《The Flash GIF Imagines》Childish banter-Cisco Ramon


You shifted through the box of comic books that sat on the table in front of you, lazily flicking the ones over that you didn't want, in hopes of uncovering a hidden beauty.

Finally, you gave up with a huff, where in the world did they keep the good comics? You wondered. You moved across the store to wall that shelves several rows of comics, ranging from Star Wars to Marvel.


You jumped at the sound of your boyfriend's high pitched voice. Whipping around to face him, you saw his eager expression. He held a comic book up to your face.

"Look what I found," he practically sang out. You furrowed your eyebrows at him before reaching over to grab the comic from him.

Iron Man. You looked up at Cisco, your face twisting into a grimace.

"What?" He asked. "You know who that is right?" You could practically hear the shock in his voice. You nodded and proceeded to speak.

"Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist...Or as I prefer to call him, obnoxious."

Cisco blinked at you, taken aback. "Excuse me? Are you saying you don't like Iron Man?" He asked.

You shrugged. "I'm indifferent, honestly I prefer Captain America."

Cisco gasped. "What-How? Captain America he's...he's..." You raised your eyebrows, waiting for Cisco to finish his sentence. "He's so...so righteous."

You chuckled, "Yeah, but he's so much more tolerable."

Cisco squinted his eyes at you. "Honestly Y/N, I thought I knew who you were, but now I'm just not sure anymore." You giggled and reached for Cisco's hand. You led him over to the checkout counter in order to get in line to pay for the few comics that you both had successfully found.

"It's just-" Cisco began. You rolled your head over to look at him.


"You know it's alright to have different opinions right? I like Captain America, you like Iron Man, that doesn't mean we're going to break up. You'll just have to live with it," you joked, poking Cisco's nose.

He smiled. "Yeah I know, but like--Sorry now these questions are bothering me. The Flash or Kid Flash?"

You smirked. "Are you asking me to pick between our colleagues?"

Cisco furrowed his eyebrows. "Come on, you and I both know you prefer working with one of them more," he said.

You sighed and looked away from him. "Kid Flash," you mumbled.

Cisco shook his head. "Barry would be disappointed babe, he's the OG."

You shrugged. "I'm sure he'd understand, he's difficult sometimes." Cisco pointed at you and nodded in agreeance.

"Alright Cisco, my turn," you said, glancing around at all of the items that surrounded you, on the shelves, as you stood in line. Finally, a mug that had Spongebob's face blown up to cover the entire surface, caught your eye.

"Spongebob or Patrick?" You asked. Cisco blinked a few times and looked at you confused.

"I-I don't know, I've never really thought about it...Spongebob I guess, he's more tolerable," Cisco responded, chuckling at the last words that fell from his mouth. You squinted your eyes at him, upset from his mocking of your earlier words.

"Pfft...Whatever, Spongebob's totally overrated, I mean come on no one recognizes Patrick and plus he puts up with Spongebob's crap 24/7," you said in defiance. Cisco chuckled, pulling you into him. He placed a quick kiss onto your forehead.

"Never change Y/N." You giggled.

"Well except maybe your opinions on Iron Man and my boy Spongebob," he said, throwing you a smirk. You playfully pushed him.


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