《The Flash GIF Imagines》A dance in the rain-Weather Wizard


You stood looking out your window waiting for an idea on what to do to suddenly pop up. After a minute you gave up and groaned, walking away.

"This is useless..." You muttered stalking over to the fridge when Mark came into the room. He walked up behind and wrapped his arms around your shoulders and rested his chin on your head.

"What are you doing babe?" He asked. You sighed. "Nothing right now, it's too hot outside and there's nothing to do here."

"There's me..." He said teasingly.

"Mark!" You yelled chuckling. "Fine...Why don't we watch a movie and cuddle?" You agreed and he led you over to the couch while he picked a movie. A moment later Mark came back with some romantic comedy and popped it into the DVD player.

"Ready?" He asked. You nodded.

----Time Skip----

You watched the movie with a smiling face as the couple on screen finally kissed and of course under the rain. Mark looked over at you and then shifted his body so that he could get up.

"Where are you going?" You asked pouting. He smiled reassuringly. "I'll be back, I'm just going to do something." You nodded and turned your head back to the screen. A moment later you heard a crack of thunder sound outside making you jump. You turned the TV off quickly and grabbed your phone going to the weather app. You looked down and saw that today's forecast showed nothing about thunder and that's when you realized your boyfriend can control weather. You threw the blanket off of you and stood up, stalking over to the window. When you got there, you saw you boyfriend, conjuring up a storm and the once bright blue sky was now filled with dark grey clouds.


You didn't think twice and opened the door, your boyfriend turning around to smile at you. You watched as the water pelted down on him, soaking his hair and his clothes.

"Come on Y/N, let's have fun!" He said throwing his hands up.

"We'll get sick!" You shouted back smiling. He shrugged. "Meh, we'll deal with that later, live in the moment babe!" You tucked your head back inside and smirked before closing your eyes and then running out to him. He looked up at you and threw his hands up, ready to catch you. You laughed and jumped, falling into his arms, tucking your legs behind his back. You moved your head from his neck and looked him in the eyes. Mark chuckled.

"You wanna dance in the rain?" He asked smirking. You nodded and he set you down on the ground. He then grabbed your hands and began moving them around. In a moment, you guys were moving in sync with each other, getting soaken wet, and laughing all the while.

Mark spun you into a hug. "I love you." He said. You smirked. "I love you too my weather changing wizard..."

Mark chuckled and pulled you into a kiss, just like the one in the movie you were just watching. The water dripped from yours and his hair and down each of your faces, the thunder continued to sound, but none of that mattered as you and Mark stood there in the rain, kissing each other in this magical scene.

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