《Vaughn》Chapter Thirty Six - Promise Me


Benjamins POV


I haven't heard that word in years, nor have I associated myself with the term. I continue to feel Bradley's gaze on me, so I quickly dismiss the thought.

"No. Dinner." I reply flatly.

"Can we tag along?" Jules says and I flinch at the thought. Fuck no.

"Yea for sure." I reply without missing a beat.

"Oh really?" She says, taken aback.

"No." I shrug and I see JD crack a smile at me, behind Julies back and I can't help but smirk.

"So... just you and Lexi then?" Shan questions.

Hmmm. Shan... The bestfriend.

Being Lexi's bestfriend and all, I'm sure she already knows my answer.

"Yes. Just Lexi and I."

"Soooo basically a date." Jules says sarcastically as she rolls her eyes at me.

Why am I still having this conversation?

"If that's what you insist on calling it." I reply flatly.

I see Brad turn towards JD, muttering something to them and I can just about make it out.

"Think I'll head upstairs. I'll be in my room if anyone needs me." He says, then grabs a half empty bottle of beer from the counter near JD and downs it. "But do me a favour and just try not to fucking need me, yea lad?"

I knew he was struggling earlier today after hearing about Hailey. Even going as far as to locking himself in his room and refusing to talk to anyone, but even I can see... the way he was acting and feeling... seems like alot more than what he's going through with Hailey.

I watch as he gives everyone a half assed goodbye before making his way to me. I wasn't sure if he was going to stop and acknowledge me or just carry on his way, but his legs start to slow as he eventually reaches me at the end of the bar, crossing his arms across his chest... guarding himself.

I wait for him to speak, but he continues to look at me with a worried look on his face. Actually.. its more like the face someone would have if you gave them the news that you accidentally ran over their pet hamster. I say hamster because if it were a dog, that would start to get real personal.

"Benj?" He says quietly.

"Brad?" I shrug, without missing a beat.

He doesn't carry on but continues to stand just under a metre away from me with those sad puppy dog eyes.

Why does he always have to make shit awkward?

Finally, he brushes past me without another word and I smell the scent of his last drink linger in the air behind him.

"Well this has been fun." I say to the other four. "See you round."

"Benj wait up!" Jules calls out, before making her way towards me.

Oh for fuck sake, what now? I squint my eyes at Jay but he just shrugs back at me.

"Jules?" I say with a cocked brow as she reaches me. She looks up at me with a hesitant expression, while she fidgets awkwardly at her bracelet.

" Ok so just for the record, I'm totally team Benji."

Eh? Team what? What fucking team?

"Now, I don't know what your intentions are with Lexi..." She continues.

"You don't?" I interject. "And here I was thinking, you've all made up your mind about me, especially going off what they say and how they portray me on social media."

"I can't speak for every woman here, but I know better than to believe everything the media says."


"Tell me something Jules." I say. "Would you still be saying this, if you hadn't witnessed my little shit show last night?"

She rolls her eyes at me. " Oh please, we all have our own issues Benj, but I don't see you as damaged goods if that's what you were thinking... and this is not my way of pitying you."

"Good." I reply.

"So as I was saying, I highly suggest you figure out what you both want first before continuing on the way, you all are right now." She continues. "Going on a dinner date may come across the wrong way, if you know you're only in this for one night."

Am I actually being told off right now? Not that I planned for this to be only a one night thing... actually I don't even know what I am hoping for here, but has this lass never been out to dinner before and invited the poor lad back to her house for a quick fuck?

Who's to say that Lexi even wanted to have another night out with me after tonight? Who's to say that she doesn't deserve to be treated with a nice dinner, even if she knew this may only be short term. For fucks sake when did having dinner with someone become so complicated?

"I also just wanna mention that Brad genuinely has feelings for her and if that's not what your about, then shut it down and make it clear to her." She concludes.

I really don't know how much clearer I can be with Lexi.

"Anyway, enjoy your night Benjamin." She says before swiftly walking back towards JD at the bar.

Fuck my life.

I catch Jay's attention as he notices Jules turning away from me and I quickly give him a shake of my head in confusion before heading out the door.

I had about half an hour before I had to go and pick up Lexi. Once I got into the suite, I steered clear of Brad's room and had a quick shower before getting dressed. Although I don't normally dress to match my dates attire, I decided to wear a navy blue and black ensemble to highlight Lexi's new dress.

If I was going to take Lexi on a date tonight, well then I'm gonna damn well make it known to everyone, that she was out with me!

My phone vibrated in my pocket and I quickly answered it.


"Good evening Mr Vaughn, this is Katherine from the Reception desk. My apologies for the interruption but I am just calling to let you know that your car has arrived and the keys are with Concierge."

"Brilliant. I will be down in a minute. Cheers Love."

I inspect my attire once more in the full length mirror on the wardrobe, sliding my thin rimmed designer glasses on, before swiftly making my way out of the Suite and down to the Lobby to find the Concierge desk.

"Good evening Mr Vaughn. We have parked the car outside at the front of the hotel. Please enjoy your night."

I grab the keys off the elderly chap and give him a nod. "Cheers." I head straight to the sleek black Ford Mustang GT that was waiting for me outside. I send Lexi a quick text to let her know I was 5 minutes away as I gun it straight to her house, hearing it purr through the streets.

My mind continued to replay the words Jules had said to me on the short trip to Lexi's place. Although I hadn't mentioned the word at all to Lexi, I couldn't help but wonder if tonight really was... an official date and if so... how do I really feel about it?


I park the car nearby and make my way towards her patio doors, noticing they were slightly ajar.

Christ, why does she keep leaving this shit unlocked.

I push the door open wider and step into the dimly lit space. It was eerily quiet and I could just about make the sound of someone pacing in a nearby room.

"Lexi? The doors are unlocked...Again." I call out. The soft pacing stops and I hear her sweet voice echo through the hallway.

"Yea I know. I unlocked it for you."

"You shouldn't be so trusting." I reply back. "Anyone could walk in here whenever they please."

"Oh yea? You mean like exactly what you did last night?" She bites back sarcastically.

The cheek on this one.

"So, Are you ready?" I say changing the subject. "Shall I wait here?"

"No it's ok. My bedroom door is open." She calls back as I hear her bedroom door creak wider.

I slowly make my way down the hallway towards her room, which was the first one on the left. Although I already knew what the dress looked like on her, my eyes couldn't help but appreciate the view in front of me, as I silently watch Lexi brush down the hem of her new dress, greedily raking over her beautiful figure and suddenly, all I wanted to do was skip dinner and selfishly indulge in my vanilla scented dessert.

I clear my throat and she slowly looks up, catching my reflection in her wardrobe mirror. She turns to face me and I see that beautiful smile slowly creep up on her face.

"Hey...I'm feeling a little overdressed here, but you..." She takes a moment to look over my attire and I see a slight twinkle in her eye as they linger on me. "...you look really good Benj."

I cock an eyebrow at her last words. I slowly move towards her now as my eyes continue to take in the view in front of me, that is just within my reach. I tower over her petite frame as I gently run my hands along her waist, pulling her body towards mine. She sucks in a breath and her hands land on my chest as she steadies herself.

"Were you eye fucking me just now Kitten?"

Her eyes go wild and she pushes lightly against my chest as her cheeks heat up. I hold her in place firmly as I chuckle against her ear. "Don't get all shy on me now."

"I'm not." She says, lifting her face higher to look into my eyes. "And I wasn't eye fucking you, I was just appreciating the attire you have on tonight. You look good Benj."

"Nothing compared to you." I reply as my eyes linger on her bottom lip for a minute more, before taking a step back as I examine the dress on her again. "You look..."

She rolls her eyes at me. "Let me guess... Edible? Delicious? Or something more perverted?"

I pull on her arm as I ease her towards me, before cupping her chin in my hand and tilting her face upwards. "Perfect. You look perfect."

Her eyes dart from left to right, trying to read me. She looked... confused.

"I... That word has never been used to describe me before." She finally says and I feel her slip slightly out of my grasp.

"Well I guess everyone has a different perception of perfection." I say. "But that is exactly what I see tonight and it's taking everything in me, not to completely rip this $5000 dress off you right now."

That cheeky smile creeps up on her face once more and I can't help but allow the feeling to completely consume me as I too feel my lips curl up in a smirk.

"We should make a move before I do something I may regret later." I say. "Especially on a first date."

Ok... that just happened.

"Date?" She gasps. "So... is this... a date?"

Yea Benj you dickwad. Is this a date? I've said it now, so might as well carry on this way.

"Do you want it to be a date?" I question.

"Um... no?" She says unsurely.


"I mean yes I do... but I don't." She adds. "Sorry I'm totally not making sense right now. Can you tell me what the right answer is here?"

I chuckle lightly, watching as she starts to fidget nervously with her bracelet.

"There's no right or wrong answer here Lexi. Tonight can be whatever you want it to be." I say with reassurance. "If it so happens to be a date in your eyes then so be it. I have no objections to it."

She cocks her eyebrow at my last words and I tilt my head to the side, looking puzzled. "Oh yea? Then why does your face look like I just ran over your dog?"

Hmmm, my face must say it all. Traitorous bastard.

"Benj? What's on your mind?" She says, pulling me out of my thoughts.

I wasn't worried about this being a date. I wasn't even worried about going on a date at all. Infact I was actually genuinely looking forward to it. What I worried about... was the fact that it's been a shit long time and I've forgotten what a normal date should look and feel like. Especially for a woman.

"I just... haven't been on a date in quite a long time." I reply truthfully. "So your expectations may slightly be different to the outcome."

"I don't have any expectations." She shrugs. "I've never been asked out on a proper real date, so there won't be any judgment on my part. If I'm being honest, I'm surprised you even organised something like this with me tonight."

"Then I suppose I need to warn you Kitten." I say, my tone slightly stern. "I...I don't do romance."

"What do you mean by that?" She questions.

I take a breath in. "I don't do long walks on the beach, candle light dinners followed by slow dancing. Holding hands...Well... unless I've got you pinned up against the wall with your hands above your head." I say with a chuckle.

"Ofcourse." She says softly while rolling her eyes.

" I just need you to understand this." I shrug.

" Ok?" She says, her brows furrowed. "So... what do you want then?"

"In my eyes it's simple." I reply as I place my hands on her bare shoulders. "I just want you... But I need to be clear about something. I'm not here to play a role."

"Role?" She asks.

" Boyfriend, Lover, Fuck buddy... You get it." I answer as I hold her chin higher to look directly at me and make her fully understand the meaning of my words. "I don't care for labels or any of that shit. I just want you."

Her eyes linger on mine for a moment before they slowly trail downwards, towards my chest with a hint of disappointment in her eyes... I think?

"So do you still want to go to dinner with me tonight?" I ask, shaking her out of her current thought as her eyes come back to meet mine.

I search her eyes, waiting for the answer but not knowing if I really wanted to hear it. She takes a deep breath in and finally a smile comes across her face. "I do." She says firmly. "I'd like my first official date to be with you Benjamin."

I tried my best not to react as my body momentarily went numb and I heard myself suck in the air between us.

I was not expecting that. Not that I was trying to scare her off but I just wanted to be upfront before I followed through with my plans.

"Then promise me something Kitten."

"Go on?" She whispers.

"Promise you won't ask me to kiss you tonight." I said and as the words left my lips I felt an instant regret stir in the pit of my stomach.

She pushed me off her slightly with a confused look on her face. "What the hell?"

I reach out and grab her hand, holding it in my own. "Promise me Lexi."

"Why would you even say that?" She asks as her fingers grip tighter around my own.

"I need you to say it... Please." I plead as my eyes drop from hers, to her lips.

Go on. Torture yourself even more you silly git. Continue to stare at the one thing you so badly want.

"Benj.. how am I supposed to promise you this." She says, still holding onto my hand.

"You just have to." I reply in a whisper. She quickly yanks her hand away from mine with an angry look on her face.

"Not without a reason first."

"Because I don't trust myself around you and I can guarantee, if you make that move..." I say, stepping towards her as I press her back against the wardrobe doors. "I won't be able to stop myself and I'm not sure you're ready to see that side of me just yet."

Her breaths gets heavy as I feel her chest rise and fall against my own. I try to read her face and the signals her body is giving out. Hey face is unreadable, but her eyes... Her eyes show a mixture of confusion, excitement, sadness and fear.

I reach up to caress her cheek, disappointment filling my eyes as I prepare myself for rejection.

"Will you promise me?" I say as I trace her bottom lip lightly with my thumb.

"Only if you answer me one thing first." She suddenly challenges me.

I ease off her slightly, taken aback by her sudden question. "Go on?"

She reaches up with her hand, touching the base of my face, tracing the outline of my jaw lightly with one finger. She's concentrating solely on my chin, almost like she is deliberately trying to distract me. I reach up and capture her hand in mine as I press it against my chest. "Lexi...?"

She takes a deep breath in. "Do you want to kiss me?"

I felt a sharp pain in the back of my neck from her words and I had to crack my neck slightly, in order to answer her question truthfully.

"More than anything." I reply. "And you already know this, but what you still don't know, is what you truly want from me... So until then, will you promise me?"

She rests her head on my chest in defeat, letting another deep sigh out before finally giving in. "Yes. I... I promise Benj."

"Good." I say as I discreetly place a soft kiss on her head, before pushing myself off her and letting go of her hand completely. "Now are you ready for your date Ms Cooper?"

She looks up at me with a smile and I sigh in relief. "Sure." She says and I lead her out house with my hand placed firmly at the small of her back, guiding her towards the car.

Her pace slows as we get closer to the car parked infront of the driveway. She looks at the car then slowly up at me with an inquisitive look.

"Did you..." She begins.

"Buy a car?" I say, finishing her sentence and flashing her a cheeky grin.

"Are you for real Benj? You bought a damn car just for tonight?" She says in disgust.

"Well I could have." I answer truthfully. "But no, I actually hired this one out for tonight. I'm not that arrogant."

"Well you could've fooled me." She says rolling her eyes. "So did you organise for a driver as well?"

"Yea, you're looking at him." I reply with a wink. "You should know by now, that I like to be in control."

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