《Vaughn》Chapter Thirty Four - Take A Walk With Me


Benjamins POV

The bell chimes and the lift doors slowly open and I watch Brendan take a step into the lift. I follow suit, leaving one leg out as we stare directly at eachother, with both our backs against the frame.

"Why are you asking me this?" He questions.

"Call it curiosity."

He cocks an eyebrow then proceeds to enter the lift, pressing on one of the buttons before leaning his back against the wall.

"No... I'm not inlove with her." He finally says. "That shit just ain't for me."

And with that I remove my leg from the lift, allowing the doors to fully close.

Fucking Liar.

Violets POV (Alexis and Ava's Aunt)

"Not gonna lie Ma'am, but your story sounds bat shit crazy."

I had managed to find my way to the Agent's office after our phone call earlier, though I was still hesitant on even going through with this plan. The moment I saw her, I knew it would be difficult to convince her of what my family were currently going through. But I had no other choice but to try.

"And based on what you have provided here, there is nothing for me to go forward on." She adds as she continues to look through my phone records. "An overseas phone number? Phone call date recordings? That's it! This is hardly proof Ms Carter."

Dammit. I could use a smoke right about now.

"Please, just be at the Grand Bella Vista Hotel tonight." I plead. "I have no idea what the hell I'm meant to do, so please just tell me you will be there."

She looks me up and down in silence. I could tell I looked like a right mess. My hands were shaking and my breath was coming out ragged with the stench of strong burnt coffee seeping out of my mouth.

"Are these girls lives in danger?" She questions.

I don't fucking know? Goddamit Lily.

Why did she have to do this to me now?

I take a deep breath in. "I honestly don't know. Lily just told me to call you straight away and so that's exactly what I did."

She sighs as she gets off from leaning on her table to walk closer to where I was standing.

"Then there is really nothing more that I can do for you Ms Carter."

I felt my stomach drop as she said those words, because I knew if I was in her position, I would be saying the exact same thing. In fact, if I were her... I wouldn't have even entertained the request.

"May I ask how she even obtain my contact details?" She asks suspiciously.

"Your card was amongst our brothers possessions when we were clearing his items out." I reply. "We assumed you were close friends and Lily thought it may come in handy one day."

She takes a moment to mull over my words. Studying my facial features, hoping for some kind of recognition.

"Who is your brother?" She finally asks.

"Agent Carter." I reply with a shrug.

Her face suddenly drops and we stare at eachother in silence for a good minute or so. I'm feeling quite awkward and don't know whether to make contact with her to shake her out of her trance or just continue to stand here and wait for her to recollect herself.

"Do you mean Logan Carter?" She says meekly.

I just nod in response.

"He was your brother?" She asks, and I don't bother replying as I know she already knows the answer.


"Agent Carter was my-" She begins.

"Partner." I finish off her sentence. "Yes I know."

She begins to fidget slightly at her cuffs. "Ms Carter, my deepest sympathies I-"

"Save it. That was years ago." I interrupt impatiently. "We've all come to terms with his death. He worked in a dangerous field. We all knew this. Now, I'm not here to talk to you about my brother, or what you could or couldn't have done to save him. He's dead and nothing will change that... But my sister isn't! So dammit, will you just help me?"

Bradleys POV

"Hey Beautiful." I say into the phone once Lexi picks up.

I had finally decided that I couldn't stay inside my room (or in the black depths of my mind) anymore, so I took a quick shower and got dressed before heading to the lobby to call Lexi.

Whether I was ready for it or not, my situation back home was still going to be there... unresolved and waiting.

Hey you. Everything ok?" She says. I hear her sigh, slightly annoyed with herself. "Sorry, that was a stupid question."

I chuckle lightly. "You're all good Love. I'm ok now, thanks for asking. But I've had enough of mopping around up here so I was hoping for a change of scenery and maybe a beautiful face to accompany me?"

She giggles into the phone and I feel the butterflies invade my stomach.

What an idiot. Why did I leave her?

Sure I'm just downstairs by the lifts near the lobby with....I'm just down near the lobby by the elevators." She says, almost sounding like her attention was elsewhere.

"Ok Love, I'll be down in 5."

Benjamins POV

Lexi finally ends the call and walks back over to me. She looks slightly irritated and confused.

"Where did Brendan go?" She asks. "Did you do something to him?"

Wait why am I immediately to blame for his absence?

Who the fuck cares where he went anyway?

"Always thinking so low of me aren't you Kitten."

She doesn't bite but just rolls her eyes at me. "Seriously Benj, where did he go?"

"He went back upstairs. Probably needed to get some time alone to think about the fucked up situation he's in."

"Did you say anything else to him while I was away?" She asks.

"Just mentioned the paternity test and then I gave him Audrinas number so he can sort that shit out with her directly."

"Oh right... So... Did you and Audrina exchange numbers then?" She asks sheepishly.

"No. I erased her number years ago, but unfortunately it's a number I've learnt to memorise and she still has the same number."

"Right.. Ofcourse." She says. "Well I guess it's come in handy today."

"I guess..."

She looks up at me shyly with a hint of sadness in her eyes. She begins to bite down nervously on her bottom lip and I automatically step forward, wanting to take her face in my hand. Wanting to feel her lips against mine. Wanting to slam her petite body up against these stainless steel doors, slide my hand inside her panties and have her moan my name over and over.

I had skipped the much needed wank this afternoon, when I left Lexi earlier after our talk to go and see how my brother was doing instead. Although I knew it was the right choice to talk shit through with him, my balls were definitely paying for it now as they continue to swell.


My dick quickly begins to thicken inside my pants and I have to force myself to turn away from her as I begin to walk through the lobby. Before I could release my breath, I feel her hand softly tug at the hem of my jacket, pleading for me not to go just yet. I don't dare turn around for the temptation is way too strong and I couldn't just go back on everything I had said earlier.

"Where are you going Benj?" She asks, pure curiosity in her voice.

I take a moment to compose myself as a selfish thought enters my brain and I know me oh too well to know, it's coming out one way or another.

"I'm going out." I reply before slowly turning to face her once more. "Take a walk with me Kitten..."

Just then, the lift doors across from us open and out walks my brother.

Just brilliant.

Bradleys POV

The bell rings and the lift doors slowly open. I quickly step out in search of Lexi and zone in on her immediately. I feel the corners of my lips curl up in a smile, but it stops halfway as my eyes veer off to my left as I now see my brother standing a foot away, partially leaning against the wall, eyeing me up and down.

Great. How long has he been down here with her?

I brush the thought away immediately as I redirect my eyes towards Lexi once more.

She beams at me as I make my way over, then a look of guilt and confusion comes across her face as her eyes dart to my brother, then back to me.

"Are you ready to go Love?" I say.

She rubs nervously at her neck as she gives me a weary look, before turning back to Benji.

I look over at him but his eyes never leave hers as his signature smirk creeps up over his lips. He stretches his hand out towards her, completely dismissing my presence.

"Lexi?" he says.

She pauses for a moment, concentrating on his outstretched hand, before slowly turning back to face me. Her last words that she had said to me up in the Penthouse, promising that she would be here for me when I was ready, replay in my head, giving me a much needed confidence boost, as I too present her with my own hand once more.


Alexis POV

There was a slight ringing in my ear that I couldn't quite ignore. I wasn't sure where exactly it was coming from or if it was just my minds way of slowing the scene down that was playing out infront of me, buying me some much needed time before I made a decision I never would have thought I would be making, a week ago. All other noises and factors were quickly diminishing around me and all I could see were two strong hands stretched out towards me on either side, vying for my attention.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

What the hell do I do now?

Yes I was well aware this wasn't a life or death situation. It was merely just a walk in the park... if that. But knowing that I would most likely disappoint one of them in the process, felt like I was about to commit a crime. I was completely and equally torn.

I had promised Bradley earlier that I would be here for him whenever he was ready. I made it quite clear to him and saying something without following through with it, is something I rarely do. I genuinely wanted to be here for him and spend more time with him. He always knew how to make me feel wanted and appreciated and I wanted to do the exact same for him. I wasn't lying when I told him I was starting to feel something for him and I don't regret it either.

I turn to my right, my eyes landing on the smooth fingertips that belonged to Benjamin. My gaze travels slowly upwards as they finally land on his face. . Unpredictable as fuck. Given his nature and mannerism, this decision would've been easy for me this morning... but now? Once again I feel myself drawn to this man and all the words he had said earlier, circle around in my head, stirring up emotions in my stomach, guiding me to a decision I may regret later.

I look at him with pleading eyes, silently telling him that even though I know I should choose to stay with Brad right now, there was no denying that his words intrigued me and I needed to see for myself, if there was more to this side of him or if he was in fact... just a walking talking pile of horse shit.

"Can you give us a few minutes please Benjamin?"

He shoots a quick glance over at Bradley then gives me a quick nod. "I'll be outside."

I quietly continue to stare in his direction as he casually walks through the lobby and out the hotel doors.

Ok Lexi, just rip the band aid off.

I take a deep breath in, internally cursing myself for being such a fucking asshole, before turning to face Brad. To my surprise, he was still standing there with that beautiful genuine smile on his face. It threw me off and I felt my words come tumbling out in a stutter.

"B-Bradley... I'm uh I'm so sorry about this." Cowardly my eyes fall to the floor as I continue to explain myself, when suddenly he was standing directly in front of me, lifting my chin up with his right hand as the left soothingly plays with a strand of my hair that had fallen across my face. Before I could make another attempt at a decent apology, his lips crash into mine and I feel my body melt into his arms.


His kiss had awaken the butterflies in my stomach, as his tongue dips in and out fluidly. Just as I begin to relax into this kiss, he starts to slow the pace down, allowing me to catch my breath as he places a soft kiss on my forehead before stepping back to look down at me.


"Call me when you're ready for me Love." He says casually, then lifts my chin with his hand once more as he places a soft kiss on my swollen lips, before turning away and walking towards Jaggers Bar.

Fuck you Lexi.

Benjamins POV

I was surprised to hear that she wanted me to wait. Technically she said she wanted a few minutes with my brother, so for all I know she could've fucked off with him somewhere and could in fact , never show up.


But to my surprise, there she was standing behind me on the sidewalk a few minutes later. I took one last drag from my cigarette before discarding it in the bin. "You're here."

"Why wouldn't I be here?" She shrugs. "I said I would be."

"And do you always do what you say you will?"

She flinches at my words and I ponder at what had just flashed in her mind, to evoke a reaction as such, to my words.

"Majority of the time, yes I do." She finally replies.


She rolls her eyes at me. "You're acting a little strange Benj. Is there something on your mind?"

My brother. Having another smoke.

"I believe I've done enough sharing for today Kitten, but maybe I'll let you take a peek inside my mind again later." I reply, quickly shutting off from my emotions again. "Let's get going then."

"Where are we going?" She asks.

"I'd like to take you somewhere and no... I won't tell you where." I look down at her waiting for her to object, but she remains silent. I feel my lips curl up at the corners and I quickly turn around and begin walking down the street.

"Keep up Kitten."

The walk to the little shopping strip was short but pleasurable. I was quiet for most of it, allowing Lexi to make little comments on the surroundings and the people we had passed by. There was one incident in particular that gave me a right good chuckle, as we witnessed a young lad proposing to his girlfriend right in the middle of the town square, in front of the beautiful fountain, with rose petals and glitter littering the path she stood on.

"So over the top. I hate glitter." I had heard Lexi mutter under her breath as we made our way past the "happy" couple.

I wanted to learn more about what she liked and disliked but decided to leave it for another conversation.

We finally arrived at the place I had in mind. I found this little fashion boutique on one of my earlier walks this week and knew I wanted to take Lexi here with me this time round. Something in particular had caught my eye.

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