《The Flash GIF Imagines》Sore loser-Wally West


You picked up your character, which was a scruffy dog, and moved it three spaces.

"Your move Wally..." you said smirking at him.

"Okay, here's the money for the final upgrade on Teddy Bear Expressway." Wally smiled handing you the money. You glared at him and then put the money in the 'bank.' You gave him the giant green house and then took your turn.

You rolled the dice, sweating a little because you were low on money and on the side of the board where Wally had built an empire. You opened your eyes, looking down at the dice only to count nine, the exact amount of spaces between the square you were on and the square Wally had just upgraded.

You inhaled and then shakily moved your dog to Wally's square. "What's the damage?"

Wally smirked and turned his card over, "$7500." You felt your heart stop for a moment and then looked up at Wally with defeat. "I'm broke."

Wally shrugged and mocked you. "Ooh, that sucks...." you scooted over to Wally and readied yourself to punch him in the arm.

"Hey whoa, you punch me, and I'll take out the dog."

You squinted your eyes. "You wouldn't."

Wally squinted his eyes as well and leaned in. "Try me..." You punched him in the arm and he threw the dice at your dog, knocking him over.

"Dead," Wally said smirking.

"Wally!" you yelled at him jokingly.

"Really, it's just business Y/N." You looked from your knocked over token over to Wally who had a giant grin plastered on his face.

"Awe, why so sad?" Wally asked, mocking you. You stayed silent and continued to cast daggers at him. Soon, Wally gave up and sighed. He leaned over the board and set your dog back up. You smiled at him.


"Thanks, now because you cost my dog emotional trauma-" you began before Wally cut you off.

"What? He's piece of metal," Wally proclaimed.

"A piece of metal that has emotional trauma, back pains, and broken limbs because of your recklessness," you countered. Wally shook his head and pulled out his money, already seeing where this was going.

"How much do I owe you?" Wally asked, his eyebrows raised.

"Well, trips to the hospital aren't cheap, so I want to say around $7500," you said. Wally shook his head.

"Nope, not happening." You pouted.

"$7250?" You tried. Wally stared blankly at you.

"$7000?" You tried for the third time, but still, Wally held his ground. You let out a sigh.

"$750? Please?" you begged. Wally looked at you one last time before giving in and handing you the money.

"Yay!" you yelled as you took the money and wrapped your arms around your friend. Wally let out a chuckle.

"Alright Y/N, calm down...Are you ready to finish the game now?" Wally asked. You pulled back and nodded. Wally threw the dice on the board and rolled a seven. Just when he was about to move, you heard the others calling for the two of you from the other room.

You looked up at Wally. "Well, looks like that's our cue," you said, sadly standing up. Wally stood up next to you. When you looked over at him, you saw he had the same grin from earlier, once again plastered on his face.

You squinted your eyes at him. "Wally..." you began. Before you knew it, you saw Wally throw your dog token up into the air and kick it across the room. He laughed and used his super speed to bolt out of the room.


"Wally!" You yelled, running towards the direction he ran a second ago, leaving your token on the ground. When you caught up with him, he was hiding behind a confused Iris, who looked up at you oddly when you entered into the main room at S.T.A.R. Labs.

You stalked over to Wally, your eyes piercing through him. He slid out from behind his sister and smiled at you. "Sup Y/N, did you find your dog?" he asked. You smirked.

"No, but I did find this, it was addressed to you," You said. Wally stared at you suspiciously until you once again punched him in the arm. Wally pouted jokingly before running out of the room. You raised an eyebrow at Iris before Wally came back in, holding something in his hand. It was the little dog token. You smiled as Wally handed it to you.

"There you are Y/N, see he's not damaged," Wally said apologetically. You laughed.

"Thanks Wally," you said. "What would I ever do without you?" you asked. Wally shrugged.

"Actually finish a game of Monopoly," he said, causing you to laugh.

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