《The Flash GIF Imagines》I want him-Savitar


You raced out of your bathroom with your toothbrush hanging out of your mouth towards the door. A few more knocks sounded and you opened the door.

"Y/N, hey! You're not ready yet?" Your boyfriend asked. You shook your head and tried desperately to keep the toothpaste infested saliva in your mouth. You bolted for the bathroom to spit it out. Savitar chuckled as he followed you and sat on your bed while you were in the bathroom, getting ready.

Five minutes later, you exited the bathroom and looked up at a smiling Savitar.

"Ready to go?" You nodded and the two of you exited your apartment and climbed in your car.

Soon you were at the pet store. You climbed out of the car with your boyfriend and took his hand in yours. You walked towards the sliding doors and entered the store, gazing around at all of the hanging signs and colorful pet merchandise.

You led Savitar to the back wall where they kept the fish and were soon looking around at all of the different kinds.

"Look babe, look how cute these ones are." You said excitedly. Savitar stalked over to you from the crab tank. He crouched down.

"They are, do you want one of these?" He asked. You bit your lip thinking.

"Yes, I want a Fancy Goldfish." He smiled and went to get an employee while you crouched by the tank, following the fish you wanted with your finger.

A moment later, he came back with an employee and they grabbed a net.

"Please don't hurt him." You said. The employee looked at you blankly before reaching into the tank to grab a fish.

"Not that one." You said. You pointed at the fish you wanted. The employee sighed and went for it, but grabbed a totally different fish.


"Not that one either...I just pointed to the one I wanted." The employee put the other fish back in the tank and handed you the net. You gladly took it and reached in to grab the fish you wanted. You carefully pulled him out and placed him in the baggie with water. The employee nodded and closed the tank back up before walking away.

"Someone's grumpy..." Savitar muttered. You nodded and looked at your fish excitedly.

"Do you have a tank?" You nodded your head and walked up to the front with Savitar to pay. On the way out of the store, Savitar turned towards you.

"So what's his name?" He asked.


"Like from Pinocchio?" You nodded excitedly causing Savitar to let out a laugh. You climbed in the car and handed Cleo to Savitar while you drove.

"Hold him up so he can look out the window." You said as you started the car.

"He's a fish Y/N."

"And? He's a fish who needs to remember his way home."

"Y/N, it's not like he's going to grow legs and walk out of the tank and get lost."

"Savitar...Just hold him up to the window." Your boyfriend sighed and did as told shaking his head and shrugging at the people who stared at him oddly as they drove by.

——Time Skip——

A couple days later, you sat on your couch reading your book while Cleo was on the table in his tank. Suddenly your phone buzzed and you looked down to see a text from your boyfriend.

Hey babe, on my way, how's Cleo?

You smiled and quickly responded.

Good, just swimming around

He responded just as quick.

Ok, can't wait to see you, be there soon


You smirked as you set your phone and book down. In the next moment you heard a knock on the door. You walked over to it and pulled it open revealing your smiling boyfriend. You let him in and gave him a peck on the lips. You followed him into the living room where he crouched down and looked into the tank.

"Hi Cleo..." Savitar said smiling. You moved to the couch and sat down, soon being joined by your boyfriend. Savitar leaned over and kissed you. When he pulled back he smiled.

"You want to watch a movie?" You nodded.

"Pinocchio?" You smirked.

"Of course you'd suggest that Y/N, you're addicted to Disney films." You shrugged and stood up to get the movie.

"I'm assuming that a yes?" You asked.

"Yes." He said chuckling.

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