《Vaughn》Chapter Twenty Eight - Mystery To Me


Alexis POV

The lift doors couldn't close fast enough for my liking. I instantly feel my body temperature heat up from having to look at his face again... and not in a - Oh he's so fucking hot , I just want to sit on his face - kind of way.

I had to turn away from him, concentrating my gaze on the elevator buttons to try and calm my nerves before realising, his reflection was staring back at me from the elevator panel.

Oh fuck off already.

The elevator doors start to slide inwards and I finally get the chance to take my first breath in. I knew I would most likely still be angry at him, for what happened last night. But I definitely wasn't prepared for what I felt after the initial anger, when I saw him standing there...

Why the fuck is with ?

I'm well aware that I had originally said that I wanted Blake to have a father. But the thought of that woman being in the picture again so quickly and getting everything she doesn't deserve, made my body convulse.

Why do I even care anyway?... I don't care.

He obviously still loves her and I guess I shouldn't be surprised... right? It would be very naive of me to think otherwise. They shared their lives with each other.

Memories...And now, maybe even a son.

I was nothing.I held no value to him. I was just another girl he met along the way. Just a new toy to play with during his stay here, a fun challenge to pass by the time and this was something I already knew and was very much ok with. Feelings and emotions have never been a factor with me, after all... he also meant nothing to me!

So then... why do I feel like shit right now?

And let's not mention the fact that I had just confessed to Brad that I may be starting to feel something for him, and yet as soon as I see Benji, he somehow manages to find a way to consume my mind all over again. For reasons that are still so unclear to me... he has this invisible hold over me, but I refuse to succumb to it. To him. I refuse to let him and his actions affect me and how I feel.

Before he came along, I had grown used to the games that the boys my age would play. The whole cat and mouse bullshit, where they go by the motto,Which dumb shit came up with that saying anyway?

Not once did I fall victim to it. Not once did I bother to care. Not once did I follow the rules of the game and not once had I found myself chasing (which I have Ava to thank)... until now. I am clearly not cut out for whatever sadistic game Benj had planned from the start. This was a whole new ball game. One that I wasn't prepared for, let alone experienced in. So I just need to swallow my pride and admit defeat, before I'm too far gone.

. An unsolved case... one that very much needs to remain that way.

Bradleys POV

I hadn't quite gotten over the scene that had played out in front of me just a few minutes ago, when the elevator doors slid open. I couldn't comprehend any of it, especially the compromising position my brother was in.

I didn't know what was worse to look at. The smug expression on that bitches face or how close Benji was to her. How he could breathe the same air as that woman, let alone look at her face is beyond me. I wanted to bash my head against the steel door frame and gauge my eyes out as soon as she came into view. If Lexi wasn't standing right next to me I think I would've completely lost my shit, but instead I chose to stay calm, stay quiet and just picture myself fly kicking Audrina in the head.


Fuck yea. The thought immediately put me at ease. Though in reality, I would never hit a woman, no matter what she did to me.

Now, standing inside the small lift, I could practically feel the conflicting emotions that were seeping out of Lexi as she remains completely silent, standing slightly in front of me with her eyes trained at the elevator panel. I was 100% sure that what we just witnessed, had affected her... I just wasn't sure which part exactly.

I could hear the deep breaths she was taking, flowing out in inconsistent patterns and my hand instinctively reaches over to gently caress her shoulder.

"Babe? You ok?"

"Get the fuck off me." She spits, as she swats my hand off her shoulder, with her hateful gaze piercing through me.

Lord Jesus... what the fuck now?

I stand there with my hands up and one leg behind me now, as I lean my body slightly backwards to increase the space between us.

"Oh my god." She exclaims, as she places both her hands over her mouth with a look of horror on her face. "I'm so so sorry Brad, I completely forgot you were here and I just assumed you were Benji."

Benji. Great. Always fucking shit up left right and centre... and he's not even here!

I let out a light chuckle as I brush myself off and subtly shift back closer to her. "It's ok Love. My brother often has that effect on people. I have often been slapped in the face, due to something he has done. Perks of being a twin right?" I say trying to change the mood.

Her face drops and she lets out a big sigh. Ok I guess that didn't work. She's still pretty upset.

I trace my fingers down her arm gently, signalling for her to come closer. "Come here babe." She obliges immediately, eyes still glued to the floor as I wrap my arms tightly around her petite frame, taking a moment to breathe her scent in. She takes another breath in before wrapping her arms around my waist and rests her head against my chest.

"Do you want to tell me why you're so upset?"

"No, there's nothing to talk about." She replies softly into my chest. "I'm just being a silly emotional girl."


I let out a sigh as she cowers back inside her mind, leaving me in the dark again. Surprisingly, she nestles in tighter against me. "Really I'm ok now. Being in your arms is all I want to think about."

And here I thought I was the smooth one. That line almost made me forgot what the hell we were just talking about. Keyword...Almost!

"Lexi... I can't help but notice how you react around my brother."

I immediately feel her body tense up as my last comment leaves my lips. Shit. We continue to stand here in silence for a few more minutes, neither of us wanting to speak first. Compared to my brother, I am quite a patient man but even this was starting to test my patience.

Dammit Lexi, just tell me what's going on with you two....please. I can take it.

I finally admit defeat, choosing to just forgot about this whole conversation until she's ready to talk. "Is there anything I can do? Is there anything that you need?"

I feel her body slowly relax as she lifts her face up to meet mine, and I finally get to see that beautiful smile of hers that gets me every damn time.


What is she doing to me?!

I take this opportunity to mention Brendan, the wallet and my discovery inside.

"I have a sneaky suspicion that he's taken a liking to you, can't really blame him either." I say with a smile. "So I think its best if you bring the wallet back to him. It will probably be the quickest way for us to get some answers and find out what he knows and what exactly his connection with Audrina is. Cause if you ask me, they look cosy as fuck in this photo."

Lexi continues to stare at the photo. "This kinda looks like they dated. Hmmm... I'll see what I can get out of him. Ugh... He's so full on though, but I'll just have to try and tune it out for as long as possible."

"Let me know if he over steps ok?" I say, my core heating up knowing that he will try and come onto her, no matter what kind of warning I gave him last night.

Brummie prick better stay in his lane.

Lexi places the wallet in her back pocket and snuggles back in my arms as we wait for the lift to arrive at the Penthouse.


"I know that look." Julie says with that sexy smile of hers, as I continue to eye her up and down.

We had just recently stepped out of my bedroom upstairs, to grab a quick drink in the kitchen, after one hell of a session in bed this morning. I quickly down the rest of the pineapple juice I had poured myself, all while mentally fucking her again as my mind quickly paints a picture of her bent over the marble dining table, with her raw glistening pussy calling my name.

"And what look is that Sweetheart?" I reply as I lean one elbow against the kitchen island behind me.

She rolls her eyes at me but fails to hide her amused expression.

"I'm merely just admiring you Love. Especially the way you continue to fidget with your under garments. Everything just seems to bounce in perfect rhythm."

She chuckles. "You seriously have no shame." She says, seizing her movements and proceeds to cover her chest with folded arms. She had a sexy black lace ensemble on, underneath my oversized white long sleeve shirt, but I could make out every single curve perfectly. She wasn't a skinny girl. Fit as fuck but not stick thin. She was exactly the way I like my women to be. Curvy, plump with enough love handles for me to grab onto while I pound mindlessly into her.

I move closer now, backing her up against the stove counter and lean my body against hers as I slowly place both my hands on either side of her, on top of the counter. "I can't help it if I like what I see."

"Easy there tiger." She says, as she pretends to push me away. "Haven't you had enough?"

"I don't think I could ever get enough of you. I think you've ruined me for any other woman." I whisper as I lean down, taking her bottom lip into my mouth, emitting a soft moan from her, and that one sound is all it takes for me to spring back to life. Yes I may be a little sore and tender but I'll be damned if I don't put him to good use.

She kisses me back with the same level of enthusiasm as I grip tightly onto her plump ass, lifting her up to straddle me. I grab a fistful of her hair, tugging it down to expose more of her neck, as I suck and nibble away at her left earlobe. I'm completely smitten by this woman. So completely lost in the moment. Lost in the feel, the scent, the taste of her, that I forget to filter the next words that come pouring out of my mouth.

"Come back to England with me."

About 3 seconds later, my brain finally catches up to my mouth.... Oh fuck.

Her body goes rigid and the sexy soft moans come to a halt. I'm still bent over with my face buried in her neck and I'm internally kicking myself.

Dickhead. Dickhead. Dickhead.

"Say what now?" She says, as she pushes me slightly off her to look closely at me now. My eyes are completely trained on her, but the lights have blown a fuse inside my brain.

Say something you knob. Say something. Say anything for fuck sake!

"I didn't say anything babe. Let's keep kissing." I blurt out as I try to bury my face back into her neck again.

"Jay..." She says, pushing my face away and jumps down from the stove counter. "What did you say?"

You did it now Jay. Better put that smart mouth of yours to good use.

"Ok look. I'm really enjoying spending time with you, kissing you, touching you, fucking you. Mmmm.. fucking you."

"Focus JD." She says.

"Right.. well I just thought that maybe we could continue this back home? Get to know a little more about each other and just continue having fun with one another? You know?... Kinda? Maybe? What do you say Love?"

I could feel a lump forming in my throat as her facial expression doesn't exactly have me reeling with excitement.

"Jay that's really sweet, like insanely sweet that you've even considered continuing this beyond this weekend. But I really don't think we are even at that stage yet. I live and work here. I can't just pick up and move. I've only just moved here over a year ago." She replies as she rubs her neck awkwardly.

I chuckle. "I'm not asking you to move in with me, or even to meet my parents."

"Ah excuse you. Would that be such a bad thing if I were to meet your parents? Am I not good enough to meet them?" She says with one eyebrow raised.

What the?

"I didn't even say that. " I reply, with my hands up in defence mode. "Do you want to meet my parents?"

"Oh my god, no way. It's way to soon for that." She says. "I'm not even your girlfriend Jay."

Ouch. There goes my hard on annnnnd I think my heart just fell out of my ass. Yup. Brush it off Jay. Just brush it off.

"Ok cool cool cool cool. Good to know." I reply.

Her eyes widen with realisation and she begins to rub nervously at her neck again.

"So before you completely shit on me and destroy my ego, let me just explain my reasons." I continue. "I enjoy our time together and I just thought it would be nice to have you around a little while longer, you know? Just because we don't live in the same country, that doesn't mean this needs to end anytime soon."

Perks to being friends with people who have access to a private jet. Oh yea!

She takes a deep breath in, mulling my words over in her head for a moment before speaking. "Jayden.."

Ok here we go. She used my proper name. This isn't looking to good for me. Abort! Abort! Abort!

"You called me Jayden. Should I be worried? Cause I'm starting to worry. Ok I'm worried." I reply all too quickly.

Pull yourself together lad.

She lets out a cute little chuckle again, but it does nothing for my nerves. "Why do you have to be so adorable." She says.

Oh hello. And I'm back in boys!

I cut her off before she gets a chance to continue. "Listen Love, I'll get to the point." I begin. "I know I joke around a lot and I don't come across as a one woman man, because well let's face it, you'd need a good strong woman to handle all of me, am I right?"

"Get to the point Jay." She says unamused.

"Right... anyway. What I'm trying to say is, honestly...I'm done with the games. I'm done chasing tail. I'm too old to be doing that shit anymore and although we've only known each other for a few days, I see something genuine here. With you. With us. I've never had this type of connection with anyone before and I'm not just talking about sex here Love. You've got me feeling all types of emotions all at the same time and I fucking love it." I say proudly.

"Jay..." She begins.

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