《The Flash GIF Imagines》Leaf crunching-Weather Wizard


You slouched down on the park bench, wearily growing more and more bored as time went on.

Your boyfriend sat next to you, tapping a rhythm on the ground with his foot. For some reason, the Flash seemed to be taking an awfully long time to show up, even given that he is a speedster.

You finally let out a sigh and stood up, turning to Mark. You threw your hands in the air before letting them fall to your sides.

"What...What are you doing?" Mark asked confused. You reached down and grabbed his hands.

"You mean 'we' Mark. WE are going to go do something fun while were waiting on the Flash to get here," you said.

"Y/N, look I know we're both bored out of our minds..."

"That's an understatement."

"...But we can't get distracted. What if we lose our chance to get the Flash because we're messing around?" He asked.

You raised an eyebrow at Mark. "We'll have other chances and if it makes you feel any better, I'll stay on the look out. I mean do you really want to sit for however long and wait around doing nothing?" You asked. Mark bit his lip, then finally stood up.

"Fine, but what are we going to do?" You smirked and pointed towards the rows and rows of leaves that were scattered along the grass of the park.

"We are going to go crunch some leaves," you said.

"Y/N what...?" Mark asked before you yanked him from where he was standing and towards the leaves.

As soon as you felt the leaves being crushed below your feet, you knew that you had cured your boredom. You turned around and looked at Mark who just stood in the leaf pile, looking around awkwardly.


"Mark, come on, these leaves aren't going to crush themselves," you shouted eagerly. Mark let out a chuckle and reached for your hands.

"Then let's get to it," he said, jumping up and crushing the leaves that he landed back down on. You smiled at Mark, happy that he was finally getting out of his comfort zone.

Soon the two of you were jumping around and crushing leaves, laughing uncontrollably, and nearly falling over one another all the while. Enough so that you two forgot that you were supposed to be on the lookout for the Flash so that you could finally take him down.

——Barry's POV——

You stood behind a tree, staring oddly at the villains in front of you who were jumping around on the leaves and laughing like little kids.

You pressed your earpiece and began to speak.

"Uh guys, we have a problem...They're jumping around in the leaves."

"What?" You heard Cisco say, a tinge of confusion and disbelief strewn in his words.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yeah...Do I go after them or...?" You asked, unsure. Cisco went silent on the other side.

"You know what, I'll just get them another day, they look like they're having fun," you said, running off towards S.T.A.R. Labs.

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