《The Flash GIF Imagines》Pumpkin carving boo-boo-Cisco Ramon


You walked into your house, both hands holding pumpkins, the smaller ones of course, there's no way you could carry two full size pumpkins.

"Cisco, I'm home!" You shouted, kicking the door closed with your foot. Cisco ran into the kitchen where you now stood, a pen in his mouth, and a pad of paper in his hand. You chuckled at his appearance.

"What are you doing?" You asked your husband. Cisco removed the pen from his mouth, looking at the saliva filled pen in disgust before he wiped it off.

"Um...I'm just brainstorming ideas for Barry's new suit." He said. You nodded and rested your hands on the pumpkins which now sat on the counter.

"Alright, well for tonight, we have other things to focus on." You said. Cisco sat the paper and pen on the counter.

"Oh yeah, and what is that?" He asked. You smirked.

"Why Cisco, we have pumpkins to carve!" You shouted. Cisco smiled and shook his head.

"Y/N, I love you enthusiasm, but they're just going to get old and wrinkly sitting in this house." He said.

"Well they're not sitting in our house, we're taking them over to S.T.A.R. Labs for the Halloween Party tomorrow." You said. Cisco's face suddenly showed a sudden realization.

"Oh right...We were in charge of the pumpkins..." He said looking down at the ground. You nodded.

"Well did you get some pumpkin carving tools?" Cisco asked. You shook your head and walked over to one of the drawers in the kitchen, pulling it open to reveal pumpkin carving utensils.

"We already have some." You said, taking the utensils out of the drawer.

"Okay, well then let's get started on these pumpkins!" Cisco said, clasping his hands together. You laughed and walked over to the pumpkins, taking one in your arms, and carrying it over to the dining room table. Cisco followed and sat across from you.


"So what's our design?" He asked. You shrugged.

"Let's get it cleaned out then we can decide." You said. Cisco nodded and began to cut the top of the pumpkin off. For the next half an hour, the two of you cleaned out the pumpkins, throwing the seeds into a bowl to be cleaned.

You sat back into your chair, throwing the spoon onto the table, accidentally flinging a piece of pumpkin at your husband.

"Ugh Y/N!" He cried, wiping the pumpkin pieces off his face.

"Sorry..." You mumbled before standing up and walking over to Cisco. He looked up at you.

"Yes?" He asked.

"Are you done yet?" You asked. Cisco shook his head and showed you the inside of his pumpkin that was still half full.

"Babe! What have you been doing this entire time?" You asked him, laughing.

"Trying to clean this pumpkin, but there's just so much." He said. You shook your head and reached over, removing the spoon from his hand.

"Here, watch out, I'll finish your pumpkin, you go clean those seeds off." You said, pointing towards the bowl. Cisco nodded and stood up, allowing you to slide into his seat. You then began cleaning out his pumpkin as he turned on the sink.

"Ewwwww!!" You heard Cisco shouted from over by the sink. You let out a chuckle.

"Are you good over there babe?!" You asked.

"No! Soggy pumpkin feels so gross!" He shouted back. You could almost hear the disgust in his voice. You smiled and went back to cleaning the pumpkin. Soon enough, you were finished and were in the kitchen, washing the seeds from Cisco's pumpkin.

"Hey babe, looks like you were able to clean the seeds without dying." You said. Cisco turned around to you and stared at you blankly.


"I'm a tough cookie Y/N, these pumpkin seeds are nothing compared to me." He said. You let out a laugh.

"That's why I heard you screaming like a little girl when I was cleaning the pumpkin?" You asked. Cisco pursed his lips.

"Was it that loud?" He asked. You nodded and walked over to him.

"Yeah, but soggy pumpkin is pretty gross, I don't blame you for freaking out." You said. Cisco smiled and leaned over to give you a kiss.

----Time Skip----

You walked back over to the table, where Cisco was staring at his pumpkin intently.

"Alright, the pumpkin seeds are cooking, so now all we have to do is carve these pumpkins." You said. Cisco continued to stare at his pumpkin.

"Alright, but I can't think of anything to carve..." He mumbled.

"Well we have the books in the drawer that have templates." You said.

"Okay..." Cisco mumbled. You nodded and went to grab the books, which Cisco gladly took when you returned. He looked at all of the pages until he found one. You did the same and in the next moment, the two of you were carving away at your pumpkins.

The two of you worked quietly, embracing the silence, until you heard Cisco yell from the other side of the the table. You looked up at Cisco with furrowed eyebrows, your knife still in the pumpkin. Cisco looked up as well, meeting your eyes, pain painted on his face. You let go of the knife, leaving it in the pumpkin and made your way over to Cisco, who was holding onto his hand.

"Cisco, what happened?" You asked, reaching for his hand, which was leaking blood.

"I cut my hand....Ow! The knife cut through the top." He said.

"By the knuckles?" You asked. Cisco nodded.

"Okay, let me go get the medical kit and I'll patch you up." You said, racing off towards your bedroom. You grabbed the medical kit and ran back to Cisco, who now had a paper towel wrapped around his hand. You knelt in front of him and reached for his hand, which he shoved towards you. You took the paper towel off and saw a giant cut mark across his knuckles.

"Awe Cisco..." You mumbled as you began to clean it up. The blood continued to pour out even though you continued to wipe it.

"Come on, let's go wash it." You said, pulling your husband to his feet and walking towards the kitchen sink, where you turned the water on and allowed it to run over Cisco's wound.

"Thank Y/N." Cisco said as the two of your stood there.

"Well I wasn't going to leave you there with a cut in your hand." You said. Cisco smiled weakly.

"I know." He said. You smiled at him and looked down at his hand. You turned the water off and dried the wound, wrapping it in a cotton cloth since a band-aid wouldn't work.

"There you go babe, your boo-boo is all fixed up." You said. Cisco smiled at you.

"Thanks...Is there any kind of remedy that would make it feel better now?" He asked. You looked at him with a raised eyebrow, but soon understood.

"Cisco, are you asking that I kiss your boo-boo?" You asked. Cisco shrugged.

"Maybe..." He said. You smiled and shook your head as you brought his hand up to your lips and gave it a light peck.

"All better?" You asked.

"All better." He said smiling.

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