《Hermitcraft Season 8 and 9 Oneshots》What Friends Are For - Pearl/Gem (S8)



Pearl POV

I was very worried. Gem's never late, why isn't she here yet? No Pearl, your overreacting. But what if she's not okay?

I decided to trust my gut and make it over to here base. When I arrived, I flew around a bit while admiring the builds. I realized I was getting distracted so I focused back on the task at hand. After looking for 15 minutes, the only place I hadn't checked was her starter base.

I walked in to the small base with no sign of Gem. When I climbed up the ladder, what I saw was concerning. Despite it being 11 am, Geminitay was lying in bed looking very tired.

"Gem?" I asked once I was next to her.

"Huh... Pearl?" she mumbled sleepily.

I pressed my hand against their forehead and as I suspected, it was warm to the touch.

"Here, have a blanket," I said in a calm voice as I passed her the fuzzy blanket nearby.

As shiver went down her spine as she responded with "T- thank y-y-ou Pearl."

"Gem, your sick just try to get some sleep."

"N-no I am not. I'll get up."

The ginger tried to sit up but when she did, she looked like she had a headache.

"Geminitay, you need to stay in bed to get better."

"B- but I have s- so much to do today..." she responded as shivers went down her spine.

"No, no. Your fine, I can tell them you can't make it. Just stay here and try to get better."

She finally agreed and settled down in bed, but not before saying "Thank you P-pearl."

As I made my way downstairs, I thought about the past few minutes. It really hurt me to see my friend like that and it's my job to help Gem get better.


3rd Person POV

Pearl looked around the house and found what I needed, which wasn't too hard considering the size of the house. She put the pot on the stove poured the soup out of the can. While the soup was 'cooking', Pearl looked around the house until she found some Advil . She found it and put the now heated soup in the bowl.


I couldn't think about anything else. The throbbing pain in my head was too much to bear. My throat felt like it was burning with each breath. I didn't care i was make soft wimper-like noises.

I felt a pair of arms pull me into a sitting position. I opened my eyes to see a concerned Pearl looking at me.

"Gem, are you okay?"

"N-no," I managed to whisper, increasing the pain in my throat.

"Here, have this." She gave me a pill and a glass of water. I swallowed the medicine and almost immediately started feeling better .

"Thank you Pearl."

"Anything for a friend. Try to sleep, I'll be here if you need."

As I readjusted myself, I couldn't help but smile a bit. This is what friends are for.


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