《The Flash GIF Imagines》Scar kisses-Savitar


You walked out of the bathroom wearing your American flag tank-top and black jeans. Just because it was hot outside didn't mean you were going to ditch your favorite pants.

You walked over to your night stand and grabbed your glasses, putting them on. All ready, you exited your bedroom and made your way into the kitchen to grab something to eat before you went to pick up Savitar.

You grabbed an apple and walked out of your apartment. Getting in your car, you raced over to your boyfriend's place trying to avoid all the people that were already surprisingly drunk. You clicked on your boyfriend's contact and called him while you were sitting in the front of his place.

"Hey babe, I'm outside your place, are you ready?"

"Yep, coming now." You smiled and hung up the phone, waiting for your boyfriend. In an instant you saw him walking over to your car, but instead of wearing a light shirt he had on a heavy black sweatshirt that was pulled over his head, so that his face was barely visible.

He climbed in the car and spoke. "Why didn't I just run us there?"

"Because there's going to be a million people there and I can't risk you getting caught." He pursed his lips and nodded.

"Are we going to go then?" He asked smiling. You shook your head.

"You're going to die of the heat wearing that." You said pointing towards his sweater.

"You're going to die of the heat wearing those." He added pointing towards your black jeans. You rolled your eyes.

"Just tell me why you're wearing that heavy sweater." You said.

"It's to conceal my face."

"No shiz Sherlock, I mean why are you concealing your face?" You asked. He stared at you blankly and gestured towards the side of his face that was scarred up.

"In case you haven't realized I'm half ugly and I don't want people to think little of you because you're with me."

"Aww babe, you're not half ugly, I'm pretty sure there isn't even an ugly gene in you. And really, I don't care what people think about me or you, they're not the one dating you." You said smiling reassuringly.

"Really, you don't think the scar makes me look gross?" He asked unsure. You shook your head.

"Nope, if anything it makes you look sexier." He chuckled.

"Thanks Y/N." You smiled and then lifted your eyebrows at him.

"So are you going to change out of that sweater now?" He nodded and began taking the sweater off to reveal a matching tank top to yours.

You smirked and leaned over to kiss his scar. "Ready?" You asked. He nodded and you started the car, heading off towards the carnival.

——Time Skip——

You and Savitar climbed out of the car and headed towards the ticket booth.

"How long do we plan on being here?" You asked him. He smirked.


"Well we should plan on staying awhile if we plan on going on every ride twice and then hitting all of the booths and food carts."

"So then an all day pass?" You asked.

"Do you want me to pay for it?" He asked. You shook your head. "I've got it." You smiled as you walked towards the booth and got the two of you your passes. Once you had them fastened around your wrist, both you and Savitar ran to the rides....Even the kiddy ones.

On the Merry Go round...

"I call the fancy brown horse!" Savitar chuckled as he ran over to it. You laughed.

"Fine, then I get dibs on the black one behind it." You said climbing on it. All of the children that then climbed on the ride eye-balled the two of you oddly. The parents shook your head and you smirked at them.

Soon the ride started up and you were going around in a circle on the horse. Savitar turned around to you excitedly.

"Look Y/N, I'm riding a horse, I can check that off the bucket list!"! You laughed.

On the Ferris Wheel

The two of you took a step towards the pink cage. You climbed in with Savitar and fastened yourselves in then closed the gate.

The cage slowly lifted making room for another group to get in. In the next moment, you and Savitar were both climbing higher and higher slowly until you reached the top.

"Whelp Y/N, we made it, we've reached the top."

"Yay!" You said throwing up your arms. He laughed.

"This is really boring, we're going to be up here for days at the speed this is going, why do people like this ride?"

You smirked. "Because it's romantic."

"How so?"

"Because no one can see us up here...Well maybe the carts closest to us but whatever." He smiled and suddenly became shocked when you leaned over and planted a kiss on his scar.

"How many scar kisses do you think I can pull off before we reach the bottom?" You asked.

Savitar shrugged. "We'll just have to find out." You smiled and began planting kisses on his scar as he counted.

On the bumper cars

Savitar smirked at you as you waited in line for the next ride.

"So what's our tactic?" You leaned over so no one would hear you.

"Full on war." You said.

"War?" He asked. You smirked.

"Yep, which ever one of us takes the most hits has to make stupid commentary the entire time we're watching fireworks tonight." Savitar broke out in a fit of laughter, earning a few annoyed looks from parents.

"But won't that ruin the show?" You shrugged. "I mean it's not like there's anything to hear but the booming when they get set off, plus it would make the show much more enjoyable." He smirked. "Sure."


The two of you stepped up to the gate, showed your wristbands and then went to pick out your car. You got in a purple one and Savitar climbed in a green one.

In the next moment, everyone was racing off in their cars and you and Savitar were ramming into each other, laughing the entire time.

At one point, a little kid rammed into your car, making you lose control, you weren't mad at the kid, but mad at your boyfriend for racing at you.

"Savitar...Don't do it." You said with squinted eyes as you tried to move your car. He smirked and plummeted towards you, ramming into your cart one last time.

"Nooooooo!!" You yelled throwing you hands up dramatically.

"Yesssss!" He yelled hopping out of the car and taking your hand. As the two of you walked out of the gate, he leaned over and whispered, "Guess who lost Y/N?"

You looked at him expectantly. "You." He said smirking. "Well I for one cannot wait for tonight's show." He chuckled. You smiled.

"Neither can I, now where to next?"

The two of you had finally finished going on the rides twice and hitting all the food stands and were now looking at the prize booths. You walked hand in hand calmly until you saw the table that gave out the fish. You turned to your boyfriend excitedly.

"Aww babe, it's the fish table." You said pointing to it.

"Y/N, those fish don't last long, it'll die as soon as you get him home." You pouted. "But the fishies..." He smiled at you reassuringly.

"How about we go get you a fish from the pet store tomorrow, one that won't die?" You nodded.

"Okay, but whose house is he staying at?"

"Yours of course, if you want him then wouldn't he stay at yours?"

"Yeah but, we're buying the fish together so...We both have ownership." Savitar looked over at you with raised eyebrows.

"Really?" You nodded.

"Well then how about you keep the fish at your house and I'll come visit him or her often."

"Okay...Sounds good." He chucked and brought your hand up to kiss it.

"It's getting pretty late, should we head out so we can go see the fireworks?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm getting tired of walking, I don't think I can go look at any other booths."

"What happened to the energetic Y/N that was with me this morning?"

"She was replaced by the tired and lazy Y/N." You said as your boyfriend let out a laugh.

"Do you want me to carry you?"

"But aren't you tired too? I don't want you to have to drag yourself along because you're carrying me." You said with raised eyebrows. He shook his head and smiled.

"I'm a speedster babe remember? It's easier for me to walk or run for a long time."

"Right...Then yes, but under one condition."

"And what is that?"

"I want a piggy back ride."

"Your wish is my command babe." He said as you hopped up on his back. You threw your arms around his shoulder.

"Onward!" You shouted. He laughed and began walking.

"I think you're annoying people Y/N." He said looking around at the irritated faces of passerby's.

"Well then let them be annoyed." You said.

"Ooh you're making enemies Y/N, soon their going to craft some armour and come up with a weird name and then attack you."

"Let them, I'll be ready, bring on the enemies."

"How do you plan to take them down?" Your boyfriend asked.

"Well of course I'd need help from you and as you know I can use the force..." You whispered in his ear.

"Right, I forgot you were a Jedi Master." He said chuckling as he set you down on the ground after reaching your car.

——Time Skip——

You and Savitar sat on the hill waiting for the fireworks show to begin. People began to pile around you, but not just any people, drunken party goers. As it was the best place to see the fireworks and the most secluded place, these people generally decided to hide up here where everyone else could yell at them. You and Savitar sat upright snuggling into each other, and when you were just about to talk, a man began to yell.

"GOD BLESS 'MERICA." You looked at Savitar and smiled at him and he did the same. The two of you continued to laugh at the antics of the people behind you until the fireworks began to shoot off.

"Ready Y/N?" Savitar asked. You nodded and smirked. Soon the fireworks were shooting off one by one and you began talking. You put on your best old fashioned commentor voice and spoke.

"Well what an amazing show this is am I right Barry?" You asked turning towards Savitar.

"Very." You turned back towards the flashing colors.

"Wow, what a splendid outcome this is, I mean just look at the vibrant colors of these fireworks. Reds and greens, blue, and golds...Just magnificent." Savitar let out a light chuckle.

"Say Barry, do you know how much these here shows cost?"

"Not at all."

"Well let me just give it to you flat...$20,000."

"$20,000? Well where did you get that number from?"

"I researched it a few weeks ago around 1 o'clock in the morning."

"Any particular reason?" Your boyfriend asked with raised eyebrows.

"Nope, the question just popped into my head and I had to look it up."

Savitar smiled. "Alright commentor Y/N, you can stop now, let's enjoy the last few fireworks together." You smiled and leaned over, snuggling into his chest.

Soon the last of the fireworks shot off in a cluster and people began to start cleaning up. You continued to stay huddled into Savitar's warm chest as you spoke.

"What a show, am I right Barry?"


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