《Vaughn》Chapter Two - The Joker


Bradley's POV

Damn that was a long flight. It didn't help that Benj was in one of his moods again.

I gave up trying to bring him out of it halfway through our flight. That man is stubborn as fuck.

We pull up to the front of the hotel we will be staying in, for the next 7 days. I look over to my left at Benj, who is immersed in a heated phone conversation with our dad.

Apparently all business deals were to be handled by Benj and in my dads eyes, I was just here as "back up". My dad never trusted me to step up and take the reigns. I was too much of a wild child, too unpredictable for his liking, which actually suited me just fine.

I was labelled as "", never took anything too seriously.... But last time I did that, it nearly broke me.

"Excuse me Mr Vaughn, we are here." The driver pulls me out of my thoughts as he winds the window back up from the front seat of our private car.

I unbuckle my seat belt and step out, taking another look over at Benj as he gestures for me to head into the hotel without him.

I make my way over to the revolving doors of the hotel and am immediately greeted by a bell boy.

"Good morning sir, shall I bring your luggage in from the car?" He says.

"Good lad!" I reply with a tap on his shoulder then quickly slip him a $20 bill.

Before he continues out the door, I step into his path and ask "Which way to the front desk?"

He looks over my shoulder and gestures over to a girl dressed in black, with her back towards us.

"You'll want to speak to the hostess first, Alexis will be able to help you sir."

He starts to blush as he mentions the girls name, then he quickly gives me a sly smile and scurries out the door.

I slowly walk over to where she was standing, leaving enough room to admire her from behind without invading her space.

The lobby was buzzing and slightly chaotic. She was standing right in the middle of it all, clearly not bothered by the commotion going on around her.

I took a moment to study her. Still not having access to her face, my gaze travels down to her ass.


She was wearing black leather pants that clung perfectly to her curves, which were only slightly covered by the slim fitted suit jacket she had on. Her long black hair trailed down her back, just hovering above her ass.


Let's see your face love.

I inch a little closer so I am now in hearing range.

"Excuse me miss?"

She flinches slightly as my voice breaks through her thoughts.

"Sorry love, but are you the hostess here?" I continue, already knowing the answer to my question.

She slowly turns around and as soon as we lock eyes, I feel my dick twitch.

Well fuck me sideways, who do we have here?

I watch as she readjusts herself, before making her way over to where I was standing.

As she closes the gap, her sweet aroma fills my nose.


Fuck me she smelt good, I could almost taste her.

"Yes hi, my name is Alexis, how can I help you?" she replies awkwardly.

I delay my answer for a few minutes, mulling over what I want to say and what I should say. I catch her eyes drop slightly and travel down the length of me, before quickly settling back on my face.

Checkin out the goods?

I rub my neck awkwardly as I realise we are both still standing here in silence.

"We've got the Penthouse for the week and have booked your conference rooms for a few meetings." I reply.

"Okay great, once you've checked in at the front desk, I can show you around the hotel." She replies.

Her hand brushes my arm lightly which sends shivers down my spine. My mind goes blank and I'm now staring at her, dumbfounded by her beauty. Her skin is fucking flawless.

She shifts her weight and starts to fidget awkwardly at her jacket sleeve.

Fuck! I'm making her uncomfortable. What did she say again?

"Sorry could you please repeat that for me?" I say.

She chuckles at my response and it's the cutest sound. Before she has a chance to repeat herself, a male voice interjects.

She's startled by the sudden intrusion and quickly turns around.

That fucking asshole! I see he's still in a fucking mood.

We make our way over to him, making sure I step in front of Alexis, to shield her from my brothers temper tanties.

We glare at each other for a few minutes as Alexis quickly makes the connection.

"Are you..?" She asks, cutting her question short.

"Brothers?" I finish off, still clearly pissed off at the way Benj had acted.

"Yes, unfortunately." He replies with distaste.

"Twin brothers?" She says as more of a statement than a question.

Damn. She had to ask the obvious didn't she.

"No fucking shit! How observant of you! I can see why you're in charge here." He says mockingly.


I swear if looks could kill... No doubt, my brother would be dead.

Serves him right though, I did warn him to cheer the fuck up.

"God dammit Brad, put your dick back in your pants and check us in already!" He continues.

I legit want to kill him right now. I shoot him daggers before turning around and mentally prepare myself to charm the shit out of this girl.

"I apologise for my brothers existence. He lacks certain skills and mannerism when it comes to--"

"Women?" She says, cutting me off.

I couldn't help but chuckle inside, knowing full well Benj was also seeing the comical side of her response.

"People actually. Don't flatter yourself love." Benj replies smugly.

Judging by her face, she was not impressed. Although I don't blame her, I did find it a little odd as Benji can usually get away with saying anything and they'd still be gagging for it. Which for me, lead to one conclusion. She doesn't know who we are.

"I'm Bradley by the way and this is my brother Benjamin. We are the--"

An unfamiliar male voice booms out, completing my introduction. We all turn our heads to where the voice originated. Standing only a couple metres away, was a blonde haired male smartly dressed in royal blue slacks, which were paired with a slim fit plaid jacket--

And a really really awkward expression plastered on his face. I couldn't tell if he was constipated or wanted to jerk off right there and then.

"That must be Stefan." I say, remembering the earlier phone conversation I had with him.

"You deal with him. I'll go check us in." says Benj, giving Alexis one last look before turning towards the front desk.

Bradley's POV

The elevator hums quietly as we make our way up to the Penthouse suite. I'm a little disappointed when I don't hear the usual porn music that you get when you step into a hotel lift. Instead, we are accompanied by the sound of the air vents above us.

The elevator comes to a smooth halt, pausing for a minute before opening the doors. We step into a bright, white entrance way and place our bags in a corner.

I couldn't take in my surrounding as the encounter with Alexis was still fresh in my mind. I was eager to find a way to salvage this trip.

"What's wrong with your face?" Benj says.

"Really?" I retort.

"Yea, this is gonna get boring real quick, so either suck it up or spit it out." He says with a smirk.

"Fine. What the fuck crawled up your ass today?" I say, getting a little too heated.

"Why can't you just be a decent human being, for once?" I plead.

"Do I have to remind you, that we just got off a long ass fucking flight?" He says.

"Bro, we were in a private jet!" I say, still not seeing a valid reason behind his ass hat behaviour.

"All you had to do was check us in, I wasn't in the fucking mood to wait for you to finish eye fucking the hotel staff." He says clearly all out of patience.

I roll my eyes at his comment.

"What's with you today anyway? First the stewardess, now the Miss not-so-sweet-sixteen downstairs?" He questions.

"Lad, the day just started, careful your dick don't fall off." He chuckles.

"Anyway, dad didn't fly us out here so you can get your rocks off on company time. We've got work to do yea." He says in his authoritative tone.

"All you do is work Benj. It's been a while since we've had a trip together, just do me a favour and relax a little this week yea?" I say with a more suggestive tone.

He ponders over my words for a few seconds, then eventually gives in.

"You're relentless, you know that?" He says pinching the bridge between his eyebrows. "Just meet me at the bar in 20. I'm gonna take a quick shower."

He taps my chest as reassurance, before heading towards the bathroom.

Benji and I used to be real tight. It frustrates me to see him this way, always so serious... so wound up all the time. It's not healthy. We have our differences and like all siblings - we fight. But at the end of the day, he's still my brother and I would very much like to see him happy again, to actually live and enjoy life. Judging by the talent I have already witnessed in the lobby, I think this trip is exactly what he needs, what we both need.

I quickly check my appearance in the hallway mirror, before jumping back in the elevator.

It'll do.

I feel a flutter in my stomach as the butterflies settle in. Yes I may come across as cocky and self sure, but I am still only human. I quickly shake the nerves off and remind myself not to have any expectations.

Okay. Time to lay the ground work. Let's see what you're all about Ms Alexis.

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