《Vaughn》Chapter Thirty Three - Think Twice


Bradleys POV

"Alright lad, lets dial down the theatrics yea? You had me gagging there for a minute."

He smirks back at me but doesn't continue on with the conversation.

"So listen, I found something last night that may be of interest to us." I begin.

He doesn't flinch. His face remains emotionless, so I carry on.

"I found Brendans wallet out on the balcony after the party and-"

"Who the fuck is Brendan?" He shrugs.

"The brummie lad that you were smoking with out on the balcony." I reply. "He even mistook me for you at one point."

He stares at me blankly. Nothing registering in that brain of his.

"Fuck sake Benj, you're the worst when it comes to remembering names and people."

"I can remember names and faces just fine. I just choose not to. There's a difference." He says.

"He was the one wearing the James Bond outfit."

"Ah yea." He says. "He was a right twat."

"That's the one." I chuckle.

"Anyway, I was looking through his wallet and get this... He's got a bloody picture of him and Audrina all cozy as fuck in some hot air balloon ride or some shit." I say. "Like what a small world ay Benj. What do you make of it?"

He ponders over my words for a few minutes and just as I think he is about to respond, he turns and walks away from me without a single word.

"Oi! Where the fuck are you going?" I yell out.

"Out" He replies, still casually walking away from me.

"Don't you have anything to say about it?" I yell back.

"Nah." Is all he says and I feel even more confused and exhausted.

"Always a pleasure Benj." I mutter under my breath as I make my way back into my bedroom to continue wallowing in self pity.

Brendans POV

I press down on the lift button like a mad man, hoping to catch an express lift to the lobby.

I quickly jump in, sweat dripping down my face as the anxiety kicks in. Even the generic pornographic elevator music couldn't calm my nerves as I plead to the gods that I come out of the lifts first.

The bell chimes and I aid the doors open, just as I see Lexi slip out of the elevator across from mine.

She was a tiny little lass but boy could she run. I sprinted after her, almost colliding with her as I back her up against one of the far walls.

"Goddamit woman, what is the matter with you?" I say, still trying to catch my breath. "Have you lost your goddamn mind? Why on earth did you run?"

She leans her back against the wall, desperately trying to catch her breath, her eyes darting from side to side.

"I have no idea." She finally says. "I just... I didn't know what to do so I ran. The look on your face didn't help either. I thought you were going to lose it!"

"Jesus Lexi, I'm not a wife beater." I reply. "I've never laid a hand on a woman in my life."

"Well that's good to know." She replies, her cheeks glowing red from running. "So can you like, get off me now please?"

I already had one hand splayed against the wall just above the left side of her head. I place my other hand on the wall, not meaning to scare her but more so to ensure she doesn't run away again before I can get some answers.


"Seriously Brendan?" She says defiantly.

"Sorry Treacle, but I can't let you leave without getting what I want first."

I heard the lift bell ring behind me and the sound of the doors sliding open a few moments before, but paid little attention to who ever had stepped out of the lift.

Before I knew it, I felt a tight grip on my shoulder and I'm suddenly pinned up against the wall away from Lexi, with an elbow crushing my neck.

My eyes were slightly watery and I had to blink a few times to try and register what had happened and who exactly was choking the life out of me.

My vision finally becomes clear as I look down at the familiar face.

It was one of the Vaughn brothers.

Benjamins POV

I had been mindlessly scrolling through my phone in the private lift, in a somewhat decent mood when the lift comes to a stop at the Lobby and the doors slowly slide open.

Never in a million years would I have imagined that I'd be coming face to face with Lexi, pinned up against the wall by another male.

Although his back was to me, I was well aware of who it was.

I heard Lexi ask him to back off as I slowly step out of the lift. Neither one of them noticing my presence. I was hoping and praying he was a decent lad and would do as she requested, but to my disappointment and sick satisfaction... He remained in his position, allowing both his hands to rest against the wall, trapping Lexi between them... And I just lost it.

I felt my hands ball up into fists and all I could see was red!

I came charging at him like a bull coming out of the gates as I wrap my hand around his bare shoulder, slamming him against the wall and locking him in place with my elbow digging deeper into his neck.

"What the fuck man?" I hear him choke out. "Get the fuck off me you dickhead."

I lean my body in harder, as my elbow digs deeper into his neck and I see his face slowly turn a hint of red, before I ease off slightly.

"When a woman tells you to get off her." I say low and slow. "You get the fuck off her!"

"Fuck you." Brendan spits, still trying to release himself from my hold.

"Don't ever touch her again, or so help me god I will break every single one of your bones, one by one."

He shoots me a murderous look but doesn't bite.

I feel a soft hand graze my shoulder and I momentarily forget what I was doing.

"Benj please, let him go. Please." Lexi says in a whisper. "Thank you, but I'm ok. So please let him go."

I give him one last shove, before completely releasing my hold on his neck.

"Fucking bell end." He stutters as he hunches over, tending to his sore neck and trying to catch his breath.

"It was my fault anyway." Lexi continues.

I whip around to face her, confusion and anger written all over my face.

"What do you mean? I say. "Are you saying you coaxed him into touching you? Pinning you up against the wall?"

"Are you serious Benj? Ofcourse not!" She says in disgust. "I just meant, he is reacting to something I had said earlier. Although he should have just done what I asked, I can understand why he didn't."


"Care to enlighten me then?" I ask.

"Yes Lexi, please do tell." I hear Brendan say somewhere behind me as my eyes stay glued on Lexi.

"And don't ever touch me like that again." Brendan adds as he shoves me from behind. "Try using your words first."

I quickly turn back around to face him. "How about next time, you actually listen to what she asked you to do and do it immediately, then I won't have a need to touch you like that."

"Ok that's enough you two." Lexi says as she pries me off Brendan, settling herself between the two of us.

"My my, look who's come to save me from the big bad wolf." Brendan teases as he openly flirts with Lexi.


"Brendan wipe that smirk off your face and just shut up for a minute ok?" Lexi says before turning back to me.

"Well?" I say, waiting for her explanation.

She continues to fidget infront of me, her eyes darting from Brendan to mine.

"Ok let me guess. This about him and Audrina?" I ask.

She's taken aback slightly. "You...you know?"

"Vaguely. Brad only just mentioned something about a picture a few minutes ago." I reply. "Don't know the real context of it."

"Well a picture says a thousand words." She replies.

"Yea and this picture wants you to mind your own goddamn business." Brendan adds. I almost forgot he was even there. "This is between me and Lexi."

"Actually..." Lexi begins.

"Audrina was girlfriend. girlfriend who slept with my brother. girlfriend who then slept with the likes of you... I'm assuming." I say. "Sound about right?"

"That's..."Lexi starts.

"Fucked up." Brendan finishes.

"Welcome to my world kids." I say. "So it's true then? You two were together?"

"God no. Were we fuck. We were never an item." Brendan replies with his hands up in defence. "We were only together once. One night after she had supposedly broken up with her boyfriend, which I now assume was you."

"Well I guess that one night was all it took. Congratulations, you're now a dad. Best of luck to you." I say as I slap him across his bare shoulder. "You're gonna need it."

"Now hang on a minute." He says. "That's nothing to joke about here."

I chuckle as I see the nerves start to come through his facade, as the truth starts to hit home that there is a big chance, he could really be the father.

"Now Love, can we please start from the beginning?" He gestures to Lexi.

Here we go again.

Brock Vaughns POV

"Hello Sweetheart." I say into the receiver, expecting my beautiful wife to reply back.

"Hi Daddy. It's me." Cassie says back into the phone.

I had left my wife and 6 year old daughter back home in England, as I make my way to Orlando on one of my private jets to meet with my sons. The thought of not being by their side had my stomach doing 360's, especially since both my sons weren't close by either. So I had to put all my trust and faith in my security team back home to ensure everything was secure while we were away.

My wife is my world. My life. A life that isn't worth living if she wasn't by my side. I have been avoiding thinking about the inevitable for the past few days, which is what has lead me to board this plane as we speak. To ensure that I do everything and anything I can, to fill my wife's last days on this earth with happiness and love.

"Hello Princess. What are you doing with mommy's phone? Is she alright?"

"Yes daddy, she's just resting on the stairs." She says. "I miss you daddy. When are you coming home?"

The stairs? Why is she resting on the stairs?

Goddammit, she must've collapsed again.

"I miss you too baby girl and I'll be back home soon I promise." I reply. "Now be a doll and pass the phone to mommy please."

"Ok daddy. I love you." She beams back.

"That's a good girl. Love you too."

"Hi Darling." Catherine says. "Everything alright?"

"I should be asking you that question sweetheart." I reply. "Cassie said you were resting on the stairs? What happened? Are you trying to do too much again? Have you fallen?"

"Hush now. Don't worry yourself my love." She replies. "I haven't fallen. I was just having a rest by the stairs where Cassie had been playing."

"Oh thank god." I sigh. "I was this close to getting the pilot to turn this plane back around."

I hear her tsk softly through the phone and I chuckle. "Honey I'm fine. Cassie was the one who wanted to call. She said something about you promising to bring back a new bag for her as a compromise for you leaving so abruptly."

That little snitch.

"Darling, what did I tell you about spoiling her." She sighs through the phone. "I thought you agreed with me."

"Sweetheart, she's my only princess. Have you seen her puppy dog eyes?" I reply. "I fear for the young lad that catches her eye when she gets older."

She giggles into the phone. "Oh please, we all know there won't be anyone good enough for our little girl. Don't forget how protective the twins are of her as well. Especially Benji."

I chuckle. "Yes. I suppose so."

She sighs into the phone and immediately my mood changes. "What's the matter love? You sound like there is something bothering you."

"I just miss my boys." She replies. "I'm really worried about Bradley. I spoke to him earlier and I told him about Hailey's condition."

I sigh heavily. "How did he take it?"

"Honestly. I think he may be struggling." She says. "I can't get a hold of him anymore, since we last spoke. Can you please just promise you will check on him for me. He's our baby boy, Brock."

"Ofcourse my love." I reassure her. "But please don't worry so much. He is a Vaughn after all. He will get through this."

"But...what if he finds out about what I did?" She says in a shaky whisper. "He will never forgive me. They both won't."

"Honey, stop this now. He won't find out." I reply. "It was unfortunate that this happened but it was an accident and I'm not having you beat yourself up over it again. We've been over this a million times Catherine. Do not bring it up again, do you hear me?"

She just sighs back into the phone, and I know she will continue to fret over it long after we've hung up the phone.

" I have to go my love. I will speak to you again soon." I continue. " Stop worrying and remember I love you.

"I love you too Sweetheart." She replies. "Have a safe flight. Give my love to the boys."

"Will do."

I quickly hang up the phone, and type a quick message to my head of security, to ensure they all keep a close eye on both my girls tonight.

Benjamins POV

I had spent the last half hour listening to Lexi explain the current situation to Brendan and how Audrina fit into it all. By the end of it, I didn't know whether to laugh or punch myself in the stomach, to redirect my thoughts elsewhere.

How much bleach can one repeatedly pour down their own ear canal?

"Ok hold on a minute." Brendan says. "What on earth makes you even think he could be mine? If I can recall, she slept with me last. Now unless you and your brother have documented issues in the production of sperm, then there's no way he could be mine."

"Actually, it is possible unless you yourself have got some lazy ass swimmers." I bite back.

Though I've never actually been tested to see if I had a problem in that area, I was confident enough in myself to assume there was no problem in that department.

I take a mental note to schedule an appointment to test my sperm when I get back home. Atleast this way, if I do in fact have issues producing healthy sperm, it will prove I am not Blakes father, if Audrina were to find a way to fuck up the test results.

"I can get a woman pregnant without even trying." Brendan quickly states. "Nothing wrong with my boys."

"So basically you've just admitted your a shit lay but you have decent sperm." I say as I mockingly applaud him.

"Piss off." He says as he flips me the bird.

"Seriously Benj, can you give it a rest." Lexi chimes in as she shoots me one of her murderous looks. Sexy no doubt... But down right murderous.

I bite my lip as my dick twitches in response, just seeing her pout those beautiful lips in disapproval.

"Sorry Kitten, I can't help it." I tease. "But I do love seeing you make that face at me. Especially when you pout your lips like that."

My hand twitches as it desperately attempts to make contact with her face, wanting to feel her plush bottom lip against my fingertips.

"I thought you were Brads missus?" Brendan pipes up, ruining my little moment with Lexi.


"I'm no ones missus." Lexi says in airquotes. "Brad and I are just... we..."

I look down at Lexi as her eyes dart from Brendan to mine to the floor, as she fidgets awkwardly with hem of her top.

"Ohh no way." Brendan suddenly beams. "You little hussy. You're messing around with both these lads aren't ya?"

He chuckles loudly and I fight the temptation to punch him right in his Adam's apple, that continues to bob up and down as he laughs.

"Ugh just shut up Brendan. I said it was complicated." Lexi says as she shoves Brendan backwards.

He doesn't budge.

"Well Treacle, as much fun as this was, especially the last few minutes." He says as he sends a wink directly my way. "I'd like to get back to my friends and far far away from this little love triangle you've got yourself in. Or is it a love square now? You know, with Audrina and all."

This guy.

He's really asking to get a punch in the face.

Lexi quickly turns to face me, almost as if she knew what I was thinking as she silently warns me not to bite and leave him be.

Fine. I roll my eyes at her silent plea.

"Well if you find yourself getting bored of seeing double or no longer wanna be part of this sick love box, you know where to find me Treacle." Brendan continues. "Maybe we can continue what we started in the lift, before we were interrupted by your blonde friend."

What the fuck.

"Oh you think you're funny huh." I say. "Well I think I speak for both of us when I say we've just about had enough of your shit talking."

I roll the sleeves up on my jacket as I move closer to him, before realising this jacket cost me an arm and a leg and I quickly take it off along with my shirt, before proceeding to act out the violent scenario that had been playing in my head for hours now.

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