《Sunlight Through The Curtains》You really want to start this again doll?


Sam whisper yelled as he ran full speed into Bucky's room carrying a pillow above his head. He brought the pillow down to hit Bucky but his metal arm caught it first. Bucky yanked the pillow toward himself, pulling Sam down with it. "You really want to start this again doll?" Bucky whispered, lazily looking into Sam's eyes.

Sam tilted his head "The goal was to annoy you, but I don't mind where you're going with this.." Sam leaned down, his face almost touching Bucky's.

"It's not going anywhere. Get off me." Bucky pushed Sam off the bed. Sam groaned as he landed on the floor of Bucky's room. He stayed there for a few seconds in protest of Bucky's laughter. Eventually Bucky got up and stood in front of him holding a hand out. "Get up. We have that mission today."

"Well I was up.. till you pushed me off the bed." He whispered. He grabbed Bucky's hand and stood up. "I'll go make breakfast."

Bucky sat on a barstool and reviewed the single file with the single blueprint while Sam stood at the stove making his moms famous French toast. "Is that really all they gave us?" Sam asked looking back at Bucky.

Bucky looked up from the file, "Yeah. We know what the place looks like, where it is, and that we need to get this mystery child out of there, but that's it." He closed the file and pushed it away while Sam set their plates down on the counter.

They sat in silence while they ate, with Bucky's occasional, quiet complements to the chef.

When they both finished eating Bucky stood up, grabbed both plates, and kissed Sam on the temple before hand washing the dishes.

Thirty minutes later they were stepping into the elevator. Bucky took a step closer to Sam as the doors shut. "Hey Sam," Bucky whispered.


Sam turned to look at him. "Yes Bucky?"

"That suit looks good on you." He whispered in his ear before looking Sam up and down and walking out of the elevator, leaving a stunned Sam behind. "You coming?" Bucky said without looking back. Sam sighed and followed Bucky out to the jet.

They arrived on location a few hours after taking off and landed a half mile away from the building.

Sam kicked open the metal door and walked into the Hydra base. "It looks empty in here." He said as he looked around the dark room.

Bucky walked in behind him. "There shouldn't be anyone here except for the kid. I don't think we have much to worry about." Sam nodded as they looked around some more.

"Hello?? We're here to help. We're not Hydra!" Sam shouted as he turned to Bucky and shrugged.

They walked over to another metal door and Bucky pushed it open, looking inside before entering. Seemingly out of no where a figure jumped and tackled Bucky to the ground.

Sam ran in and tried to get the person off of him which led the figure to start coming after Sam. They couldn't see well in this room so Sam tried to get the fight into the original room with the door to the outside. At least then the sunlight could help them see a little better.

Bucky got up and ran into the other room where Sam and the person were fighting. The beam of sunlight coming from the door lit up the figures face just enough for Bucky to see her. "SAM STOP!"

Sam backed up quickly while Bucky slowly approached the little girl in front of him. She stepped back still looking up at Bucky, fear evident on her face. "I'm not going to hurt you. You're safe now okay?" Bucky said softly. Sam stood back and watched the interaction.


The girl looked from the open door, back to Bucky then sprinted out the door. Both men ran outside after her. "Where the hell did she go?" Sam panted looking around.

"I have no idea." Bucky replied.

They continued to look around the building without any luck. Eventually the sun began to go down. They had already looked over the entire building three times and they were both exhausted. "Jamie we have to go," Sam grabbed Bucky's shoulder and turned him around. "It's getting late and she's not here. We can talk to Janet in the morning but we have to go home." Sam said with a sincere look in his eyes. Bucky knew something about this girl. Sam didn't know what, but he wasn't going to push it right now.

"You don't understand Sam, we can't leave her!" Bucky yelled, reaching up to grip his hair but finding it difficult now that it's shorter.

"Bucky we have to go. She isn't here." Sam reached for Bucky's hand but Bucky pushed it away and ran toward the forest determined to find her. "BUCKY WAIT!" Sam ran after him.

Bucky looked around the trees for a few seconds making sure he lost Sam before sitting down against a tree. Once the adrenaline slowed he felt his eyes start to water as the lump in his throat became more noticeable. He sniffled quietly as the silent tears fell.

I know her. I know her. She's important. I her.

His mind began to swirl as he wracked his brain trying to figure out why he remembered her. The feeling reminding him of seeing Steve for the first time. She couldn't be more than eight so how could he know her? He hadn't noticed his vision getting spotty from hyperventilating or how dizzy he was starting to feel. He also hadn't noticed Sam sitting down next to him. He felt a hand on his knee that was tucked up into his chest. He looked up at Sam through his tear filled eyes. "I know her." Bucky whispered, his voice rough from crying.

"I know." Sam said quietly as he pulled Bucky into his chest.

They sat there in the dark of the night, with only the rustling of the trees to fill the silence. "Jamie. Let's go home." Sam stood up, bringing Bucky with him and they walked back to the jet.

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