《The Flash GIF Imagines》Sport time-Wally West


You and Wally walked over to the pole. Wally gave you a boost and you hooked the ball onto the pole, hopping back down.

"Damn, this sun is in my eyes..." Wally said.

"Do you want to switch sides? I'm wearing sunglasses so..." You said. Wally nodded and the two of you switched sides. You pulled the tether ball to you.

"Woah Y/N, who said you were starting?" Wally asked jokingly. You rolled your eyes.

"Rock paper scissors?" You asked. Wally nodded and stepped closer to you.

"Best two out of three."

You and Wally finished and Wally grabbed the ball. "Alright Y/N, ready to lose?" He asked smirking.

"Don't get cocky Wally, just because you get the ball first doesn't mean you won." You said. Wally laughed and threw up the ball. He gave it a strong hit and soon the two of you were going back and forth.

"Wally, just surrender!" You shouted tiredly.

"Never!" He joked. Wally managed to get the ball half way around the pole.

"No way West." You said, knocking the ball back around.

"You know Wally, I was actually a tether ball champion back in elementary and middle school."

"Oh yeah?" He asked chuckling.

"Yeah, I beat everyone who came along..."

"And how did you do that?" He asked.

"I had a tether ball at home and after I finished homework I would go out and practice all night." You said laughing.

"You're so competitive Y/N, normal kids don't do that." He said smiling. You shrugged. Suddenly the ball swung around really fast and you hopped backwards and up to hit it. You watched as the ball swung way above Wally's head as you crashed to the ground. Wally stopped watching the ball and looked down at you concerned, unaware of the approaching ball.


"Wally, ball!" You shouted. He whipped his head around and was smacked in the face by the fast moving yellow ball. He stumbled back and clutched his nose. You instantly got up and rushed over to him.

"Babe, is your nose broken?" You asked concerned. He shook his head.

"Just bleeding." He answered. You pouted. "Let's go clean you up." You said pulling him to his feet.

"What about the ball?" He asked as you began to pull him away.

"Screw the ball, it hurt my Wally." You said. Wally smiled but only for a minute regretting the nose pain it had caused.

You led Wally inside and earned a concerned look from Joe.

"What happened?" Joe asked. Wally turned towards him and spoke.

"Y/N's rad tetherball skills injured my nose."

"Is it broken?" He asked concerned. Wally shook his head.

"Here babe, sit on the dining room chair and I'll go get the medical supplies." Wally sat down and Joe pointed you in the direction of the first aid kit.

A moment later you reappeared, this time with a box in your hand.

"Alright, let's get you fixed up Mr. West." You said kneeling down in front of him. You got out a cloth and dabbed his nose.

"Ow..." He mumbled. You pursed your lips.

"Sorry babe, I have to clean it." You said sadly. Once cleaned you lifted Wally's chin. You looked into his eyes.

"All better babe, it's still going to hurt but it shouldn't bleed anymore. Sorry for hitting you in the face."

Wally shrugged. "I shouldn't have stood in the path of the ball."

"Yeah well I shouldn't have done my epic jump and landed on the ground making you concerned." You added.


"Y/N, are we really going to go back and forth?" He asked chuckling. You smirked.

"Sorry again babe."

"No it's fine Y/N, I shouldn't have thought I could take on a tether ball champ and win." You chuckled.

"Oh Wally, I could kiss you right now..."

He smirked. "Then why don't you?"

You laughed. "For starters, your nose." Wally shrugged. "We'll just be very careful."

You smiled and stood up, placing your hand on the side of his neck. You leaned down and kissed him but a moment later an 'ow' erupted from your boyfriend's lips.

You pulled back. "Sorry..." Wally didn't respond and instead his lips came crashing into yours again. You let out a light chuckle. A minute later, you heard someone come in the dining room.

"Hey Wally are you al-" Joe began but looked up and saw the two of you making out.

"Really guys? Wally, didn't you just hurt your nose?" The two of you ignored him. "Fine, I'll just be in the living room where I don't have to watch my son make out with his girlfriend. I had an appetite and now it's gone..." He said walking away.

The second he left you pulled back. You smiled at Wally but then noticed his nose was bleeding on the bridge again.

"Aww Wally, your nose is bleeding again." You said pouting. Wally gasped.

"You lied to me Y/N, didn't you say my nose would stop bleeding?" He asked with raised eyebrows. You smirked.

"Did I though? Do you have any documentation of it?" You inquired. Wally laughed.

"Alright Tetherball champion, let's go get our ball that we left outside."

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