《You're Mine》Chapter Four


autophile (n.) a person who loves isolation , solitude, and being alone

He guides me all the way to back of the club and into a private section. There was red velvet seating and there was dim lighting. His hand was still imprinted on my waist. I slapped his hand off and he looks at me with a cocky smile.

"Redhead at the bar is the one we're getting tonight. His name is Cristafano O' Riley and he works with the Irish Mafia. He's been stealing drugs from one of my warehouses."


"Let's see what you've got rookie." Rookie? Say less.

I stand up. "Try not to get too hard while I'm seducing him." I feel his eyes on my ass already and I mentally laugh.

He stays silent but I can hear his smile somehow. I walk towards the bar and take a seat next to him pretending to be stressed. The bartender walks over to me with big eyes and I groan in my head.

"Hey pretty, what can I get for you tonight?" He winks at me. I hate people I swear. I just smile and lean over a little to reveal the top of my breasts.

"Can I get a Devil Springs Vodka?" I toss a $100 bill towards him and roll my eyes.

"Anything for you." He walks away and I feel Cristafano's eyes on me. Perfect.

"That's a bit strong for a pretty little lady like you." I turn my head towards him and not going to lie, he was attractive for a ginger.

"It's been a long night." I act uninterested. Men seem to want things they can't have even more so playing hard to get always works.

"I could make it better for you, if you'd like of course." The bartender walks over to me with my drink and I take a long gulp for what I'm about to do.


"Woah, slow down there don't want to pass out already." Redheaded motherfucker puts his hand on my thigh.

"We should go dance." I bat my eyelashes at him. His eyes light up.

"Don't have to ask me twice."

We stand up and I grab his hand and lead him towards the dance floor.

I start swaying my hips to the music and instantly feel him behind me and his hands on my hips. I can feel his boner through his pants and my ass is just rubbing against him. Men. I turn around and press my lips to his neck and he squeezes my ass. He spins me around again pressing himself against me.

"Your ass is just so perfect." He whispers my ear. Okay I think it's time to kill him.

I grab his collar down so he can hear me.

"Let's get out of here." I say in the most seductive tone.

I lead him off the dance floor and outside into the back alley.

I push him against the wall and kiss him roughly. Ugh why couldn't I have been a lawyer or something. His tongue slips into my mouth and I internally groan. His hands roam all over my body and I grab his gun from his pocket and push it against his dick.

I pull my lips back from his and he looks down with fear.

"What the fuck is this?" He asks in a low voice.

I laugh a little. "You've been stealing drugs no?" His eyes widen.

"Who are you."

I put my finger on his lips. "Try to escape and see what happens." I smile. "Don't fucking take what's not yours." I hit his head with my gun so that he falls to the floor and shoot him right between his eyes. Bullseye. I dust myself off and walk towards the club.


Right as I was about to enter the club, I felt a pair of hands on my arm. I get pushed into the wall and I'm met with three men with guns.

"Fuck, indeed." This man had blonde hair and blue eyes, and the other two men looked similar to him. "Who the fuck are you?" He had his arm at my throat and a gun pointed at my head.

"Don't fucking worry about it." I slowly move my hand towards my thigh to retrieve my knives.

"Oh so you want to be a smart bitch huh?" He looks like he's getting more angry and this is exactly what I was going for. Men act on impulse and emotion, too dumb to think. My hand was almost there. Almost there. Okay got it.

"I am a smart a bitch." I stab his neck repeatedly and the two men behind pull their guns out. One shoots at me but I use the man I stabbed as a shield. I push him towards them and rush them. I use my knife to stab one of them in their side but the other shoots me, grazing my side and ripping my dress.

"Fuck!" I groan. I punched him and stabbed his dick. "Stupid fuck." He fell to the floor screaming like the pussy he is. The other man punched me in my face and I fell to the floor. Loving this dress for staying intact the whole time. I got up and right when I was about to punch him, a gunshot appeared in his head, and his blood splattered all over me.

I turn around and see Alessandro with a gun in his hand and a smirk on his face.

"I had that." I stated. I walked over towards him and grabbed his gun from his hand. And then I shot the guy that had his dick stabbed. His screaming was hurting my ears. I turn around to a very amused Alessandro.

"Not bad." His deep voice rumbles.

"Fuck you. Look at my dress, it's ripped now." This shit was expensive.

"Your whole side is oozing with blood and you care about is your dress. Come here." I walk over to him and he takes a handkerchief from his back pocket and presses it at my side. His large hand is now pressing over my waist and suddenly I can't feel the pain anymore, just him. I look up at him and his eyes meet mine.

"If you were more skilled, you wouldn't have got hit." Prick.

"Well sorry I was only supposed to kill one man, not four." I roll my eyes. His fingers wipe at my side with the cloth and he motions for me to hold it.

"It was actually three, I shot the last one."

"I would've had him if you didn't shoot him."

"Sure you would've." He starts to walk to the parking lot.

"Prick." I follow behind him.

"Watch your mouth."

"Do you not like when I call you bad words?" He turns around and stares me down. I don't break though, I keep my head held high.

"I advise you to keep that pretty little mouth shut."

"Or what?" I challenged him.

"Or else I'll have to punish you, and I don't think you would like that very much Davina."

I rolled my eyes and continued to walk past him and into the car. As I opened the car door, I get pushed into it, forcing it closed again. I feel Alessandro behind me and he leans down to my ear.

"Behave." He pulls away and walks to the other side of the car.

Fucking cunt.

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