《Sunlight Through The Curtains》You okay over there Bucky?


"You okay over there Bucky?" Sam asked after he heard the bowls start to fall out of the cabinets. Bucky gave Sam a glare and put back the bowls he had caught.

"Sam can I ask you a favor?" Bucky walked out of the kitchen with their Kraft mac n cheese in hand.

Sam gave a questioning look, "Sure?"

Bucky set the bowls down on the coffee table in front of the couch. "Could you cut my hair? It's too long and it reminds me of the whole Winter Soldier thing and it's always in my face and-"

"Okay, okay I'll cut it. Just let me eat first man," Sam laughed softly through his nose.

After they had finished eating Sam dragged a barstool to the bathroom while Bucky went to find sharp scissors in the lab. Bruce wouldn't mind, right?

Once Bucky found the scissors in a random drawer he headed back upstairs to the bathroom that Sam was waiting in.

"Sit, my good sir." Sam said in a rather horrid british accent while patting the seat of the stool. Bucky scoffed with a small smile and sat down facing the mirror.

Bucky handed him the scissors and Sam started cutting to the best of his ability. Not without the dramatic "DUDE ARE YOU TRYING TO MAKE ME BALD??" and quiet "oh my god. oh my god. oh my god." comments from Bucky. Throughout the process they kept making eye contact in the mirror, each time quickly looking away with a slight blush.

Once Sam had finished the haircut he ran his fingers through Bucky's hair to fix it up a bit. Bucky swiveled the barstool around to face Sam.

"Thanks," he said with a grin.

"No problem." Sam replied before leaning down to give him a quick kiss. Bucky's face reddened as he felt his chest tighten.


Damn I'm falling for him fast.

"C'mon we have that meeting with Janet in an hour, we should get ready." Sam said, knocking Bucky out of his thoughts.

"Yeah. Let's get ready- Wait who is Janet again?"

"She's the one that is always at those meeting with the higher ups." Sam rubbed the back of his neck, "the one that always makes backhanded comments about the whole Winter Soldier thing..."

"Right." Bucky nods. "Alright then, let's get ready I guess."

They were both ready and in the car within 15 minutes. Record timing. They entered the meeting room after their 42 minute drive.

"You're late." Said the lady with graying hair.

"Yeah by like, two minutes." Sam said as he sat down in the cushioned conference chair.

The woman sat down in her chair and placed a stack of files on the table. "I asked you two here to assign you another mission." She cleared her throat and opened one file. Inside was a blueprint of a Hydra base. "Last week we had an agent in this building on a mission to receive intel. When they came back they informed me that a child was being held hostage in this facility. You're mission is to recover this child, find out who they are, and get them to their parents."

"Alright, what do we know about the child?" asked Bucky.

Janet fingered through the files, "Nothing."

"Nothing?" Sam questioned. "What do you mean nothing?"

"All we know is that there is a child in this Hydra facility and you need to get them out." She passed them the file with the blueprint. "This has all the information you two will need for this mission. Anything else is unknown." She stood up and motioned for the boys to do the same. "Your mission starts tomorrow."


They both nodded and left the room.

Bucky decided that he wanted to drive. "Why do you keep staring at my hands?" Bucky said as he glanced over at Sam then back to the road.

"Just.. spacing out I guess." Sam replied.

Bucky raised his eyebrows but decided to leave it.

They got inside to the living room and Sam headed to the kitchen.

"Spaghetti again?" asked Bucky.


Bucky furrowed his brows, "what are you making then?"

"It's my mom's recipe. I finally got my sister to send it to me." Sam said as he rummaged through the cabinets for the right spices.

When the food was finished Sam brought the bowls over to the couch.

"It smells good." Bucky noted.

"Yeah now eat it." Sam said while trying to hide a grin."

This made Bucky a bit nervous but he took a bite anyway. Sam couldn't hold back his snicker.

"What are you laughing at? This is really good by the way. Why the hell didn't you tell me you could cook?" He took another bite, "You're telling me that we could have been eating this instead of spaghetti and takeout??"

Sam stopped laughing. "How are you okay right now?! Bruce literally threw up when I made that for him because it was so spicy!"

"Probably the serum." Bucky shrugged. "Now can we get back to the fact that you can cook??"

"I only know my moms recipes but Sarah's been hogging them all and wouldn't send them to me."

"You're making dinner from now on."

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