《The Flash GIF Imagines》Late night Nonsense-Ralph Dibny


You were lying in your shared bed a million horrifying scenarios playing on repeat when you heard the door open and someone walk in. You listened carefully and figured out it was your boyfriend who had just gotten back from helping the Flash. You lay with your back to the door so usually when Ralph comes in he thinks you're asleep.

You felt the other side of the bed sink in and once Ralph was situated, you rolled over and came face to face with him. Ralph looked at you tiredly.

"I thought you were asleep..."

"Nope, I can't get to sleep without you next to me." You replied bringing a smile to his face. He closed his eyes and so did you, but a minute later opened them back up, not feeling tired anymore.


"Hm?" You heard him say.

"Are you awake?" He slowly opened his eyes and looked at you. "I wasn't until you started talking..."

"Sorry..." He watched you intently before speaking. "It's fine....Are you okay?" You shook your head.

"I can't ever seem to fall asleep, the nightmares come back every time I close my eyes." You said weakly.

"Hey it's okay..." You felt your eyes begin to gloss over and then the dam broke releasing all the water out of your eyes. Ralph scooted over to you and pulled you into him in an attempt to comfort you. "Are they about the same things?" You nodded. He kissed your head.

"It'll get better, for now let's try to get to sleep okay?" He said.

"But the nightmares..." You said scared to close your eyes. "Don't worry, you don't have to fall asleep now, if you want, I'll stay up with you and we can talk until you do."


"But don't you have work in the morning?" You asked not wanting to be a burden.

"Yeah but I'm not going to let you suffer just so that I can have a full bar of sleep tomorrow."

"Okay..." You mumbled. "Ralph?"

"Yeah?" He asked squeezing you tighter. "What are you most proud of accomplishing?"

"Scoring you as my girlfriend." You smiled. "Really?"

"Yeah, you're the best thing that ever happened to me."

"Not the powers?" You asked. "Nope, but I mean they are cool." He chuckled.

"That I can agree with. I'm going to ask another serious question okay? One that might define our relationship." You said seriously. "Sure." Ralph said nervously.

"Have you ever killed a houseplant?"

"That's your serious question Y/N! I got so scared for a minute and then you ask me that?" He asked chuckling. You smiled. "You didn't answer the question." You said moving your head so that you were looking at him out of the corner of your eye. You set your head back down.

"Fine. I owned a few in my college years but I always forgot to water them so...." He answered.

"You still didn't answer how many."

Ralph sighed. "You're so persistent. Okay, like twenty in all my life." You inhaled.

"You monster! You said jokingly. "You're so weird Y/N..."

"You say that like it's a bad thing." You replied. Ralph kissed your shoulder and after Ralph began to tell you stories you began to drift off to sleep.

The next day

You heard Ralph moving around in your room and opened your eyes, yawning.

"Y/N? You're up early." He said surprised. You threw the covers off of you and ran over to him, pulling him into a hug.


"I didn't have any nightmares last night!" You shouted excitedly. You looked up to see Ralph smiling. "So my stories distracted you? I'm glad their useful to someone, usually people don't care to listen."

You pulled back and reached up to kiss him. After you pulled back you walked out to the kitchen to make something to eat. Ralph followed you out and grabbed his stuff for work, heading out the front door. Just before the door closed, Ralph peaked back in and looked at you.

"I look forward to our late night talks of nonsense Y/N, don't be late." He said smirking. You smiled to yourself. What did you do to deserve him?

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