《The Flash GIF Imagines》Karaoke night-Savitar


You slid off the couch earning a questioning glance from your boyfriend who played Skyrim. 

"Y/N, any reason why you slid off the couch?" You lay on the ground and groaned.

"I didn't want to admit it but I'm bored." You watched as he furrowed his eyebrows while looking at the game.

"Oh...Why didn't you want to admit it?"

"Because you really wanted to have a lazy day and I don't want to mess that up." You said running your hand through your hair.

"Goddammit...That's okay babe, we can do something if you want..." He said while concentrating on the game.

"We should go somewhere and sing." He looked away from the game briefly and at your face.


"Yeah, like karaoke."

"Y/N, I can't sing..."

"Don't lie babe, I've heard you when we're in the car or when I drop by and you're in the shower."

"Son of a-Are you sure that's what you want to do?" He asked. You nodded. 

"Yes, we can go now if you want?" You said. He nodded and paused his game before saving and turning it off. He smiled and you and lifted you to your feet.

"So can you like sing?" He asked while holding your hands. 

"I think so, I mean I was in choir back in high school." You said shrugging. He nodded and led you out of the house, locking the door.

"What song are we going to sing?" He asked.

"What about something from Fall Out Boy, we both know basically all the words to most of their songs." You said. Savitar nodded.

----Time Skip----

The two of you stepped out of your car and walked into the Karaoke Bar. You stepped inside with Savitar, hands intertwined with each other. You looked excitedly at the stage where brave people went up and sung their heart out. 


"Alright babe, how about we get a drink and then go up there?" You nodded and sat with Savitar at the bar. You drank a tiny bit while Savitar had a couple beers, after all it didn't affect him. After awhile you got impatient and turned towards Savitar.

"Babe, can we go up now?" You asked pleadingly. He looked over at you.


"Seriously babe, you've said that the last five times." He groaned. You suddenly realized something.

"You're nervous aren't you?" He hid his face away.

"Come on, I'm not judging you." You said resting your hand on his shoulder. He turned his face back to you.

"What if we get up there and people make fun of us?" He asked. You chuckled.

"I can assure you babe, they'll love it, you have an amazing voice...Now aren't you curious what I sound like?" You teased. He smirked and stood up, asking for your hand. You gladly accepted and walked up to the stage. People suddenly turned towards the two of you.

Savitar chuckled nervously. "Hey guys, I'm Barry and this is my girlfriend Y/N, and well we're going to sing Just One Yesterday by Fall Out Boy." He smiled and grabbed the microphone waiting for the music to start. 

"I thought of angels choking on their halos. Get them drunk on rose water. See how dirty I can get them pulling out their fragile teeth and clip their tiny wings..." He sung, his voice capturing the attention of everyone in the bar. Occasionally he would look over at you and break out in a smile. 

Finally it was your turn to sing. "If I spilled my guts, the world would never look at you the same way. And I'm here to give you all of my love so I can watch your face as I take it all away..." You sang looking over at a smirking Savitar. The two of you then began singing together until you finished the song strongly and looked at the crowd. They burst out clapping and someone in the crowd yelled.


"You guys were amazing! Sing something else!" You chuckled and looked over at Savitar who shrugged. 

"You up for round two?" You nodded.

"Alright guys next song we'll sing is Irresistible by Fall Out Boy featuring Demi Lovato." The crowd clapped and the two of you began to sing again, letting loose and relaxing.

----Time Skip----

You and Savitar fell into each other as you laughed. As you stepped outside in the cool airy night, you rubbed your hands against your arms.

"That was fun babe, we should do it again." You said earning a smile from your boyfriend.

"I didn't know you could sing." He said shocked. 

"I know I don't look like it but yeah, I love to sing." 

"You're good at it, why don't you tell more people?" He asked grabbing your hand. You shrugged.

"It's not exactly something to bring up in a normal conversation. 'Hey how's your day?' 'Good, by the way I can sing.' See? It just makes the conversation more awkward than it already is." Savitar chuckled.

"I didn't mean it like that." He said. You shivered.

"Wanna go back to my place?" He asked. 

"Can I help you finish that quest in Skyrim? The one you were playing before we left?" You asked.

"You've played it before?" Your boyfriend as surprised. 

You nodded. "I have it at my house..." His face lit up. 

"You just became even cooler Y/N, you know that?" You shrugged. "I try." 

He walked over to the car and climbed in along with you. "Let's go finish a quest babe!" He shouted excitedly. 

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