《The Flash GIF Imagines》Unintended birthday mishap-Ralph Dibny


You walked into yours and Ralph's shared apartment, being greeted with birthday decorations hanging on every wall and balloons in every corner. You walked into the kitchen and saw your boyfriend pouring a cup of orange juice.

"Ralph! What is all this?" You asked gleefully. He stopped pouring and set everything down before smiling at you.

"Well I wanted to give you a birthday you'd never forget so I went to the party store and got a few things."

"A few? Ralph it looks like you bought out the whole store!" You exclaimed walking over to him. He smiled and kissed you. When he pulled back he smiled again and walked over to the fridge where he reached in a pulled out a cake.

"Did you bake me a cake too?" You asked cheerfully. He nodded and set it on the kitchen counter. Putting candles in and lighting them, Ralph began to sing 'Happy Birthday.' You smiled and soon were blowing out your candles and making a wish. You opened your eyes and looked at Ralph.

"So are we going to eat the cake now?" You asked smiling.

"Well if you want, but I'm not really hungry right now..." You shrugged. "You can have some later then, but I'm hungry for some cake." Ralph smiled and cut into it, producing a large piece and placing it on a plate handing it out to you. You carried the plate over to the table and dug in as Ralph went to get ready as he planned to take you out to the carnival. You ate the cake savoring the chocolate taste that had a hint of lemon. After ten minutes, you doubled over in pain and called out to Ralph who came rushing into the room with concern painted all over his face.

You looked up at him and saw how scared he was before he picked you up and ran out of the house not even bothering to lock the door. You hid your face in his chest and soon looked up to see you were at the entrance of S.T.A.R. Labs.


"What's wrong?" Caitlin asked concerned as Ralph carried you towards the hospital bed.

"I don't know..." Ralph said looking at you scared. Caitlin nodded and began to check you. "Have you eaten anything in the last 24 hours?" You nodded.

"I had pizza last night, an egg this morning, and then a birthday cake this afternoon....The only thing I ate different than every other day was the cake." You said clutching your stomach. Caitlin looked up at Ralph.

"Where did you buy it?" She asked.

"I-I didn't buy it, I made it." He said. Caitlin looked at him with wide-eyes and then yelled at Cisco. "Hey Cisco, I need you to watch Y/N while I go look at something!" Cisco came into the room instantly and Caitlin ran out pulling Ralph and Barry with her.

You were standing in the kitchen with Caitlin and Barry.

"So I want you to show me everything that you used in the cake." Caitlin said looking at you. You nodded. You went into the fridge and pulled out milk, and then eggs. You walked over to the counter and grabbed a box.

"I used the cake mix in here." Walking over to the far left bottom cabinet you pulled out a bottle filled with a yellow liquid and pointed to it.

"Vegetable oil." Caitlin reached out and grabbed the bottle from you. She unscrewed the lid and sniffed.

"This isn't vegetable oil, this is Pine Sol." She said.

"Glad I didn't eat that cake then..." You said jokingly.

Barry looked at you disapprovingly before sticking his hand on the bridge of his nose.

"Honestly sometimes Ralph...."

You sat on your side on the bed waiting for the pain in your stomach to stop. Cisco looked at you reassuringly just as Caitlin, Barry, and Ralph walked back into the room.

"Don't worry Y/N, we found what's causing your stomach pains." She said smiling apologetically.


"Yeah you see Ralph here put Pine Sol in the cake as he'd mistaken it for vegetable oil." Cisco let out a laugh but quickly covered his mouth and walked briskly out of the room trying to avoid your wrath.

"Great. So I have chemical poisoning..." You mumbled. Caitlin nodded. "But don't worry, we'll have you feeling better once we get it flushed out of your system." You weakly nodded before Ralph came around to the other side of the bed where Caitlin wasn't standing.

"Sorry babe..."

"Sorry doesn't reverse this Ralph." He looked at you and brightened.

"But you know what could is if Barry went back in time to fix this like he has to save his mom a million times." He said looking over at Barry who gave him a death glare. You rolled your eyes not finding his joke funny.

"Stop throwing shade Ralph, at least Barry didn't poison me." You looked over and saw Ralph awkwardly standing beside you. Taking advantage of the silence you began to ask Ralph about how all of this happened since Caitlin and Barry left the room.

"Well everything was going smoothly until I couldn't find the vegetable oil, so I opened all of the cabinets top and bottom until I saw a bottle with yellow liquid in it. I just assumed it was what I needed and added it to the cake mix." You shook your head.



"We've been out of vegetable oil since last Tuesday and you should know by now that all chemicals and pans/pots go in the bottom cabinets and ingredients in the top." Ralph sighed.

"Sorry...Hey at least what I said earlier was true." He said smirking.

"Yeah, and what was that?" You asked irritated.

"That this would be a birthday you'd never forget." You heaved a sigh. "Ralph I swear to God as soon as I'm able to walk without barfing, I'm going to-" You began but were interrupted by your boyfriend.

"Pelt me with a thousand kisses?" He asked hopefully. "Try again."

"Pelt me with a crow bar?" He asked uneasily. You rolled your eyes. "I'm not abusive Ralph, I'm not going to hit you. But what I am going to do is make you fend for yourself for the next week." He gasped.

"Please don't say what I think you're going to say..." He replied uneasily.

"Oh it is, you're cooking your own dinner." You smirked. Ralph walked to the other side of the bed so that he was looking you in the eyes.

"Come on Y/N, can't we talk about this?" You shook your head and looked up at him.

"This is what you get for poisoning me." You added.

"Seriously? It was an accident." You looked at him with a blank face. "That's like me saying it was an accident I threw this pillow at you." He stared at you confused until you hit him in the face with the pillow your head was on.

"But it really was an accident, you know I'd never want to intentionally poison you." He said pleadingly.

"Exactly my point, you didn't think before you poured that random yellow liquid in the cake mix and I didn't think before I threw that random pillow at your face. God only knows what came off on your face when it hit you."

Ralph smiled. "Finally, the old Y/N is back."

"And how do you know?" You asked teasingly. "You're using a bunch of logically induced sentences that confuse me....Also, you're smiling."

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