《Dust ✔️》Chapter Nineteen: Asphyxiated
The house was dim. It wasn't a surprise to me though, it was two in the morning and surely everyone would be sleeping by now. A flash of familiarity flowed through my mind of multiple breaks ins I once did. This was the perfect scenario.
"Eli?" A small voice echoed across the room.
I frowned, knowing this voice didn't match those who lived here.
I walked further into the house, a slow step in each walk. When the light shone a portion of her face, my suspicions were confirmed. "Zoey?"
"I had a fight with Margaret," She murmured. "I didn't want to stay there tonight so I thought..."
It came as a shock to me that Margaret would be argumentative with anyone.
"Tyler and Lacey said I should leave you alone. They think I'll only make things worse," she stared up at me while I approached the kitchen island where she was.
I set my keys down on the island where she was sitting. "No," I assured her. "I'm just surprised you're here is all."
"Does that bother you?" She fidgeted with her brown, curly hair. She was nervous.
"Not at all," I sighed but plastered on a fixated smile. "You're up late."
Zoey matched my position by leaning her elbows on the counter top. "So are you."
"Hm. I thought it'd help me if I went on a drive," I lied.
She squinted her eyes in disbelief. "Did it?"
I smiled. "A little."
It probably wouldn't be wise to tell her that I had thoughts of tracking down a large sum of people and skinning them alive. No, definitely not.
"Tyler told me about what happened with your friend." She had a jaded expression, attempting to push her real emotions to the side and match mine.
A smile fell off my face slowly at her words. Then, confusion. I never told Tyler about what happened.
"He told me not to bring it up if I ran into you."
I raised an eyebrow. "And yet..."
Her weight shifted to one side, a clear sign she was second guessing her words. "I just thought..."
"It's okay to be curious, Zoe," I assured her once again. A sigh fell out of my mouth. "Ty is just trying to protect you."
"Protect me?"
"From horrifying things that happen in the world, the truth of it all." I shrugged.
"But you won't do that." She accused.
"Nah." I said. "It's better to be prepared than to be sheltered."
Zoeys eyes glinted for a moment. "How'd he do it?"
I paused, taking in her curiosity. I rummaged through my memories of the conversation I had with Colson's mother before I blacked it out. "Hung himself." I muttered.
Zoey reached below her and pulled out a half full bottle of bourbon. She proceeded to pour it in the mug in front of her, then poured the same amount in a different glass. "I figure you may want this," She slid the glass to me.
I raised an eyebrow. Zoey tried so hard to be older than she really was. Her youth would slip away from her faster than she could blink.
The last thing I should be doing, is drinking.
I took the glass and sipped it slowly. "He won't be pleased to see you drinking." Which was something I planned to tell him in private.
"Certainly not with you." She took a sip.
"Certainly not."
Her crinkled face at the reaction of the taste caused me to raise an eyebrow. "My brother said to be careful around you. Is he scared of you?"
I shook my head and let a chuckle slip out. "He just knows my history."
Zoey frowned. "Which is?"
"I thought it was better to not be sheltered?" She scowled.
"I think the thing you should be more focused on is knowing that I wont hurt you. I never would." I said smoothly. Tyler had a right to be cautious for his sister. Hell, look at what I did to Lacey only a year ago. I won't ever stoop to that side of myself again.
"It wouldn't scare me," She said, confident.
"I know." I agreed.
Zoey's eyes were hopeful. I knew what was underneath them, and I felt bad. She wanted to badly to become an adult. She pushed so hard to prove it in front of me.
"E?" A voice from around the corner of the house lit up. A few stairs higher than my level. "Zoey?"
"Yeah," I quietly called back to it.
Tyler appeared from around the corner with a bed headed look in his hair and a concerned expression. Realistically, I just wanted to be alone. But if I couldn't be alone, I'd at least want to talk to Tyler.
Zoey looked at her mug then back at me.
"You're home," He stated with surprise. His eyes wandered between the two of us, flickering through the tension of the room.
"Yeah, not too long ago." I murmured.
Zoey stayed silent while Tyler approached me closer. Both of us were unsure.
"How are you, buddy?" He opened his arms towards me.
I moved forward and I hugged him back, my fingers trembled unnoticeably when he squeezed me. I cleared my throat and stepped away from him "I'm alright..." I narrowed my eyes.
"Aria told me," He gave me a sloppy, coy smile and ran his fingers through his ruffled hair. "Is that who you were with?"
I glanced at Zoey who now had a skeptical look on her face. I internally smirked when she slowly lifted her mug off the counter and hid it in the liquor cabinet underneath her.
"Yeah, I... Called her."
"You did? I can't say I'm not surprised to hear that - Zoey what are you doing?" Tyler's attention turned from me to his younger sister who was now fumbling.
"I slept with her," I rushed out the first thing that came to my mind. "Wait-"
Tyler's head snapped to my direction, as did Zoey's. Both of them had different expressions.
"I mean, no," I stumbled. "She, not like that. We watched a movie and fell asleep on the couch, that's it. That's why I'm home so late."
Zoey frowned while Tyler blew out an exhale of relief and broke into a smile.
"Christ." He said with a laugh. "I thought you hated her?" He narrowed his eyes.
I shrugged.
I guess I'm just shocked you didn't call me first. I just thought that I'd be your first phone call..."
"It's not like he went to jail," Zoey blurted out.
I pointed my thumb at her in agreement. "You would be my number one phone call if I went to jail."
His eyes narrowed. He was my only phone call when I got arrested last year.
"I would've tonight but..." I lowered my voice. "You were planning something special remember?"
Zoey frowned in confusion.
Tyler sighed and nodded. "Still," He grumbled. "I'd drop everything to help you out Eli, you're my brother. Zoey, don't you think you should head to bed? Lacey set you up in the guest room." Tyler nodded his head towards the spare room beside mine.
I mentally agreed with him, wanting to talk about certain things in private.
"What? No. Why?" She whined.
"Because I want to talk to Eli, alone. About things you don't need to know about."
"I already know what happened, It's not a secret." She sulked.
"I told her." I piped in before he had a chance to scold her. "And I don't really want to talk about it... Cravings and all."
Tyler nodded his head sharply in agreement. "Good idea."
Truth be told, the more I spoke about my deceased friend, the more I was unsure on whether I'd break down right here right now in tears, or go back to my truck and start my very own purge.
"Does she..?"
"No." I replied. Zoey didn't know about my addictions, and it was evident in her confused face.
"Who's Aria?" Zoey scrunched her face.
I smiled genuinely at her name, something I wasn't used to. "She's a friend."
"More than a friend," Tyler nudged me playfully with a small grin.
Zoey's face was heated in resentment.
"No, no. She's only a friend." I smirked in response to his excitement. Was she? Did friends fall asleep cuddling while watching a movie?
"Do you like her or something?" Zoey asked.
I remained silent, eyes burned into Tyler's in a jaded expression. Zoey's eyes were fixated on me along with her brother, yearning for answers. They were so similar.
"I haven't seen your room like that in a long time," Tyler cleared his throat.
I mentally thanked him for dropping the subject of my new infatuation.
"Oh. I'm going to fix it to be brand new. I had to take out some anger... I'm sorry."
He nods understandably. "Did she see it?"
"Didn't run for the hills."
Tyler patted my shoulder and shook his head. "You're fine." His grin came back. "She's starting to see all sorts of sides to you lately, huh?"
There's that word again.
"Seemingly so." I whispered.
"I think she'll fit in just fine," he grinned and walked toward the guest room doors. "C'mon Zoey. Just because you came to your big bros house doesn't mean it's a free for all. Bed."
She scowled. "That's not fair I'm having a conversation! And it's the weekend."
"Conversation over, kiddo," he said.
Zoeys face heated when she heard the word she was, but tried not to be. "Tyler!"
"Nope. We can all hang out tomorrow," He said with a smile when he looked back at me. He knew she was going to annoy me if she stuck around any longer. I wanted to sleep.
While I watched Tyler and Zoey argue with each other like siblings should. She peeked in my room and commented on the smell of nail polish remover and he grabbed her shoulders and steered her into her own room; Not without whining. As they playfully pushed each other and made fun of each other, I couldn't help but have a grin on my face. I always envied that.
Maybe I could have had a glimpse of that if Colson was around. Alone, I downed the rest of my drink as well as Zoeys to hide the evidence. Feeling a small buzz, I glided towards the couch and decided that I was done with this night.
"Are you sure?" Lacey's eyebrows were pulled together in concern.
"Yes." I assured.
"Maybe I will come with you guys?" She skipped towards the door where Zoey and I were standing.
Everyone's behavior was growing ludicrous. "It's okay, Lace, enough. Please."
A pout formed on her face.
"Bye kiddo, it was good to see you again," Tyler hugged his younger sister.
"I'm fifteen."
Tyler rolled his eyes and touched my tense shoulder. "She's just worried, ease up." He whispered to me.
I rolled my eyes but nodded anyways. They were caring for me as friends did, but that didn't make it less annoying.
Normally I'd be well into working by now, seeing as it was seven in the morning. I thought it might be best to take a couple of days off to clear my head. It had only been two days since I found out. Since then, Lacey hasn't left me alone no matter how much I've tried to push her off my back. Having Zoey around and no will to clean the mess in my room hasn't been helpful.
"Ready Zoe?" I turned to her as she just finished stuffing her foot into her shoe.
She grunted. "E. It's on the end. It's Zoey," She emphasized the last syllable in her name.
I smirked. "Not with me. Come on, we're going to be late and your brother will massacre me." I winked at Tyler to subside his worry.
Zoey grabbed her backpack off the floor and opened the front door. "Bye Lacey, Ty, love you both!" She called out as she skipped out the door.
"Eli," Lacey touched my shoulder. Her hazel eyes were large.
"Go to work, I'll see you when you're off." I murmured stern.
In the truck, Zoey was fidgeting with anticipation. She was attempting to be discreet with her constant glances towards me but she forgot that I was keen on observation.
I decided to not follow up on whatever she was thinking about. Instead, my mind wandered. I hadn't seen it personally, but I had the image of his limp body swinging back and forth attached to rope in my head.
I shuddered at the thought.
Just as my mind began to lead into a darker place, I was saved by the sound of a phone ringing. I glanced at my dashboard to see Aria's name lit up and flashing. I hadn't spoken to her since two nights ago on her doorstep, so it was only a matter of time.
I almost didn't realize that I'd been smiling at her name.
Zoey glanced at the phone then back at me. "Are you going to get that?" She asked hesitant.
I pondered the idea but shook my head. I wanted to speak to her, but not with a kid in the seat of my car. I couldn't be open and for some reason, I longed for that openness.
Zoey reached in front of her and clicked the green button on the screen.
"Hello?" Her happy, soft voice appeared.
I glared at Zoey who only had a stealthy expression on her face.
"Hi," Zoey said back, a forceful lower voice.
"Oh?" Aria replied, surprised.
"Hey, Aria," I called out.
"Eli? Um... Sorry, I didn't know you were busy... I was just calling to see how you were doing."
"He's busy. Just dropping me off from spending the night!"
"Zoey," I hollered. "Aria, no-"
"I see. Uh...I'll let you go. I hope you're having a good day, Eli."
Zoey placed a smile on her face. "Bye!"
The phone call ended quickly and I turned my attention on her. "What the fuck, Zoey?" I frowned.
"What happened to Zoe?" She asked with pulled together eyebrows.
"Why the hell did you do that?"
The rumors of me being a player would definitely be running through her mind now.
"W-Well, you said you wanted to be alone... I was just doing you a favor..." She stumbled over her words.
I sighed, frustration and nerves coming above me. "I did - I do," I pulled over in front of her school and put the truck in park.
"Are you mad?" Her body turned towards me, her chin tilted upwards in my direction. Her eyes were glossed over with fear.
"I just don't understand your motives," I muttered and ran my fingers through my hair.
"Because you said-"
"Okay," I released my tightened grip on my steering wheel and clasped my hands together. "I appreciate you trying to help. You're just a kid, leave my business to the adults. Please." I rushed out in a grumble.
"I'm not a kid." She whispered.
Her intentions were clear and it was an unsettling thought. She hated admitting who she really was.
I sighed. "Except that you are and pulling shit like that proves it. Zoe, know your worth. Have pride and dignity within yourself and stop trying to grow up so damn fast." I unlocked my truck doors and motioned towards the passenger side. "Have a good day at school."
With one last glare, she hopped out of my truck and slammed the door so hard, it echoed through my ears. I signed for the millionth time today. Who knew I'd exhale so much air in one morning.
On my way home, I attempted to call Aria back but it went to voicemail pretty quick. I didn't expect her to answer and I only kept telling myself the reason is because she went to work and she was busy.
I texted Lacey that I was on my way home in a sarcastic and obnoxious manner to give her an update on my whereabouts. She replied swiftly that she took the day off work and I immediately groaned in response.
Fucking fuck, shit.
Just when I wanted to be alone and maybe get some proper rest.
On the way home, I made one detour to grab two coffees and Lacey's favorite muffin - chocolate chip.
"You're too sweet," She took the muffin and coffee out of my hands, a stretched smile on her face.
"I try."
"I was talking to the muffin," She winked.
I threw my keys on the table and began chugging my coffee.
"I was only joking. I'm sorry."
I sighed and plopped on the couch that I've made my bed the last two nights. "No, it was good. I just have a lot on my mind."
She followed me to the couch and sat down, nibbling on her muffin with her nimble fingers. "Care to share some?"
"Zoey is acting weird..." I grumbled.
She laughed. "Teenage hormones. What do you expect?"
I pinched the bridge of my nose with my index and thumb. "Aria called me in the truck and Zoey answered. And she made it seem like... I don't even. It's... I don't even know. Like I was dropping off a random hookup from last night."
Lacey's eyes widened and her fingers paused on her muffin that she was about to take a piece of. "Like. Like you were dropping her off from a hookup?"
I nodded and shuttered.
Lacey busted out laughing, spraying crumbs all over the couch distance in front of us. "Oh my god," She said between laughs.
I narrowed my eyes.
"She has a crush on you!" Lacey giggled. "That's so cute!"
"That's unsettling."
"Oh, come on, Eli! She's only fifteen, of course she'd have a crush on you. It's innocent and rather funny!" She continued with muffin in her mouth. "I'm just shocked she's bold enough to do that."
"Aria probably hates me now." I mumbled.
"Have you met Aria? She doesn't have any hate in her body. I'm sure she's just confused. Or maybe she recognizes it was a kids voice?" Lacey laughed. "Besides If she hated you, mission accomplished, right?" She winked.
I ignored her last comment. "Would that make it worse?" I made a sour face. "I did say her name on the phone... But she could've thought that was anyone."
"I'm sure it's fine. Besides, why would you be so concerned about what she thought of you?" Lacey grinned.
I glared at her, stuck on what to say. "I don't know."
"I do," She grinned.
"Well, I guess it doesn't matter now, does it?" I snapped.
Lacey laughed again. "Things never go your way, do they?"
I shook my head. "Not often."
She settled her composure and set down her coffee and muffin wrapper. Her expression was sympathetic. "You know, you just might be the strongest person I've met."
Her voice softened, and she proved truth within.
I forced a smile on my face to soften her worry. I hated being the center of attention but that seemed to be all I was lately.
"You don't need to try to feed me compliments, Lace. Just be yourself, it's better motivation."
She smiled and got up from her comfortable seat. "I'll be in my room, if you need anything?" She touched my shoulder.
I rested my hand on top of her hand. "Love you," I murmured.
"I love you too, E." She smiled and pranced away in a quick, timely manner.
"Go to work!" I called out after she disappeared.
It was true that Tyler was my number one but I appreciated Lacey more than anyone would know.
The following days were quiet. I stayed home, I ignored my phone calls, texts, emails. The one person I wanted to hear from, never reached out to me since the day in the truck. And I thought, maybe it was better that way. It seemed to be a sign.
Yes, the following days after the news of Colson dying, I decided to keep completely to myself. I hadn't found the motivation to clean the mess in my room, therefore took over the guest room for now. No guests came over and I think my friends knew not to invite people over.
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I Save The Disabled Villain by Pretending to be Pitiful (Wearing A Book)
I Save The Disabled Villain by Pretending to be Pitiful (Wearing A Book)我靠裝可憐拯救殘疾反派(穿書)Author:東舟茶Status:97 Chapters (Completed)Description:Chi Han read a dog-blood abuse article all night.The scumbag in the article was separated from Bai Yueguang because of a misunderstanding. Under the pain, his personality completely changed, becoming sullen and irritable. By chance, he saw a male partner who was five-pointed to Bai Yueguang, and he immediately chased him and played it as a stand-in.During this period, the male supporting role of cannon fodder was all determined, until after Bai Yueguang returned to China, Slag Gong kicked him away, and the male supporting actor finally realized that he had embarked on the road of blackening to death, and finally was driven crazy by Bai Yueguang and Slag Gong together. Locked up in a mental hospital until the end. And the biggest villain who was used by Bai Yueguang had a very tragic ending. After being overthrown by the scum attack, he couldn't help it, his family property was mortgaged, and he committed suicide not long after.Chi Han saw that after the author forced the villain to forcibly lose his intelligence in order to win the scum attack, he abandoned the article on the spot, and left a line in the comment area with great pride: "If I were this male supporting character, this pair of dogs Boys will never live to the end!" Then he became a cannon fodder male supporting role in the novel that day.Chi Han: "..."Don't you? Is it too late to delete comments now?Chi Han, who was so remorseful until he saw the underage villain sitting in a wheelchair, brushed the peach blossoms off his shoulders indifferently, and passed by him coldly and arrogantly, he suddenly felt that this wave didn't seem... deficit?***
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