《The Flash GIF Imagines》Ever heard of the game M.A.S.H.?-Ralph Dibny


You sat next to Ralph watching as Loki made his first appearance in the movie. "Yes! You go Loki!" You shouted earning a joking eye roll from Ralph. All of a sudden, Ralph's TV went black. You looked over at Ralph disapprovingly.

"I thought you were going to get it checked?" You asked.

"Didn't have time." He replied apologetically. You huffed. "Well our night's officially screwed...I was looking forward to watching this for the 100th time..." You said sadly. "What are we going to do now?" Ralph shrugged his shoulders.

Suddenly an idea popped into your head and you turned towards your best friend. "Do you remember that game we used to play when we were teenagers? The one with pencil and paper where we'd predict each other's futures...What was it called?"

"Are you talking about M.A.S.H.?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows. You nodded your head enthusiastically. "Yes and I want to play!" Ralph rolled his eyes.

"But we're not teenagers anymore, we're adults now..."


"So, how is that going to be fun?" He asked raising his eyebrows. You shrugged. "Where's the paper in your house?" You asked standing up.

"Seriously?" You nodded and waited. "In my room there's some on the night stand, there should be pens around there too." You set off to find them.

Five minutes later

You sat down on the floor next to Ralph's coffee table and gestured for him to join you. You watched as he groaned and then walked over to you, sitting down.

"Okay ready?" You asked and Ralph nodded. "Here are the categories...Houses, number of kids, spouse, state of residence, and what car you drive." Ralph nodded again. You pulled the paper out of Ralph's sight and filled in the four spaces on each category.


"Pick a number." You said. He thought about it for a moment and then spoke. "16." You nodded and got to counting, crossing off, and then coming up with your final result. You looked up at him with a smirk on your face.

"Ready to hear your future?" Ralph looked at you suspiciously then said 'Sure.'

"You live in a mansion with your five kids and husband Barry Allen in Ohio and drive a cardboard box...." Ralph scowled.

"How the hell does one drive a cardboard box?" He asked chuckling. You shrugged.

"Attach wheels to it and then use your hands to push yourself?" You added confused before chuckling. "I'm surprised you weren't more worried about marrying Barry."

"Oh I am, Barry and I would be fighting constantly and that's not good for the kids, but the box had me more infuriated, how am I supposed to get my future children to school or dance recitals or soccer games? A box is not a soccer mom vehicle." He added laughing when he saw your smile.

"You just assume one with dance and the other play soccer..." You added as you continued to laugh.

"I know my kids, they will. Little Jessica will be a dancer, hopefully not the Strip Club kind, Ralph Jr. will be a detective, Mark will be the soccer player, Anna will be a Princess, and well Baby Y/N is going to want to play M.A.S.H. all of the time..." You smiled and pushed the paper towards him.

"Here take it, my turn." You said finally able to speak.

Five minutes later

"Alright Y/N, ready to hear your future diagnosis?" You nodded rubbing your hands together excitedly.

"Okay so you live in a family house with your seven kids and husband Barry Allen in Miami and drive a minivan."


You looked at the paper with disgust. "A freaking minivan?" He nodded. "Well you have to have a big enough car to carry around all those kids Y/N, close your damn legs." You burst out laughing.

"Shut up Ralph, at least my husband didn't leave me for someone else..." You started.

"I know, what a jerk, Barry left me and the kids for you, I always knew he'd go for one of my friends, how cynical of him. He better pay child support or so help me God..." He said with a joking eye roll. You laughed and crouched to the ground laughing uncontrollably.

"I'd watch out Y/N, you live in Miami, Barry probably has wandering eyes like he did with me." He said chuckling. You finally sat up and looked over to Ralph. "You know what we have to do know don't you?" Ralph nodded smirking.

The next day

You walked into the busy S.T.A.R. Labs with Ralph holding a coffee. Barry walked by you and you mumbled.

"Cynical jerk...Keep your eyes in your head for one second." Earning a defensive pose from Barry. You looked at Ralph who was trying not to laugh. A minute later Barry came in and made the mistake of passing by Ralph.

"I can't believe you Barry, left me and the kids. Who's going to pick the kids up from school now while I'm at work? They'll have to sit there...Alone." He said, pretending to wipe a tear away.

Barry looked at the two of you with furrowed eyebrows. "Are you guys okay? Are you high?" He asked pointing to the two of you. Ralph walked past him and patted his shoulder.

"No but I wish I was, I have no idea how I'm going to pay for the five kids as a single parent..." He then walked away and you looked at a confused Barry and chuckled before walking off towards Ralph.

"What the hell?" Barry mumbled, still trying to process what just happened.

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