《The Flash GIF Imagines》Shopping time-Barry Allen


You finished lacing up your shoes and brushed off your pants as you stood up off the couch.

"Bear!" You shouted, glancing around the room. You heard the sound of footsteps approaching and looked over to see your husband smiling widely at you, the collar of his shirt all messed up and a few strands of hair out of place.

"You good there?" You asked him, laughing. Barry nodded.

"Yeah, I was just trying to get ready quickly," he said, brushing down his shirt. You smiled and leaned over to fix his collar.

"But you have super speed, why didn't you use it?" you asked him. Barry smiled.

"Because, I like being in the moment with you," he said. You smiled at him and leaned down to give him a peck on his lips.

"You smell good," Barry said. You pulled back and laughed before patting down his hair that stuck up. "So do you Bear," you said in return.

"Ready to go then, before the stores get too packed?" you asked your husband who nodded.

----Time Skip----

You got out of the car and walked over to Barry who was standing on the other side of the car now. He turned towards you, a pleading look painted on his face.

"Y/N..." he said.

"Yes Barry?" you asked him, your eyebrows raised.

"Can I ride in the cart?" he asked. You smiled.

"Sure," you said before Barry raced over to the carts and pulled one out. You held the cart for him as he climbed in, smirking at the adults and children who gave you weird looks.

"Are you good?" you asked Barry.

"Yep," Barry said. You nodded and spun the cart around before pushing it into the store. You headed in the direction of the cereal first.


You were walking down the aisle, looking at all of the cereal when you heard a gasp erupt from your husband and saw him point his finger towards a box of cereal.

"Y/N! Look, they have the Halloween cereal in already! Can we get some?" he asked.

"Sure Bear," you said, laughing. You picked up the cereal and sat it in the cart with Barry, who accepted it gleefully. You returned to the back of the cart and began pushing it towards another aisle.

You were crouched down, looking at all of the options of frozen pizza when an older woman approached you and Barry.

"Excuse me sir, but I don't feel it's appropriate for you to be in the cart, given you're an adult," the woman said. You rolled your eyes and continued looking at the pizza as you felt Barry had the situation handled.

"Well, that's for me to decide, and I've decided that I want to ride in this cart," Barry said calmly, not wanting to start an argument.

"Excuse me, are you with him?" the woman asked, now speaking to you. You stood up, spinning around.

"Yes," you said.

"And you condone this?" she asked. You smirked.

"Of course," The woman looked at you oddly.

"The carts are for little kids to ride in and for groceries to sit in, not grown men," the woman said irritated. You raised your eyebrows at her.

"Oh! Miss, I think you're mistaken, see I'm buying him, he was on my shopping list. You see, a week ago I lost my husband and well I was lonely so I thought I'd pick up another one at the store. This one seemed like the best model, I mean it was between him and then a really pretty brunette woman, but you know, I just couldn't get over his charm," you said. The woman stared back at you in shock.


"Have a nice day," you said, waving at her before grabbing the cart and walking away. Barry turned around to you, holding up a hand. You smiled and gave him a high five.

"Y/N, you're quite possible the funniest woman I've ever met," Barry said.

"What do you mean quite possibly, you know I am," you said jokingly.

Soon, your cart was full and Barry was covered in food. You pushed the cart towards the self checkout line and began ringing up the food. Barry handed you everything, so this process went quicker. Soon you were ringing up the last of the food and awaiting your price.

"What's the damage today Y/N?" Barry asked.

"$200.07," you said before inserting the money into the machine. You took your change and pulled the cart behind you, Barry still in the middle of it, this time surrounded by a dozen or more plastic bags full of food.

You pulled the cart behind you until you were finally standing behind yours and Barry's car, but mostly yours since Barry likes to run everywhere when he's not with you.

You opened the trunk and began taking the groceries from Barry and loading them into the car.

"Thank you," you said, taking the last bag in your hand.

"No problem Y/N, wanna help me out now? My legs are cramped," Barry said sadly. You smiled.

"That's cause you're way taller than this basket hon," you said. Barry smiled as he stood up and slowly climbed out of the cart.

"Thanks for pushing me around Y/N," Barry said, leaning down to give you a peck on the lips.

"Anytime, well except for next week, I get to ride in the cart next time," you said. Barry laughed.

"Of course, it'd be my honor," he said, bowing. You laughed and gave him a kiss on the cheek before putting the cart back and climbing into the car with him.

----Time Skip----

You and Barry had finally gotten all of the groceries into the house, the both of you worn out.

"Bear?" you asked.

"Yeah?" he asked, leaning against the wall.

"You wanna use your powers and put everything away?" Barry laughed.

"Sure," he said and shot off, a moment later, all of the groceries were put away. You smiled and ran over to Barry, embracing him in a hug. A laugh erupted from his lips.

"What's this for?" he asked, hugging you back.

"For saving me from having to put all of that away," you said smiling. Barry lightly kissed your head.

"Want to go binge watch a series and pig out on the new food?" Barry asked. You looked up at his face and met his gaze. You smirked, causing a smile to break out on your husband's lips.

"I would love to," you said.

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