《Vaughn》Chapter Twenty - Past, Present or Future?


Alexis POV

His eyes continue to pierce through me and I catch a slight twitch in his jaw as he waits for me to speak.

My hands, which had been recently permanently attached to the wall behind me, now travelled slowly down my body and onto his hands, which were still locking my hips in place. The rain and wind were starting to pick up, lightly drenching the right side of my body and sending a cold chill onto my exposed skin between my legs.

I wanted this man. God I wanted him so bad. So bad, it makes me sick. My brain screamed the words "Please stop" through my head over and over, knowing full well my control was slipping, but it failed each time to pave way to my vocal chords. Suddenly I felt the vibration of my phone coursing through my body, travelling down onto his hands as he slowly pries them off my thighs and he gets to his feet, with a look of irritation present on his face.

"Are you going to get that?" He asks, leaning his lower back onto the stone railing and hunching over slightly.

My message tone continued to fill the air, and I was silently kicking myself as I now found it quite idiotic to have chosen to use the song by Hailee Steinfeild as my current tone. Idiot. I hear him smirk to himself as the line echoes in the air. My cheeks immediately heat up. Oh what I wouldn't give to have the earth swallow me whole right about now.

"Ah yea. It might be Brad." I said mindlessly, reaching at the back of my dress where my phone was tightly tucked into the concealed pocket. "He's probably wondering why I'm taking so long."

I temporarily glance up from my phone to look over at Benji. He was slowly rubbing the light stubble on his chin with his hand, with one leg bent and his foot resting onto the stone railing, intent on keeping his gaze on the floor. Half his face was hidden in the shadows but I was still able to catch the slight twitch in his jaw as I mentioned his brothers name. His nostrils were flared as he took a deep breath in and then slowly exhaled out.

"Let him fucking wait." He says, almost above a whisper as if he was only speaking it to himself.

I force my mouth shut, not wanting to get into a heated argument which would most likely end up bringing unwanted attention to us. Instead I roll my eyes and turn back to my phone.

2 new messages from Unknown Number

Oh right. I forgot to save her number.

I quickly type a reply and shove the phone back in my pocket. I look up to see Benji staring intently at me with his arms now crossed over his chest. He had one eyebrow cocked and I could already read the silent question hidden behind it.

"No, it wasn't Brad. My friend's waiting for me downstairs." I say. "I gotta go."

I readjust the front of my underwear and slide the hem of my dress back down, before turning to head towards the door. I quickly look back, noting that Benj hadn't responded or moved from his current position. He was still solely focused on me, hands tightly across his chest. "Are you coming in now?" I ask, with my hand pointing towards the lounge.

The corner of his mouth lifts up slowly as he rubs his stubble again with his hand, contemplating his next words. "I will do." He lifts himself off the railing, walking over to me and straightens up. "I just need a minute."


He was towering over me, once again his eyes turning dark and seductive as I soak up his words. My brows furrow slightly with confusion until my eyes zone in on the obvious bulge beneath his jeans.

Oh right!

I feel my cheeks immediately burn up and he moves closer, pressing himself against me and clutches my shoulders in his hands.

"It's not so easy to turn it off when I'm around you Kitten." He continues. "Especially since your taste still lingers on my tongue."

He trails his right hand along my collar bone then up towards my chin, pulling my face up to look at him. His eyes flick back and fourth between my eyes and lips. He leans in, brushing his stubble against my cheek as his warm breath hits my right ear, with his right hand now possessively holding my neck with just the right amount of pressure to leave me panting for air. My eyes involuntarily shut, as I breathe him in, desperate to replenish my oxygen levels but unwilling to remove myself from this hold he has on me.

He leans back and hovers over me, neither one of us exchanging any words. I open my eyes slowly as he releases the pressure on my neck and his attention darts behind me momentarily, then back to me as he quickly separates our bodies, leaving me deeply disappointed and empty.

"Someone's coming." He whispers.

Yea and it ain't me.

"You better head in." He says, quickly readjusting his pants. "Wouldn't want you to be seen in a compromising position now would we?"

I breathe out deeply. Ridding my body of all the sexual tension he had conjured up in the few minutes that had passed. I hear the balcony door open and slam shut behind me but I don't bother to look. My eyes glued onto Benjis, as his was to mine.

I hear heavy footsteps behind me, coming closer. "There she is." Then he spoke. Brendan.

Oh great... he found me.

Benji cocks an eyebrow and I roll my eyes in return before turning towards Brendan. "Here I am."

Brendan looks over to Benj momentarily, who was still focused on me, then switches his attention back to me. "Was I interrupting anything?"

"No." Benji and I reply simultaneously.

Yes you did.

Silence fell upon the three of us for a few minutes, neither of us choosing to speak as my eyes focus on Brendan, while he looks back over at Benj again. His stare, now burning a whole at the back of my head.

"Mr Vaughn." I say nonchalantly, turning my attention back to Benj.

He crosses his arms over his chest with a smirk plastered on his face. "Ms Cooper." He replies with a quick nod. Our eyes linger on each other for a minute longer, before I pry them away and head towards the door, never allowing myself to look back. Not once.

And breathe.

Benjamins POV

My eyes trail up her legs as they turn and march away from me. I watch as the curve on her ass cheeks grind against her tight leather dress as she walks away, lifting up slightly and allowing me to catch a glimpse of her black garter. A low grunt escapes me and instant flashbacks enter my mind of the short time we had spent together. I hear the same sound resonate next to me, pulling me out of my thoughts and reminding me I wasn't alone.

I turn to my right, taking a good look at the man standing a foot away from me. He was wearing a jet black slim fit tuxedo, black aviators hanging off the front of his white button up shirt and black leather dress shoes. His eyebrow was cocked and he was running his thumb along the bottom of his lips, eyes never leaving the direction Lexi had exited from. One word came to mind. Dickhead.


He took a packet of smokes out of his pocket then turned towards me, placing a fresh cigarette in between his lips before saying "What's up with her?"

What's up with her? What's up.. with ?

The tone of his question immediately made my blood boil. "What's it to you?" I bite back, taking my last smoke out of my packet and lighting it up quickly, settling all the emotions coursing through my body.

Brendan came and stood next to me near the stone railing. The rain had eased off slightly and was no longer seeping through the back of my shirt.

"Just wondering." He replies with a shrug then takes another puff from his cigarette.

I turn my back to him, leaning the left side of my body against the wall as I peer into the private lounge, watching as people continue to laugh, drink and grind against one another. I wasn't ready to join in on the celebrations yet, even though I had already cleared the air of negativity between Lexi and I. The only thing that now lingered between us again, was pure raw sexual tension. It was so damn strong, I was still feeling the aftermath even though a good few minutes had passed since she walked away and left me alone with this

I finish off the remainder of my cigarette and dispose of it in the ashtray provided.

"You look familiar." I hear Brendan say after a good few minutes of silence.

Oh for the love of god. Don't start this small talk bullshit.

I stupidly turn around, faking a smile and engage in the awkward conversation he seems to be keen on having. "I got a twin brother inside somewhere."

"Good to know, but that ain't it. Haven't met him yet." Brendan replies, taking out a new smoke to puff on.

Fuck. If I have to endure this shit, I'm gonna need another smoke.

"Got a spare?" I say, walking towards him and gesturing to his packet.

"Yea, help yourself." He replies, tossing the packet at me. I flip it open and quickly place the smoke between my lips and light it up in one quick motion. I take my first few drags then inspect the packet in my hand.

Jesus. These are 8's. Fucking weak as shit.

I toss the packet back to him as he gears up to continue his interrogation.

"I can't place it, but I think I've seen you around somewhere."

Right. Let's nip this shit in the bud right fucking now. "Heard of Vaughn Enterprise?"

He rubs his chin with his hand then nods.

"Well I'm a Vaughn. Benjamin Vaughn to be exact."

Bradley's POV

I had been waiting at the bar for what felt like a good half hour now, trying my best to engage in conversation with the group and continue to give Lexi space.

What the hell was taking her so long?

"Another drink B?" JD asks nudging me gently on my ribs as he points towards my empty beer bottle. I look down at the bottle in my hand, twirling it around, trying to figure out if I even genuinely felt like drinking or just going through the motions.

I look over to my left and see Seth who was perched on a bar stool with Shan grinding her ass on his crotch, both holding drinks in their hands and Shan giggling away, as he nuzzles his face in her neck. Not far from them, Trevor had Ava placed on top of the bar counter with her legs wrapped tightly around his upper body and sucking each other's faces off. Even over the music you could hear Ava's over exaggerated moans. I internally roll my eyes, so fucking thankful I didn't make it past first base that night.

Jesus. Get a room. We're in a fucking hotel for crying out loud.

I turn my head back over to my right to take up JD's offer and find Julie pinned up against the bar. He's got both hands placed on top of the counter top with his body firmly against her tiny frame as he devours her mouth. Both her hands are inside his jeans, tending to his needs.

The sound of their kisses start to take over the blaring music and soon it's all I can hear, along with Ava's cringe worthy moans.

"Jay, let the girl breathe. You're gonna suck her damn face off." I comment but not really expecting any replies back as I turn around and place my empty beer bottle ontop of the counter, followed by my forearms.

The sound of wet lapping kisses come to a halt and I look over to my left at both of them, who are still intently staring at each other and Julies hands are still hidden deep inside his pants.

JD looks up at me with a grin. "Actually, she loves the way I kiss." He looks back down at her, taking her bottom lip which was still swollen in between his teeth, then sucking it quickly into his mouth. He then let's it go and plants a quick kiss on her lips. "Don't you Love?"

Julie giggles, then licks her bottom lip savouring the taste of him and without looking up at me she responds. "Fuck yea. Your boy really knows how to lick a girl clean."

Jesus Christ.

I roll my eyes in response which catches her attention. "What's the matter Brad? Feeling left out?"She pushes JD off her and turns her body around so that her backside is now flush with his chest. Her right hand reaches down inside his jeans again, moving up and down slowly as her gaze is fixed on mine. JD's eyes are closed and he nuzzles his face into her hair. "How would you like a cat sandwich tonight then?"

If my bottle wasn't empty, I would have definitely choked on my beer right now. Is she fucking crazy? I look at her wide eyed for a minute then I see JD slowly lift his face out of her hair with a stare that could only be described as.

I put my hands up in front of me and back up slightly. Julie looks up at JD then back at me and bursts out in a fit of laughter. "I'm just fucking with you Brad. I think we both know JD doesn't like to share."

You're fucking damn right!

She turns her body around and then manouvres JD so he is now sitting on one of the bar stools. She hoists herself up and places herself directly on his crotch, wrapping her legs around his waist as his hands automatically grip her ass, securing her in place all the while staring at her with those damn puppy dog eyes.

Fucking whipped.

Julie places a few quick kisses on JD's nose before she turns back to me. "Well if JD makes all the right moves tonight, you might be lucky enough to hear this little kitty purr." And with that she gives me a quick wink then consumes JD's mouth again as they carry on from where they left off.

I feel a warm body ease in next to me and I'm half expecting it to be Lexi but as I turn my head around, I stumble back at the sight of Stefan. He places his hand on my bare shoulder, massaging it lightly. "I don't purr, but if you get me in the doggy position, I'll howl any day for you baby."

This guy is relentless.

"I don't see that happening anytime soon Stef." More like -

He laughs at my awkwardness and thankfully removes his hand off my shoulder but remains close to me, clearly not giving a shit about ones personal space or the fact that I clearly fancy women.

"So, you enjoying the party?" He asks.

"I would be if I knew where the hell the birthday girl was." I reply.

Suddenly I see her march through the dance floor, heading towards the main door. She turns around briefly, locking onto me then raises her index finger in the air and mouthing a quick "I'll be back in one minute" before disappearing behind the door.

The hell was that about?

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