface as Mumbo followed. We emerged in a flower forest and quickly realized it was raining. It wasn't raining that hard so we started our 2000 block fly to spawn.

Emphasis on the wasn't in that sentence.

A 10 minutes in, the rain has gotten significantly harder but we kept flying

After a few more minutes, it had gotten way worse so we had to make a decision.

"Mumbo, we have to land! It's too dangerous!" I yelled over to my crush.

"Alright, Let's land in the cave over there!" he called back while pointing at a cave on the side of the mountain.

We landed at the cave entrance and entered. To our surprise, it was a lush cave.

I decided to take charge.

"Okay, we need to find some sticks to start a fire. Meet back here in... 10 minutes?"


Thank god the cave was a lush cave or I don't know what we would've done. Once my hands were full, I headed back to our little spot in the mossy area. Mumbo had a pretty good amount of wood so I began to make the base of the fire.

"Mumbo, do ya have any matches?"

"I *sneeze* do here you *sneeze* go!" he said while passing me the matches.


"Are you okay?" I asked in a concerned tone

"Yeah, I'm fine Iskall *sneeze*, just a bit cold."

I walked up to him and put a hand to his forehead, causing him to blush a bit.

"Mumbo, I think you're sick," I told him.

"What? No, I'm fine." he replied and proceeded to sneeze multiple times.

"Okay maybe I'm a bit sick."

I took off his suit jacket and laid it next to the fire to dry off from the rain. As I sat down next to Mumbo, I noticed he was shivering so I handed him my sweater. He blushed furiously and put it on.

Mumbo POV

I knew I was blushing but I hoped he didn't notice.

Iskall gave me his sweater. Does my crush like me!?!

I gathered up my courage and decided now was the time to tell him.

"I- uh- Iskall?" I asked shyly.

"Yeah Mumbo?"

"Well, you see... I like you. More than just a friend. It's fine if you don't like me back I wanted to tell you but I don't want it to ruin our friendsh-"

Before I could finish my confession, I was pulled into a kiss. I melted into it, enjoying every second of it. As I pulled away, I saw Iskall blushing.

"Mumbo, I like you too. You don't know how long I've been waiting for you to say that. C- will you be my boyfriend?"

I was overjoyed at that moment. "Yes!"

Iskall POV/Time skip

After talking for awhile, I noticed Mumbo was getting tired and began to cuddle up next to me. I smiled and let him cuddle next to me. He leaned on my shoulder and fell asleep. When I looked at my fr- no, boyfriend sleeping peacefully and I smiled softly at the sight.


I was disrupted from my thoughts when my communicator started to buzz. It was Xisuma calling me. Bracing for a lecture, I answered the call.

"Iskall are you okay!?!" a worried Stress asked for the other end.

"WHERE ARE YOU?!?" Grian yelled through the communicator.

"Everyone calm down," Xisuma ordered, "Iskall, what happened? Is Mumbo with you?"

"Don't worry, we're fine. We were flying when the storm got really bad so we decided to wait it out in this cave we found. I think Mumbo might have caught a cold but besides that, we're fine."

"Poor thing, can we talk to Mumbo?" Keralis asked.

"He's asleep right now. We should be back tomorrow."

"Good to know, you then." Xisuma said.

"Bye." I said before hanging up.

As I did so, I felt my boyfriend stir next to me.

"i- iskall? you otay?" he asked sleepily.

"Everything's fine, just go to sleep."

"G'night love," he said while moving to lie on my lap, a bit like a cat.

"Goodnight Mumbo."

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