《Sunlight Through The Curtains》The Dream Team


"Hey Sam?" Bucky peeked his head around the corner, looking into the living room. It was surprisingly clean. Probably Peter and his stress cleaning.

"Yeah?" Sam replied from the couch, taking a moment to finish reading the mail in his lap before looking up.

Bucky sat on the coffee table in front of Sam, "I got a call from Janet. Not sure why she called me this time but she said we have to go in to meet with her about the girl. Says she has an update that we need to 'discuss in person.' I guess." He said while making air quotes.

"When does she want to see us?" Sam put the junk mail on the table next to Bucky and reached for another envelope from his pile.

"Tomorrow morning." Bucky sighed. "I really hope we find her."

"Me too Jamie." Sam put his mail down. He patted Bucky's leg and they both stood up, forgetting how close together they already were. Bucky lost his balance and almost fell back on the coffee table, but Sam reached out and grabbed his arms to pull him back up.

"Thanks." Bucky huffed.

"Anytime." Sam smiled and kissed him on the cheek.

They stood there awkwardly for a moment realizing that they were stuck between the couch and the table. Bucky used his leg to push the table back so they had room to move. He kissed Sam on the lips and moved to the kitchen for a snack.


The next morning they were both scrambling to get to the meeting on time because they had slept in way too long.

They jumped in the car and Sam drove a little over the speed limit, but hey, they made it in time.

Janet was standing outside of the room they normally meet in holding her folders and bag. "We're not meeting in this room today." She stated as she led them further down the hallway. The bangles on her wrist jingled in sync with the clicks of her heals. She led them down all sorts of different hallways. One was dedicated to SWORD office training, another to the science department, even one for combat training. Neither Sam nor Bucky had bothered to tour the building when it first opened. They had only ever needed to go to Janet's office which was the first hallway on the right. The building had an interesting design. Lots of futuristic looking art and sculptures decorating the halls. The floor had a large zig zag going throughout the halls, color coordinated with whatever department they were in.


Eventually she led them to the end of a hallway in the Classified Missions Department or the CMD. This department's color was a royal blue.

The hallway opened up to what looked like a waiting room. The back wall was made of glass, if the curtains were opened they would be able to see into whatever room Janet was using her Clearance Level 5 key card to get into.

"Stay out here for a moment." She said before entering the room.

Sam and Bucky sat on the blue couches that lined the walls as they waited, giving each other looks that said "What the hell is happening." And "I have no fucking clue."

A few minutes later Janet walked out with two plastic tags. "Clip these to your shirts. It's a temporary clearance that will only work until I deactivate them later tonight, but it will get you into this room."

They complied and clipped the pieces of plastic with a blurry picture of them and "TEMPORARY CLEARANCE" In big red letters onto to their shirts.

Janet then ushered them into the room where they were met with five other people all with Clearance Level 5 or higher.

The room was decked out in royal blue. They were really dedicated to the color coordination thing. The room was split down the middle with high tech computers in rows on both sides. Toward the front though, was a large, half circle couch facing a giant screen that completely covered the wall. The SWORD logo mesmerizingly bounced against the edges of the screen.

On one side of the room, a Black woman wearing a pilot's uniform sat in a spinny chair with a pen behind their ear and dark aviator glasses on her face. Another woman stood next to them in a dark green suit that complemented her brown skin beautifully. Bucky noticed the two wore matching rings. "This is Mrs. and Mrs. Abbott." Janet gestured to them with her head as she set her stuff down.


"You can call me Louie." The woman in the green suit said sweetly. She reached a hand out to Sam and Bucky to shake.

"And you can call me Meg." The aviator offered her hand to the boys as well.

"Louie is a trauma therapist, but she specializes in children with intense trauma." Janet leaned back on a desk, "Meg is our top pilot and she passed all of their field training with flying colors. She's one of the best agents we have at SWORD." Meg smiled ever so slightly at the complement before regaining her stoic composure.

On the other side of the room, a man sat at a computer, typing away. "This is Mr. McMillon."

"Please, call me John." He looked up from his computer to shake their hands.

"He is our best computer scientist; he invented a lot of our tech. I have no idea what he's talking about half the time we speak but he knows what he's doing." Janet continued and John blushed as he returned to typing on his computer.

"This is Danny." Janet pointed to the man on a couch toward the back of the room. "He is one of our best Undercover Specialists. He makes fake identities seem so real, he's fooled the US Government before. I don't know how he does it."

Danny looked up from his phone and waved with a smile. "What can I say, it's in my blood. I was able to convince my grandparents I was 'still a girl' for 17 years. I've picked up a few skills along the way." He winked at Janet.

"I like you. You're funny." Sam said pointing to Danny.

"Yeah, I get that a lot." he said thoughtfully looking toward the ceiling and leaning back on the couch.

"And you two know Andrew Jung from your former mission correct?"

"Yeah he was the one that got us into that completely abandoned building." Sam said, "Not that it was Andy's fault I blame Janet." He joked.

She rolled her eyes, "Right... Anyway," she clasped her hands together, "I'm sure you two are wondering what's going on."

Bucky nodded quickly. "Yeah what's happening right now?"

"Getting to that Barnes." She said nonchalantly. Danny snickered and she gave him a glare that said "Another peep out of you and you're dead."

"Long story short, we know where the girl is. I'm sending you two to get her since this was your mission originally but you're gonna need help," She jumped up and sat on the desk. "Which is why they are coming with you." She continued, "They have joined up on missions before and work tremendously well together..." Janet got a couple of weird glances from the group. "Sort of."

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