《Vaughn》Chapter Twenty Nine - Forgotten Love


Bradley's POV - cont

Her eyes whip up to meet mine as the impact of her last sentence violently smacks me in the face.

"I'm... I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for that to come out that way. God I'm such a dick." She says full of frustration and guilt.

I stand there in silence, thinking about what my initial reaction to her words should be and then another thought comes to mind. Did she just say that so I would drop the subject?


Choosing to go with the latter, it instantly picks my mood back up as I move in, completely closing the gap between us now as I corner her against the full length kitchen cabinet doors, with my right hand resting beside her head.

She cowers slightly with my sudden change of pace as I bring my face down to meet hers slowly, with a cheeky grin quickly spreading along my lips.

"You're not someone I plan to forget anytime soon. No matter if I stay or leave today." I say in a low slow voice. She's biting down so hard on her bottom lip, I can see it threatening to tear any minute now. I bring my left hand up to caress her cheek, as my thumb gently tugs down on her bottom lip, releasing it from her murderous grip.

"I really hope I've made a big enough impression this week, to remain in your thoughts for a little while longer Love."

She reaches up, holding my hand tighter against her cheek. "Bradley I'm sorry. I-" She begins.

"Lexi, I know this is all new to you. I don't know what kind of men you've dealt with in the past, or why you've never had a solid relationship before, or even why you choose to mask and bury your feelings... I guess only time will tell, time I hope you will give me. But I want you to know that you don't need to forget this. You don't need to build this wall up with me, because I don't plan on disappointing you..."

I pause to brush a strand of hair away from her face as I look into her beautiful glistening eyes, that are giving me their full attention now. "I know many people have probably said that line before..."

She closes her eyes as I continue to caress her cheek and I can't hold it in much longer. I've been dying to kiss her since we got up to the Penthouse. "Now if it's ok with you. I'd prefer to do a lot more kissing and a lot less talking."

And with that, she opens her eyes and lets out a cute little chuckle. "Is that your new way of asking to kiss me?"

I can't help but smile, leaning in closer as both my hands are now resting on the doors on either side of her head. She watches as I get closer and closer to her lips, with her eyes trained on mine. I flick my tongue out, leaving a slight glisten on the surface of my bottom lip and I see her silently suck in air, reducing the oxygen between us, making me even more intoxicated by her scent.

"Actually, I was under the impression that I didn't need your permission anymore." I whisper into her mouth. " Isn't that what you want Love? For me to take charge and do what I want,

I let my lips brush lightly against her semi parted lips, and I instantly feel both of our bodies come alive as they ache to be even closer now.


"Yes..." She replies in a husky whisper. I see her hands clench tightly beside her and I lean my head down, lightly kissing her cheek, down to her ear, down to her neck... and her hands immediately latch onto me, making me smile against her warm skin.

"And what about this?" I continue. " My lips on your skin... Do you want this?" My tongue grazes her skin, leaving a glistening trail down to her collar bone, then up to her ear.

"Mmmm.." She moans. Her grip getting tighter on my shoulders now.

"And this?" I ask as I flick my tongue against her earlobe then begin sucking away at the soft flesh. Pulling, tugging, nibbling... desperately trying hard not to let myself get carried away incase I hurt her.

"Y-yes.." She whispers against my ear and I feel it travel through me and straight to my dick as it continues to push against my jeans.

I bring my hands down and quickly lift her up. Her legs wrap tightly around me and I press her hard against the cupboard doors, looking into her beautiful eyes before smashing my lips down to hers.

The wind escapes her as a moan leaves her lips and I swallow it whole. My left hand is tangled in her long hair, pulling slightly as the animal in me fights to break free. Her hips move against me as she begins to slip down. My right hand grips her tighter, bringing her back up to straddle me. I rock my hips back and fourth, creating friction between us as my dick begs me to release him. He begins to pulse and throb violently and I almost believe that I'm so lost in this moment that I convince myself I'm going to explode in my pants from all the throbbing, until I realise... my fucking phone is vibrating inside my jeans pocket.

Whoever that is can fuck right off.

I ignore it and continue to kiss her, becoming more and more aggressive with each swirl of her tongue against mine.

My phone stops vibrating and I feel her hand slip from my shoulder, travelling down and slips past my jeans, to stroke my length through my boxers. I grunt against her lips, wanting so bad to replace her hand with her sweet sweet lips. At this point, either lips would do.

She's got a firm hold on me now, no sign of her slowing down or stopping...until my damn phone begins to vibrate again.

"Bradley?" She says, releasing my lips but not my dick.

I continue to kiss her. Her cheeks, her neck, her chest. I suck harder on the top of her breast, leaving a hint of a mark against her skin and her grip gets tighter around my knob, causing a small amount of pre cum to seep through my boxers.

"Bradley.. your phone." She whispers.

"Ignore it." I growl, hoping who ever was on the other line would get the hint and fuck off. How hard is it to leave a goddamn message? That's what my fucking voicemail is for.

And just as the last vibration dies down, it starts all over again.

"God dammit." I yell through gritted teeth as I slam my hand against the door. I snuggle my face inside the nook of her neck again, breathing out in pure frustration. We remain in our positions a few seconds more, both trying to catch our breaths and steady our heart beats.

"Someone clearly wants to get a hold of you." She says.


"Well right now, you're the only one that has a proper hold of me." I reply as I place a single kiss on her neck and she giggles in response, but removes her grip from my dick.

Finally I lift my head up and retrieve the phone from my pocket, and as soon as I see the name on the screen, I feel my heart drop and my legs momentarily become unstable as I try to balance Lexi and the phone.

I place her down slowly and turn away from her to answer the call. "Mother? Are you ok?"

"Hello Sweetheart, yes yes I'm fine. But what about you Darling? You sound all frazzled and out of breath. Have I caught you at a bad time?"

"No it's fine. Don't worry about me. You know you can always call me no matter the time. Now is this just a quick catch up phone call or is there something on your mind?"

"Well Sweetheart, there is something important I must tell you."

The way her tone changes and the last words trail off in a whisper, makes me think the worst, causing a lump to form in my throat.

"What is it? What's wrong? Is it Dad? Did something happen?"

"No no, nothing like that. Your father is fine. He has already boarded the plane and is on his way to you and your brother."

"I don't know how to say this Sweetheart."

"Just say it mom. You're freaking me out here."

"Honey, I got a call from the hospital a couple hours ago."


"It's about Hailey..."

"What do you mean? What happened? Is she ok?" I ask, turning around to face Lexi who has a puzzled look on her face.

"Bradley darling..." My mom sighs heavily into the phone and I feel every hair on the back of my neck stand to attention.

"She's awake baby. Haileys awake."

And for the second time this week. My body goes rigid, my mouth goes dry and my phone slips out of my hand and crashes onto the tiled floor...

Along with my heart.

Benjamin's POV

Fun fact about me... I hate doctors. I hate hospitals. I hate needles. Always have, always will.

Audrina and I caught a cab back to her apartment to pick Blake up, before we finally made our way to the clinic. Thankfully Audrina didn't attempt to test my patience after that little scenario back in the lift. I couldn't help but steal glances at Blake in the cab and in the office as he too, eyed me up and down.

Poor kid. Shame he's going through this.

The doctor walks back in with the clean empty containers and sets it down on the tray and I involuntarily crack my neck, trying to relax my muscles as I erase the image of the needle lying there next to the tubes.

"So how long is this going to take?" I ask.

"The procedure will only take a few minutes. I will need a few blood samples from Blake and from you." He replies. "But in regards to the results. You should allow atleast 2 weeks before you get your results."

2 weeks? Really?

"2 weeks?"

"At the earliest." He confirms.

Fuck sake.

"Alright. Call me when the results come in. My business should conclude in the next week and I will be returning back to England."

"Mr Vaughn, we will definitely notify you when they arrive but unfortunately it is not in our practice to reveal results over the phone. You must come back in person." He replies.

Give me a fucking break for fuck sake.

I roll my eyes, clearly beyond the stage of annoyance now. "Fine."

" You know, you wouldn't have to deal with this, if you would just take my word about him being your son." Audrina says somewhere behind me and I instantly feel a chill run down my spine.

God give me strength.

"Let's just get this over with." I say to the doctor, before begrudgingly making my way over to Audrina and her son.

Blake was cowering behind one of Audrinas legs, eyes glued to the needle that was now being removed from its packet.

"Mommy, I'm scared. I don't want that."

Auds kneels down beside Blake, rubbing his shoulders to try and calm him down. "Oh I know sweetie. But there is really nothing to be afraid of. Mommy's right here ok baby?"

"Will it hurt mommy?" He asks with a single tear threatening to break free from the corner of his eyes.

"No of course not sweetie. You won't even feel a thing my little bean. I promise."

Oh for the love of god.

"Lying to the boy won't help." I say. "Move."

She shoots me a look of annoyance as she gets up off her knees to allow me to take her place next to Blake.

Blake looks straight up at his mom, feeling slightly uncomfortable with the sudden detachment and I try my best to keep him calm.

"Hey kiddo. I know we don't know each other very well and you're probably wondering why your mom is making you do this, but we just need to find out for sure if I am your dad, ok?"

He doesn't speak, but nods to reply and I'm not too sure if he completely understands what I have just requested.

"How about this. Would it be ok if we become friends?" I ask, taking a different approach.

"...Ok." He replies quietly.

"Ok so, for now we can be friends and you know what friends do? They help each other... and right now I really need your help with something. Do you think you can help me out little man?"

"...Ok." He replies again, with a bit more confidence.

"Good lad." I reply as I give his shoulder a little tap. " Now I'm not going to lie to you, like your mom does."

I hear her tsk in reply to my statement and I chuckle internally. "This may hurt a little bit, but I already know that you're one tough kid, so this will be super easy. But if you still happen to feel a little scared, that's alright. You can squeeze my hand until it's finished. How does that sound?"

Blake nods in reply and slips his tiny hand inside mine. He sure is a cutie.

"And when we're done, how about we go get a cupcake afterwards? Sound good?" I say.

His face immediately lights up at the mention of cupcakes. "I love cupcakes. How did you know I love cupcakes? Is it because you're my daddy?"


"Well I love cupcakes. Who doesn't love cupcakes?" I reply.

"Yay. Can I get a chocolate oh no wait.. can I get a vanil.. oh no wait wait.. can I get a strawberry one? Yes a strawberry one!" He says excitedly. "With the little rainbow sprinkles ontop!"

I chuckle. "Sure little man. Whatever you want."

"Ok, who's first?" The doctor interrupts and I feel Blake slip his tiny hand back in mine, but his smile never fades away.

Good kid.

Blake barely flinches when the needle goes in. He doesn't even bother to look away, in fact he seems quite mesmerised as the blood quickly fills each container up. The doctor gives him a lollipop as a reward and then it was my turn to get poked.

You could say, I wasn't as well mannered as Blake was. Did I mention I fucking hate needles?

Blake had been waiting on the chair adjacent from me, and I had my head turned away from the needle, focusing my attention on the eye charts on the wall when suddenly I feel his tiny hand slip into my free hand. I look down at him, his eyes full of awe and content.

"Don't worry. I will hold your hand because you're my friend." He says and gives me a big smile, making me chuckle as the remnants of his blue lollipop are evident on his lips and teeth.

"All done Mr Vaughn. Please apply pressure here for a few minutes." He says, placing a cotton ball inside the crease of my arm. "We will be in touch once the results are in."


The doctor walks out with his tray full of our blood samples and I quickly jump off the bed to put my jacket back on. I could feel the heat from Audrinas stare burning a hole through me. I need to get the fuck out of here.

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