《The Flash GIF Imagines》Cloud watching-Savitar


You stared at your boyfriend in amusement after asking him about going cloud watching. Savitar stared at you in curiosity, trying to figure out if you were being serious.

"Cloud watching? That sounds...Boring," he said. You rolled your eyes and stepped closer to the couch where he was sitting. You grabbed a hold of one of his hands.

"Look I know it does, but I just want to go on a simple date with you before our next mission tonight," you said, looking at Savitar hopefully. Savitar sighed, running his hand through his hair.

"You really want to go cloud watching?" You nodded eagerly.

"Okay, okay, let's go watch some clouds then," he said chuckling. You pulled him to his feet and glanced towards the wall hook that held your car keys.

"Shall we take the car or do you want to run us there?" You asked him. He shrugged.

"You decide." You nodded your head and walked towards the keys, pulling them off the hook. You turned around towards Savitar.

"My hair looks good today so we're not going to risk messing it up with the high powered wind," you said. Savitar laughed and began following you out the door.

----Time Skip----

You and Savitar stood next to the car, glancing up at the hill where you two planned to set up base.

"Shall we?" You asked.

"We shall," he said, taking your hand in his while his other carried a blanket. The two of you soon found yourself up on the hill, laying out the blanket.

You laid down on the grass next to your boyfriend, resting your head on his shoulder. You looked up towards the sky, glancing at all of the clouds that were neither clustered together nor equally spread out.


You pointed at one of the clouds. "Okay but tell me that doesn't look like a dog," you said. Savitar followed your finger.

"Uh it doesn't, it looks like a cat," he said. You glanced over at him.

"I'm sorry, but cats don't look like that Sav." Savitar smirked.

"Well maybe where I come from the cats do," he said. You shook your head, mustering a laugh.

"I would hope not." For the next half an hour, you and Savitar laid on the blanket pointing out different clouds and trying to figure out their shapes. Finally, the two of you grew tired and the sun was beginning to blind you.

You stood up, reaching down to pull Savitar to his feet. You glanced out at the sky in the opposite direction.

"Hey, what about that funky looking cloud? What does that look like to you?" You asked. Savitar followed your gaze.

"That...looks like a cloud Y/N," he said. You turned towards him and raised an eyebrow.

"Really? That doesn't look like a frog on a pogo stick to you?" You asked jokingly. Savitar smiled. He leaned over and planted a kiss on your forehead.

"Sometimes your imagination amuses me because I honestly have no idea how you saw a frog on a pogo stick, when clearly that's just a puffy looking cloud," he joked. You playfully hit his arm before leaning down to scoop up the blanket. Just when you had folded the blanket, you felt a buzz in your pocket.

You pulled your phone out and glanced down at it. You smiled before glancing up at Savitar.

"Showtime." He smirked.

"Time to wreak havoc," he said. You chuckled.

"I guess we'll pick the car up later?" You asked. He nodded and scooped you up into his arms, racing off in the next moment.

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