《The Flash GIF Imagines》Bird watching-Cisco Ramon


You walked into the living room, your boyfriend sitting on the couch, staring up at the TV. You walked over to him and leaned down, kissing the top of his head.

"Morning babe." You said quietly.

"Morning." Cisco replied as you made your way around the front of him to sit beside him on the couch. Cisco leaned over towards you.

"You smell good, did you just shower?" He asked. You smile and look at Cisco as if he's serious.

"Yeah, I thought my damp hair would have been your first thought though." You said. Cisco looks over at you, blinking several times before turning to look at your hair.

"Oh." He said. You raised an eyebrow at him and reached for his hand. You intertwined your fingers with his and looked up at him.

"So, I was thinking." You began.

"Oh no, that's never good." Cisco said. You squinted your eyes at him and playfully punched his arm, making a laugh erupt from his lips.

"Anyways...I was thinking we could go bird watching today." You said.

"Bird watching?" He asked in shock. You nodded.

"It's not much work and it can be fun." You said. Cisco looked over at you, biting his lip, clearly undecided. You smiled at him and nudged his shoulder.

"Pwease babe?" You asked. Cisco looked at the floor and then back up at you.

"Alright Y/N, let me get ready." He said, standing up. You nodded and grabbed your shoes from the floor besides the coffee table, tying them on.

----Time Skip----

You sat on the bar stool, looking down at your phone as you popped grape after grape into your mouth. You heard footsteps behind you and turned to see Cisco all fresh and clean.


"Lookin' good babe." You said, winking at him. Cisco looked over at you and bit his lip before walking to the fridge to grab out an apple.

"So, I found my bird dictionary in our bedroom and my binoculars, so we're already to go." You said. Cisco closed the refrigerator and looked at you smirking and shaking his head.

"What?" You asked.

"It's just that normal people don't have a pair of binoculars and a bird book lying around just waiting to be used." He said. You rolled your eyes.

"Well in case you haven't noticed Cisco, I'm not like normal people." You said, standing up to take the empty grape bowl to the sink. Cisco finished his apple and threw the core in the trash.

"Ready?" He asked. You nodded.

----Time Skip----

You and Cisco climbed out of the car, the binoculars hanging in one hand, the book in your other.

"Alright bird expert, where to?" Cisco asked, removing the book from your hand and placing it in his other so the two of you could intertwine your fingers.

"How about over there, by the giant tree?" You asked, pointing to the biggest tree in the park. Cisco nodded and began leading you over there. You laid down the colorful blue blanket you'd brought along. Just as you were about to fix the blanket, Cisco hopped onto it and laid down.

"Babeeee...." You cried, tugging at one of the corners on the blanket. "Moveeeee...."

"I can't Y/N, the blanket has already accepted me, if I get up now, I'll lose its respect." Cisco said. You rolled your eyes, dropping the corner, and sitting down next to him. You brushed a strand of hair out of his face.


"You're impossible Cisco." You said. Cisco looked up at you for a brief second, blinded by the sun.

"Yeah, but you love me." He said. You nodded.

"Yep...So shall we begin watching these birds?" You asked. Cisco propped himself up.

"Well when you say it that way Y/N, it sounds creepy." He said smiling. You looked at him and leaned over to give him a quick peck on the lips.

"Quit being a dork and let's watch some birds." You said. Cisco nodded and took the binoculars from you. He looked through the binoculars, around at the sky above, until he spotted something in the distance.

"Look Y/N! It's a little brown bird!" Cisco shouted eagerly, passing the binoculars off to you. You grabbed them and looked through the lenses as Cisco flipped through the bird dictionary. You set the binoculars down and began laughing. Cisco looked over at you oddly.

"What's so funny?" He asked. You continued laughing, trying to speak.

"It's-That's not a bird." You blurted out.

"Well then what is it?" Cisco asked defensively.

"It's a leaf!" You said, laying down on the blanket. Cisco grabbed the binoculars from your hand and looked through them again. He stared into them for a long time before dropping them onto the blanket and wiping his eyes.

"I really just mistook a leaf for a bird...." He mumbled. You sat up and rested your head on his shoulder, finally finished laughing.

"It's okay, you spend so many hours inside at work, it really isn't that much of a shock." You said.

"Thanks Y/N, for making me realize I'm out of touch with nature." Cisco said sarcastically. You sat up and pushed Cisco's face towards you. You stared into his eyes.

"Awe babe, come on, you have to admit it's kind of funny...Plus I still love you, even if you do mistake leafs for birds." You said smirking. Cisco's lip quivered, until finally he gave in and smiled. He pulled you in for a kiss, his hand resting gently on the side of your face.

When you pulled back, Cisco was smiling widely at you.

"I guess you were right Y/N." He said.

"About what?" You asked.

"About bird watching being fun." He said. You shook your head and laughed.

"We haven't even found any birds yet." You said. Cisco shrugged.

"Then let's get on it bird expert." He said smiling. You smiled too.

"Alright how about this? You look for the birds and describe them to me and I'll find them in the book. That way I don't mistake anything else for a bird." Cisco suggested.

"Alright." You said agreeing. Cisco laid down on his stomach, his head propped up by a portion of the blanket that was bunched up. He patted his stomach and you laid your head horizontally on his stomach, so that the two of you were facing in opposite directions.

You put the binoculars up to your eyes. "Got one." You said.

"Damn, you're fast bird expert." Cisco said.

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