《Sunlight Through The Curtains》Good morning doll


Bucky rolled over slowly adjusting his eyes to the sliver of light coming through the partially opened curtain. His brows furrowed; he always made sure his curtains were shut all the way. He starred at the sliver of light for a moment longer. Heavy eyes becoming lighter and mind becoming clearer, he felt the body next to him. More specifically, curled up next to him, legs intertwining with his own. He rolled back over to face Sam, watching him as he slept. Bucky's mind drifted while memorizing the way Sam's face relaxed as he slept. How his bare chest slowly rises and falls underneath the pristine linen sheets. Bucky looked down at his own chest realizing he too, was not wearing a shirt. Only the pair of dog tags belonging to Sam and, to his relief, a pair of pajama pants. He remembered Sam inviting him to his room, and how making out led to roaming hands, and how that led to their lack of shirts. They hadn't gone any further because they both agreed that they weren't quite ready for it.

A few minutes later Sam shifted in the sheets and woke up to a staring Bucky. "Good morning doll," Bucky whispered, his voice rough from the sleep.

Sam sighed as he met Bucky's eyes. "Mornin' Jamie." Bucky got up and pulled on his shirt that had been discarded on the floor and Sam followed. Together, they headed out to the kitchen where they found Bruce and, for some reason, Peter sitting on the barstools eating cereal.

"No." Sam stopped in his tracks looking between Peter and Bruce. He looked over at Bucky for his reaction. Bucky's eyes were closed, like he was trying to will himself out of this nightmare.

They didn't hate the kid per se, but they didn't like him either. Ever since that thing he pulled at the airport in Germany, Sam and Bucky have had a certain resentment toward the kid.


"Hi guys!" Peter said happily. He wasn't unaware that Sam and Bucky didn't like him but he decided to ignore it because who knows? Maybe they'll warm up to him. The boys put on a horribly fake smile and went to grab their own bowls of cereal.

"What's the kid doing here?" Bucky asked turning his attention toward Bruce.

"He's staying here over the summer to work with me in the lab while May is in Italy on a business trip." Bruce answered before shoveling another bite into his mouth. Bucky nodded and grabbed the gallon of milk from Sam to pour on top of his cereal. They joined Peter and Bruce at the counter and ate their breakfast in silence.

"I can take the bowls." Peter offered, already picking up everyone's bowls and bringing them to the sink. He looked down at his pocket like he sensed something before his phone started to ring right on que. "Um this is probably Fury. I should probably take it. Be right back!" He yelled while quickly walking out of the room to take the call. A few moments later Peter walked back in, "He has a mission for me so I have to go. He said it should be easy though so I should be back soon." He said, mostly toward Bruce seeing as the other two couldn't care less.

Bruce nodded with a smile as Peter left the room once again. "I'm heading to the lab." Bruce said as he got up to leave.

The boys looked at each other before Bucky suggested they watch another movie, seeing as they still haven't gotten a call back from Janet about literally anything. No missions, no meetings, nothing. So until that unfortunate call, they got to do whatever they wanted.


They settled themselves on the couch leaning up against one another. Sam picked another Disney movie and wrapped his arm around Bucky. After two and a half movies, they started focusing their attention elsewhere...

Bucky moved to straddle Sam's lap while grabbing his chin and pulling him deeper into the kiss. Sam let his hands roam up Bucky's sides then back down to his thighs. Bucky's metal hand moved to hold the back of Sam's neck while his flesh hand went under his shirt. Running his fingers over Sam's chest, feeling his abs. Bucky bit Sam's bottom lip before pulling it away and letting it go, breaking the kiss. They panted softly looking into each other's eyes before diving back in. Bucky pulled back once more, using his metal hand to slightly tilt Sam's neck. He kissed and sucked and nipped at Sam's throat to find his sweet spot. Sam stifled a moan as Bucky kissed under his ear. He felt Bucky smile against his neck. "Found it." Bucky whispered softly into his ear.

Sam grabbed Bucky's face and brought him into a heated kiss. They quickly separated as the huge window next to them shattered. A teenager in spandex sliding amongst the glass covered floor. He stood up and brushed the glass off of him before turning to see Bucky sitting on top of Sam, hands still resting on each other's bodies. "That's new." Peter quipped, looking between them and the giant robot-octopus-doctor-woman-thing approaching the compound outside. "I gotta go!" He yelled while he used his webs to swing back out and fight the thing.

Sam and Bucky looked at each other in shock for a few seconds before standing up themselves and going to look out the broken window.

They watched as the kid got knocked around while yelling witty remarks and trying to web up the octopus lady. Bruce stepped out of the elevator, looked around at the mess, then outside, before taking a deep breath and turning around to go back down to his lab.

The boys finally snapped out of it and Sam grabbed his wings. "What am I supposed to do?!" Bucky yelled to Sam.

"Call Fury and get him to send someone to pick this woman up!" He yelled back as he flew out to help Peter.

After thirty minutes of fighting Peter and Sam had her webbed up and loaded onto the jet that Fury had sent.

"So are we going to talk about what I saw orrr..." Peter asked as he helped Sam and Bucky sweep up the mess.

"No." They replied at the same time, stopping their sweeping to glare at the kid.

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