《The Flash GIF Imagines》Will you help me babysit?-Wally West


You sat on the couch in your apartment, your nieces and nephews were running all over the place, knocking things over.

"You guys, come on stop!" You shouted for the millionth time, practically in tears. They all stopped and looked at you but started up once again. You sighed and pulled out your phone, dialing your best friend's number. You rolled your eyes when it went to her voicemail and decided to call your boyfriend. After the fourth ring he picked up.

"Hey babe, whatcha need?" He asked calmly. Suddenly a high-pitched scream came from your bedroom. You ran towards the bedroom keeping Wally on the line.

"I'm babysitting my nieces and nephew and they won't listen to me...Do you think you can come over and help?"

"Of course, I'll be there in a minute." He said before hanging up. You rushed into the room where you heard the scream. You looked down and saw your youngest niece lying on the floor crying. You scooped her up in you arms.

"Tessa, what's wrong?" She refused to answer and continued to cry. You turned towards the oldest.

"Anna, what happened?" Anna looked at you and then down at her feet.

"We were jumping on the bed and play fighting and I accidentally knocked her off the bed." She said embarrassed. You sighed.

"Alright, everyone out of my room."

"No!" Kevin and Lauren shouted in unison.

"Come on you-" You were suddenly cut off by a knock at the door. Before you could move, the three kids tore out of the room and towards the front door. You raced after them, Tessa still in your arms. You walked into the living room and saw the kids had already opened the door. Kevin walked past you.

"He said he was your boyfriend, so we let him in."

"Kevin, that's bad don't do that again." You said reprimanding him.

"So is he not your boyfriend then?"

"No he is but letting strangers into the house is not okay."

"But he's not a stranger." You stared at him angrily, eyes popping out of your head. Suddenly you felt a hand on your shoulder. You looked over and saw it wasn't Tessa's, it was Wally's.

"Hey babe, I'm here to help now." He said smiling. You smiled up at him, your body flooding with relief.

"Have you made them dinner?" Wally asked. You shook your head.


"Every time I try to ask them what they want, they won't answer me."

——Flash Back——

"Kevin, what do you want for dinner?" You asked, walking over to the couch where they were sitting. Kevin turned towards you and smiled oddly.

"I don't know..." He said.

"Kevin...You're the oldest, so what do you want?"

"Kevin you're the oldest, so what do you want?" He mocked.

"Kevin-" You began.

"Y/N." Kevin said smirking. You held the bridge of your nose.

"Okay, Lauren?"

"Lauren's not here right now, please leave you name and message at the time of the beep." Lauren said.

You sighed and looked at Anna.

"What about you Anna?"

"A snowman, I want a snowman." She said laughing at her own joke. You stared at her seriously before turning towards Tessa.

"Alright Tessa, anything you want?" You asked one last time before giving up.

"The blood of my enemies." She said seriously. You looked wide-eyed at the five year old and walked back into the kitchen.

——Present Day——

"Okay well then, do any of them have a food allergy?" Wally asked.

"Nope." You confirmed.

"Then we'll go out to Big Belly Burger."

"But what if the kids don't eat it?" I asked concerned.

"Then they don't get dessert." Wally said looking at the kids. Kevin stopped in his tracks and turned around.

"What's this dessert you speak of?" He asked suspiciously.

"It's dessert you'll get if you eat your dinner." Wally said crouching down.

"Well then where's this dinner? Let me eat this dinner you speak so highly of." Kevin said waving his hands in the air.

"We have to go out to get it." Wally said.

"Well then how dare you speak of dessert in my presence." Kevin said disgusted before walking away. Wally stood back up.

"He sure is a character...So who's this?" He asked pointing to the sleeping five-year old in your arms.

"This is Tessa the youngest." You said smiling down at her.

"Is she going to be upset that we're going out?" He asked. You shrugged and tapped Tessa's shoulder. She grudgingly opened her eyes.

"Hey Tessa we're going to go out to eat? Is that okay?" You whispered. Suddenly her eyes lit up and she nodded. You set her down on the ground and she ran over to her siblings.


"I guess that's a yes babe." You said. He smiled and walked over to you, giving you a peck on the lips.

"Ew!" Kevin shouted, looking at the two of you. You rolled your eyes.

"Alright guys, let's go get food."

----Time Skip----

"Alright everyone, grab a hand." You said holding out your two hands, Wally did the same. Tessa and Lauren ran to you and Anna and Kevin to Wally. The six of you walked across the street and into the restaurant. You ordered your food and waited.

"So Wally, what do you do for a living?" Kevin asked putting his hands together atop the table.

"I save the city alongside your aunt and a few other friends." Kevin slowly blinked and turned towards you.

"You said you were a journalist." He said calmly.

"I am but I save the city too." You said. Kevin nodded and turned back towards your boyfriend.

"And by 'saving the city' you must mean you're a superhero?" Kevin asked. Wally let out a nervous chuckle and looked over at you. You shrugged.

"And I assume that nervous chuckle and sideways glance confirmed my suspicions." Kevin said leaning over the table. Suddenly the food came out and he sat back down. Everyone began to eat.

"So Y/N, how long do you have them?" Wally asked looking over at you.

"Until 12." You said.

"Okay, well we can watch a movie after this at your place." He suggested.

"I want to watch Rise of the Guardians!" Tessa shouted excitedly. Her siblings groaned.

"But you always make us watch that." Anna cried.

"Alright guys, calm down, I think we should at least let Tessa watch her movie because you guys pushed her off the bed." You added, looking around at the disgusted faces of your nieces and nephew.

----Time Skip----

You walked into the living room carrying an armful of drinks and a bowl of popcorn. Wally sat on the couch, the kids huddled around him on the floor, covered in blankets. You handed each of them their drinks and sat the bowl of popcorn in the middle of them. You moved over to the couch and cuddled into your boyfriend, who hit 'play' on the movie. Everyone sat quietly watching, well all except for Tessa who 'oohed' and 'awed' every five minutes. When the movie was coming to an end, you heard a knock at the door. You glanced at the clock and saw it read 11:56. You stood up and stalked over to the door pulling it open and revealing your sister and brother-in-law.

"Hey guys, come on in. How was the date?" You asked stepping aside. Your sister smiled.

"It was really fun!" She said happily following you into the living room.

"Alright guys, your mom and dad's here." You said. Wally stopped the movie and sat up. You looked over at your sister who looked at Wally wide-eyed. She leaned into you.

"Y/N, who is this?"

"My boyfriend, he came over to help with the kids." You said. Your sister nodded uneasily. Lauren and Anna ran over to their mom.

"Mom! Can we come over here again?" They asked jumping up and down.

"Did you have that much fun?" Your sister asked them.

"Yeah!" They said in unison causing your sister to laugh. Tessa jumped up and ran over to her father.

"Hi!" Tessa yelled. Your brother-in-law chuckled. "Where's Kevin?" He asked holding Tessa in his arms. You looked back to the couch and saw Wally walking over with Kevin.

"Hi Kevin, did you have fun?" His mom asked. Kevin nodded and smirked.

"Yes! When can we come over again?" He asked excitedly. Your sister looked over at you.

"They can come over for New Years Eve if you want?" You said shrugging. Your sister smiled.

"That would work, then me and him can go out...You guys wouldn't mind? It would take up your time together." She said. You nodded and looked over at Wally who took your hand in his.

"I'm fine with it, what about you babe?" You asked looking over at Wally.

"Sure, I love kids." He said. Your sister smiled. "Then it's settled, I'll bring them over on New Years Eve." The kids jumped up and down excitedly. Your sister and the others began to pile out of the house but Kevin stopped in his tracks and turned around. He looked over at Wally.

"Bye Wally, or should I say Kid Flash?" He said smirking. You laughed and looked over at Wally who face-palmed.

"Kids know everything Y/N." He chuckled out before pulling you in for a kiss.

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