《Hermitcraft Season 8 and 9 Oneshots》Am I... lucky? - Grian/Mumbo (Read A/N)



We're on a family trip to seek out the edge of the world

I look over my shoulder to see my best friend, my brother basically, Grian running over from the other side of the clearing.

"Mumbo!" he shouted, happily as he jumps into a hug.

Once the teen let go I asked "You ready?"


We load up the car full of junk and set off down the road

We adjusted our backpacks and set off through the forest, talking and enjoying each other's presence.

Head pressed against glass watching days quickly pass and grow old

Not sure of the way but we'll get there someday I was told

"Mumboooooooo are we there yet" my short friend asked.

"We'll get there someday" I replied. He was clearly annoyed with my answer.

"You've been saying that for the past three day thoooooo."

"It's the truth."

Do all the lights intertwine at the edge of the world?

I tell my mommy "I'm a lucky girl to be alive"

"Gri? You up?"

"Yeah," the avian mumbled as he adjusted his wings.

"I- uh- thank you."

In a confused tone, he asked "What do you mean?"

"It's just, your always there for me and supported me when no one else did , even when I messed stuff up. I- I've never had a friend before and you mean a lot to me."

"Well Mumbo, thank you too," he said as he pulled me into a hug.

We pull up the car and welcome the breeze in our hair

But the sea lapses shore and seasons the condеnsing air

"Grian, we're here," I said to my friend.

We just sat there for a while, in awe at the view. From the hill you could see the beautiful blue sea, the beach and the flower forest we had just walked through.


"Let's go explore!" my feathered friend shouted as he took off towards the beach. I chuckled as I followed.

Clouds swirl around and the rain patters down in despair

Wе look for a sign but our hearts knew that no one was there

It had been a few hours since we were there. We had looked but deep down, we knew no one was there.

"No matter what we have each other, Mumbo."

And the thunder erupts at the edge of the world

I wonder if I am the luckiest girl to be alive

I laid on the bed in the small shack we had built before the rain started. When I heard thunder, I visibly flinched. I started to panic until I felt a hand run though my hair. Looking up I saw Grian trying to comfort me. I calmed down knowing I was safe.

We found small plastic shells and held them in our tiny hands

The sea bit my ankles and gifted me old rubber bands

Rainbow reflections quell hard to my skin and remain

Barnacles peeled into rock pools and drifted away

"Mumbo! Look!"

I walked over to my friend to see him holding some shells ans rubber bands.

"Whatcha gonna do with those Gri?"


He tied one of the rubber bands around a shell and but it on my wrist.

"It's a friendship bracelet! We both have one to symbolize our friendship."

The kids disappear from the edge of the world

Perhaps they weren't coming home

So I said my goodbyes

We had been watching the little fish swim around near shore until sundown.

"Oh the fishies are leaving, bye fishies!" I laughed at my friends words.

"Okay, bye fish. G, we should probably get going, it's late."


"I'm going to go for a fly quickly though, goodnight."

"Alright, just be safe!" I called after him as he took off.

The feathered friend wore a ring 'round his neck

Crashed in the sand and his wings were a wreck

I looked out the window, admiring the stars. They were so beautiful. While doing this, I saw a silhouette fall from the sky.

"GRIAN!!" I shouted as I ran outside. He had some sort of plastic thing around his neck and was a total wreck.

I held his hand and promised I was there

"Gri, you fine your safe your okay just breathe its alright-" I started, not even convincing myself.

As he took his last breath of fresh air

"Goodbye Mumbo Jumbo," he muttered withe the small amount of air he had left before he fell limp.

My heart sinks into ash on the edge of the world

I don't believe I'm a lucky girl to be alive

I sat there for a minute. I didn't have the heart to check his pulse. All too soon, the sun started to rise.

It was a new day. Without Grian. I had to face the world alone.

I'm standing alone at the edge of the world

Am I a lucky girl?

I packed up the little things I had and left. It was time to start again.


Am I lucky?

~8 years later (the timeline makes no sense i know-)~

It was the end of Hermitcraft season 5. Xisuma had just finished his speech. I jumped through the portal.

"We can start once the new hermit arrives," Xisuma stated. All of us hermits started talking. No one had known there was going to be another member to the server but we were eager to meet them.

A small male come out of the portal. He had dirty blonde hair. The man had white avian wings and a red sweater. No, no, the red sweater. I was shocked to say the least.

"Sorry I took so long to join I-"

"Grian?" I asked, recovering from my shocked state.

He looked me and realized who I was. Then he ran over and hugged me.

"Mumbo I missed you so much"

"I did too, G."

I am lucky.


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