《Hermitcraft Season 8 and 9 Oneshots》Remember Me - OC/Hermits (Post S8)



The ship was oddly quietly. All the Hermits knew that no one would actually fall asleep but they stayed quiet as they sat with their thoughts.

The room was shaped like a capsule. They had all split off into small groups and the entire ship was basically a blanket nest with a lantern in the middle. Each Hermit had a decent amount of room to lie down but it was enough space (except the Avains who had more space because wInGS).

Grian was having a particularly tough time sleeping. He had seen his home being destroyed too many times, Evo included. You would think he got used to it but nope, this is one of those things you can't get used to.

It wasn't the only thing that was bothering him. His wings were also being difficult. Sure, he should groom them more often but he's known for putting other things before his wellbeing.

Melody seemed to notice this and since they were lying next to him, asked quietly

"Grian, are you ok?"

"I'm fine. My wings are uncomfortable," he responded quietly.

"Do you want me to fix your wings?" she asked.

"Yes please."

The two moved their blankets so they were in a spot where Grian could extend his wings. Melody sat behind and Grian infornt. She put her hearing aids down on the blanket. The ship was silent besides the movement from the girl.

"Melody, can you sing something?" Grian mouthed, knowing she didn't have her

They girl nodded and began to sing a old Avian parting song.

Remember me

Though I have to say goodbye

Remember me

Don't let it make you cry

At first, the the Hermits (minus Grian) were surprised by her voice. The song filled the ship and all the Hermits enjoyed the melody ().


Melody continued to groom Grians wings, aware of the other Hermits listing to their voice. They had a pretty large amount of feathers but continued on for the job wasn't done.

For even if I'm far away I hold you in my heart

I sing a secret song to you each night we are apart

Grian listened to the tune, aware of it's meaning. He had heard it when he was younger as some Avian soliders left for battle. It means a lot in Avian culture and is a song that was sung by many on the greatest Avian leaders, heros and fighters. That is, when there were other many other Avains alive, before the attacks.

He shook the thoughts out of his head and relaxed as Melody fixed up his wings.

Remember me

Though I have to travel far

Remember me

Each time you hear a sad guitar

Xisuma laid in his 'bed', more of a blanket nest. Melody had such a beautiful voice and the fact she never used it before now surprised him. Her voice filled the capsule and calmed down the other Hermits. It was surprisingly peaceful even though we were in this situation. I didn't know I could be more surprised until Grian started humming along. I didn't know that they were that close so it was nice to see the Hermits being friends when they've not known each other for long. Instead of questioning it, I decided to enjoy the moment.

Know that I'm with you the only way that I can be

Until you're in my arms again

Remember me

By the time they had stopped singing, Grian's wings were fixed up. Most of the Hermits wanted to compliment her but Doc was first.

"Melody, you have a beautiful voice," he complimented.

Once she had adjusted her hearing aid she responded with shy "Thank you."

"What song was that?" Cleo asked.

"It's an traditional Avian song..." Melody answered.

Grian finished what they were saying "It's a parting song that was made a couple thousand years ago."

"Well- uh- can you keep singing, Melody?" Mumbo asked.


The Hermits got back into comfortable positions and drifted off to sleep while listing to the girl's voice fill the ship.


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