《Vaughn》Chapter Thirteen - Access Denied
Benjamins POV
She's refusing to speak to me, so now she leaves me with no choice. I saunter back into the hotel and locate the one person I was hoping to see but desperate to avoid.
"Benjamin?" Ava says, while leaning back on the concierge desk wearing a slutty number that makes me wonder why she even bothered to wear clothes at all.
"You look like you need something. So what can I do for you?" She says confidently.
Shit. Here goes nothing. Keep it vague.
"Lexi and I were in the middle of a... discussion and we had different views on it. I just wanted to get some clarification on what we spoke about." I say. "But as she is not answering my texts and is not at work, I was hoping to swing by your residence."
She squints her eyes and adjusts her posture, standing straight up with her arms crossed over her chest.
"Okay so I can already tell you're lying and talking to me in a "business" tone won't cover up the bullshit." She states. "So what exactly did you do to her?"
Everything and nothing.
"Ava, we just had a disagreement and I prefer not to divulge the contents of our private conversation with you." I reply firmly.
She takes a step forward. "You may be a big client in here but she is my little sister. I may regret doing this but I also know that Lexi is capable of handling herself if need be. I'm sure you know this too."
She turns around, scribbling something on a piece of paper before handing it over to me.
"Thank you Ava." I say.
"I hope you know what you're doing." She adds before completely letting go of her end of the paper and returning to her duties.
Me too.
Alexis POV
I wouldn't normally go off with people I've only just met, but something about Blake and Audrina made me feel, normal. Comfortable. Must have been that underlying need to be near a mother figure. Revisit my childhood. Who really cares. Everyone I knew was busy so I'll take what I can get. Anything to get my mind off that sadistic prick.
"So have you lived here long?" Audrina asks.
"Most of my life." I reply. "Moved here when my parents died."
"Oh sweetie. I'm so sorry to hear that." She says while rubbing my shoulder.
"These things happen. I was a little girl so it's been quite a few years now." I say calmly while taking another bite from my red velvet cupcake.
"Still... any loss is never easy to get over or forget." She says sadly while looking at Blake.
Oh god. Did his dad die or something?
I was eager to know more about their situation and if they were indeed a complete family. I bet they were the perfect trio. If the mother looks like a goddess, what the hell would his dad look like.
Ugh. Bet he's just picture perfect.
"So are you a local as well?" I prod.
"Oh we've been living here, close to 4 years now I believe." She answers.
"And did you have Blake here as well?" I ask.
"Yea. I was already living over here when I found out I was pregnant with him." She replies. "Time flies by so fast. He's already 3 years old."
We both take a moment to admire Blake who's face is currently covered in frosting and tucking into his second cupcake.
"I hope you don't take this the wrong way but you look quite.. young. Beautiful and young." I add "How old are you?"
She laughs. "I'm 27. So yes, I had Blake at a young age, but I wouldn't have it any other way even if I had a choice."
"What about you? I assume you're in your early 20's maybe?" She asks.
"Spot on. I'm actually turning 21 tomorrow." I reply.
"Oh wow. Happy birthday for tomorrow hun." She says. "21 is such a great age to celebrate. Are you doing anything?"
"My friends are just organising a little gathering for me back at the hotel I work in. Nothing special. I don't really enjoy being in the spotlight."
"Oh well that will be fun. It's nice to celebrate with friends and family." She says with a hint of sadness. "Sadly all my family is back home and we don't know anyone here so it's hard to make friends or get invited to parties and meet new people."
"Oh well you should definitely drop by the hotel tomorrow. It's just a casual get together with my friends. Bring Blake with you as well!"
"Oh god no." She says "I wouldn't want to intrude. It's your birthday babe."
"Mommy can I go? Can I go? Mommy please can I go?" Blake pipes up.
"Oh sweetie. I don't think so baby. Lexi should be with her friends and family." She replies.
Blake looks directly at me. "But I'm your friend now."
"Yes that's right. You are Blake and that is why I want you to come to my birthday party. There will be cake!" I add.
"Mommy, cake! Cake, mommy! I want cake!" Blake chirps.
We both chuckle. Decision clearly made.
"Gimme your number and I'll text you all the deets." I say as we swap numbers.
"So you say your family is back home? Where abouts?" I question.
"Yea. They're back in England. My family live in Oxford but I was living in Cheshire with my boyfriend." She fidgets slightly and becomes extremely awkward.
I blurted out the words without thinking. "Blakes dad?"
She looks down and subtly covers Blakes ears with her hands. "Yes, but Blake doesn't know anything about him and his dad never knew I was pregnant." She whispers with slight irritation.
"Oh I'm so sorry. I just assumed he knew." I say, kicking myself for being stupid.
"No he doesn't." She says. "We broke up before I moved here."
"Sorry to hear things didn't work out. Do you want to talk about it?" I suggest.
She breathes in deep with her eyes closed before looking back at me, plastering a smile on her face. "No that's okay sweetie. That's a story for another day."
Oh thank god.
Benjamins POV
Hunched over with my head in my hands, sitting on Lexi's front porch makes me feel like some 16 year old kid, waiting for my crush to come home.
I'm 28 years old for fucks sake.
Took me less than 20 minutes to reach her house, to then find it completely empty. I couldn't contact her again as it would most likely lead to a bruised ego and a smashed phone. I didn't know the area or where to even start looking, so I did the only thing I was content on doing.
10 minutes.
25 minutes.
50 minutes.
I am not a patient man, but I waited exactly 1 hour and 26 minutes when I noticed her coming down the footpath to my right. She was walking along the lawn looking down at her phone, so she still hadn't noticed me, until she hit the pavement leading up to her front porch.
She slowed right down, her expression immediately showing one of discomfort, distaste....
Ok yep. She's still pissed.
"Hey." Was all I could muster up.
She folds her arms across her chest, leaving a good metre gap between us. "Are you fucking kidding me Benj?" She screams.
"Lexi, we need to talk."
"Tell someone who gives a shit." She spits back.
"I'm sorry for showing up here unannounced but you kinda left me no choice." I state. "I never heard back from you yesterday."
"You know Benj. For someone who is as intelligent as you, you sure are fucking thick!" She replies. "Isn't it obvious why you never received a reply? It's because I didn't want to see you! Now get the fuck off my porch."
"Can you stop raising your damn voice and just hear me out?" I plead.
"Don't you dare tell me what to do you arrogant prick." She hisses, her tongue laced with venom.
"If I listen to whatever bullshit you need to get off your chest, will you leave me the hell alone?" She asks.
Probably not.
"Sure." I lie.
She lets out a long deep breath, closing her eyes momentarily. "Fine. Talk."
"Can we go inside, so it's more private?" I suggest.
"Why? What do you need to do that's so private Benj? Is it so you can stick your dick in my mouth again?" She blurts. "Dream on asshole."
"Lexi that's not why I asked."
"Just shut up and follow me around the back." She says. "You're causing a scene."
The fuck. I'm causing a scene?
I breathe out heavily, keeping my distance as we make our way round the back of the house. I spot the outdoor pool and I immediately imagine getting her naked in the cool water.
Jesus Benj. Quit it!
She leads me towards the pergola where she rests her back against one of the pillars, with her arms folded over her chest.
"Go on then." She says impatiently.
She raises her hand up at me. "Okay I'm gonna stop you right there." She says. "Don't call me that. Just don't."
"Actually you know what. I can't do this. Just stop talking altogether. I don't wanna hear it." She adds.
"Lexi please. I need to apologise for--"
"For what Benj? Huh?" She barks. "For feeling me up in the lift or at the gym or maybe in the locker room? Or are you sorry for sticking your cock in my mouth with no intention of finishing what you started?"
I kept quiet. Quiet because I wasn't sorry. I wanted to do all those things. I wanted to touch her, taste her, kiss her and I wanted more. But what I didn't want was to hurt her. That was never the intention but evidently was the outcome.
"So what is it Benj? What are you actually sorry for?" She continues.
"I'm sorry if I made you feel stupid and humiliated."
"And?" She says.
I was already walking on eggs shells but being the stubborn man that I am, I decided to edge forward a little. "And I'm sorry for not finishing what I started."
Her expression falters slightly as I take another step forward, forcing her to straighten her back against the pillar.
"Ok." She whispers.
I take one more step forward, with a few inches separating us now and her sweet scent filters in, making my next movements harder to control.
"But what I'm mostly sorry for is, not showing you just how good I can make you feel." I say, practically whispering it in her ear. Teasing her with my lips as I trail them lightly over her earlobe. The air around us thickens as the level of our arousal increases.
"Lexi, I haven't been intimate with a woman for 2 years now." I confess, while continuing to trail my lips on her skin. "Certain things in my past have made me into this. Moulded me into someone I never wanted to be and I'm so fucking sorry for who I am right now."
I notice that both her hands are behind her, clutching onto the pillar for dear life. Her breathing is ragged but in-sync with mine.
"Who are you then Benji?" She whispers.
"I'm someone you really shouldn't get to know. Someone that... will ruin you." I reply. "I know all this, and yet I just can't seem to fucking stay away from you."
I brace myself as I allow my hands to trickle down her arms and wrap around her waist. I lay soft kisses down her neck and along her collar bone as I grip her waist tighter, pulling her body towards mine.
"I want you kitten. I whisper as I move over to the other side of her neck, trailingupwards
I feel her hands move up my arms and wrap around my neck as she toys with a fist full of my hair. The sensation instantly makes me hard. Her hands then move downwards, passing my chest, my torso and slowly halt ontop of my crotch. Her left hand remains on my right hip as her right hand begins to rub against my dick. Her thumb traces the outline of my tip and I clench my jaw, desperately fighting the urge to whip it out, rip her pants off and fuck her brains out. I feel myself pant in her ear as she grips my length tighter. I suck away at her neck and she begins to grind her hand faster, then whispers in my ear a breathy "Well you know what I want?"
I'm so intoxicated by her scent, I'm just about able to breathe out a simple "What's that kitten?"
She leans her head in, brushing my ear with her lips. "I want you to get the fuck off me." She spits, shoving me backwards. "You said what you came here to say, now leave me the fuck alone Benj."
She storms past me, entering her house via the patio doors and closing them without a second glance.
I was in shock. Absolute fucking shock.
Damn, why did I think that was gonna work?
She was right. I am an
I stood there awhile longer, running my hands down my face and in my hair as I try and come to terms with the outcome. Some sick part of me wanted to laugh, the other part wanted to break down that door and go after her. I look down and noticed I still had a raging hard on.
Yea it ain't happening. You fucked up.
Her words replay over and over in my head as I mindlessly make my way back to the hotel, constantly adjusting my balls which were fit to burst.
I step into the suite, fighting this sick feeling in my gut that's telling me.. I really screwed this up. As I make my way to my room, I only just notice the place is eerily quiet.
Guess the boys are still out.
I sit over at the desk by the corner, throwing my wallet and phone down and emerge myself in the paperwork for our meeting tomorrow, hoping it will occupy my thoughts for a few hours.
Only a few minutes in and I'm already failing miserably.
Fuck this.
I get up and grab my wallet and phone, when a foil packet peeping out of my wallet catches my attention. I vaguely remember placing it there before the trip out to Orlando, but never had any expectations to use it. I pull it out to inspect it, making sure it wasn't damaged. The familiar feel and crinkly sound of the small packet in my hand triggered my inner most demons, awakening my body, causing my mind to remind my dick how good it felt to be inside someone. I had no control over my next movements as I head inside my brothers en suite, rummaging through his drawers like a heroin addict trying to find his stash.
There they are.
My brother never goes anywhere without making sure he has an ample supply of condoms. A rule I taught him when we were younger.
I twirl the sealed box in my hand, knowing I probably didn't need the whole thing but with the way I was feeling at this moment, it was better to be prepared than to be caught in a situation I definitely didn't want to be in.
I shove the box in my jacket pocket and head out the door towards the lift. I had no idea where I was going but as the sun was now beginning to set, I figured I'd go check out one of the local bars.
After all....
I don't drink, so how much trouble could I get in?
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