《Sunlight Through The Curtains》I am not in love with you


"I am not in love with you" Sam laughed as he walked around the kitchen island. "I can't believe you told him that." He joked.

Bucky jumped up onto the island and sat with his feet dangling over the edge. He grabbed a bag of chips from the table and started eating them. "No need to deny your feelings Samuel, I know you love me," he winked.

Sam shook his head as he opened the fridge and started to pull out ingredients. He set them all on the counter and began making whatever the hell he was making. "We need to call Janet today to tell her what happened with the kid."

The small smile Bucky was sporting had dropped. He had completely forgotten about her, he was so tired when Sam took him home that he just fell asleep and hadn't thought about it since. "And put those chips away I'm making lunch." Sam continued.

He turned to face Bucky when he heard him put the bag down. Sam walked over to him, noticing the change in emotion. "You okay?" He stood between Bucky's legs, his hands resting on the countertop.

Bucky shook his head slightly, "I know her Sam. I know it. I just can't remember." Sam put his hands on top of Bucky's which were also set on the counter.

"Redwing should have footage of the event. We can see if he got a shot of the girl so we can identify her." Sam suggested, rubbing his thumb over Bucky's hands. He turned back to the stove to continue cooking.

Once the food was finished they went to the living room to eat so they could put on a movie. Sam had chosen a Disney movie this time.

"Isn't this a kids movie?" Bucky asked.


"It's Frozen." Sam deadpanned turning to look at Bucky's confused face. "It's like the best Disney movie out there." He added. Bucky shrugged and turned back to the TV.

Once the movie was over and dishes had been placed in the sink they sat on the barstools at the kitchen island to look through Redwing's recording.

"There. Stop it." Bucky said.

Sam paused the video. They were looking at a blurry image of the girl. The exact moment the sunlight shone on her allowing Bucky to see her face for only a moment. "Is this enough to identify her?" Bucky asked hopefully.

Sam sighed and shook his head, "No, I'm sorry. The picture is too blurry and the rest are too dark to see her face. Redwing must have got damaged during the fight because normally he can catch things like that." Sam explained.

"I hate that damn bird." Bucky said, putting his head in his hands.

Sam laughed, "yeah, you've said that before." Bucky didn't react. He put his hand on Bucky's thigh, causing Bucky to look up at him, "I'm gonna go make the call." He stood up, "I'll be back." Bucky nodded as he walked off.

Bucky stayed at the counter and put his head back in his hands.

How did she know how to fight? She couldn't be more than eight!

He decided to stop thinking about it and put his head down in his arms. Eventually he drifted off to sleep.

"Sorry that took so long she wouldn't stop yelling at me." Sam quipped, walking back toward the kitchen. He worried a little when he didn't get a response before seeing Bucky with his head in his arms. He approached him and put his hand on Bucky's back. "You good?" No response, "Bucky? Are you asleep?" He questioned.


Bucky groaned softly and lifted his head up. "Huh?" He looked at Sam with heavy eyes before blinking the sleep away.

"You seem to be sleeping a lot more than normal, are you feeling okay?" Sam asked.

"Super soldiers don't get sick."

"I know but you don't normally sleep this much. It's different." Sam replied.

Bucky turned the barstool to face Sam better. Sam stepped between his legs again, but this time Bucky had to look up at him rather than down. "Is different bad?" He asked.

"No, I was just wondering why you were suddenly sleeping more." Sam put his hands on Bucky's hips. Bucky looked at Sam's hands, then up at him and swallowed the saliva in his mouth.

"I guess I just feel more comfortable here... and with you." He looked back down at his lap before continuing, "um the nightmares haven't been happening as much recently either."

The worry on Sam's face melted away and was replaced with a small smile. He signaled for Bucky to stand up by backing up and pulling gently on his hips. Bucky, although confused, got the hint and stood up. With his hands still on Bucky's waist he pulled him closer. Bucky rested his hands on Sam's chest. Bucky gave a confused and tired smile, "what are you doing?" Sam locked eyes with Bucky before looking down at his lips. He looked back at Bucky's blueish-grey eyes.

"Can I kiss you?" Sam asked. Bucky smiled gently and put his hands on Sam's face before meeting him in the middle. Their lips moved slowly together. Bucky moved his hands behind Sam's neck, pulling him closer to deepen the kiss as Sam squeezed Bucky's hips, pulling his body closer. Bucky ran his hands down Sam's back holding him impossibly closer. The kiss stayed slow and sensual, neither one willing to leave the moment.

They both backed up slightly, having to get some air. "How bout' you stay in my room tonight." Sam said pulling Bucky closer again.

"Okay," Bucky whispered, practically against Sam's lips, before pulling him back into the kiss.

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