《I Am The Dragon Slayer (Highschool dxd x male reader)》The Nun
You walk inside your home still processing everything you were told.
Yui:(Clears Throat) Were have you been mister!
You freeze, your sweat dropped. Looking over to the sound of the voice you see Yui who was glaring at you tapping her foot
Y/n:(Thoughts) Crap! I haven't realized how late it is!
Yui walked closer to you until she's right in front of you staring at you
Yui: I don't know what you thinking but you can't just walk around outside whenever you want it's dangerous out there!
You walk past her attempting to go upstairs
Yui: Just cause you can shoot lightning from your fingers doesn't mean your invincible.
You stop dead in your tracks completely shocked, you slowly turned around to look at Yui
Y/n: You knew?
Yui: I've known for a while.
Y/n: But why didn't you say anything.
Yui looked at you and pulled you into a hug.
Yui: I wanted you to tell me yourself. But lately it's getting dangerous out there.
Y/n: Huh? What do you mean?
Yui: Y/n I have to confess something too.
You were staring at Yui confusion writing all over your face. She broke the hug and took a few steps backwards. Just then her arms and legs started to glow, as armour appeared on them and a sword appeared on her hip. You stared at her shocked.
Yui: I'm one of these Heroes. Well former Hero I left to have a normal life to have a family.
Y/n: Why keep this a secret?
Yui: Why did you?
You stayed quiet.
Yui: I was alone when I left, I had no one until I met you, a boy all alone just like me. I knew your pain and took you in.
Yui chuckled.
Yui: For four years this whole time I thought you were a normal boy that was abandoned. To think one day I'll see lightning come out of your fingers. I was surprised.
Yui then looked at you with a serious face.
Yui: Y/n the fallen angels are planning something here I don't know what it is. But I think it's best we leave here at once.
Yui walked past you.
Y/n: Then I'll stop them.
Yui stopped and turned around looking at you
Yui: Out of the question. Sure I know you can handle some of the weaker ones but we don't know how strong their leader is.
Y/n: Then I'll get stronger!
Yui: You think they'll just sit down and wait for you to do that! I'm sorry but I can't afford to lose you.
You started clenching your hand.
Y/n: If their planning something then I have to stop them! I can't just leave knowing innocent people could be in danger!
Yui: This territory belongs to the heir of the Gremory family. Let them take care of it.
Y/n: And what if they can't huh. What if they can't beat them.
Yui: This doesn't concern you!
Y/n: I was trained dragon slayer magic! I can handle them!
Yui rubbed her nose sighing
Yui: Fine how about this we'll stay for now. If you can't handle them, we'll leave no questions asked understood?
Y/n: Fine.
Yui: Now go to your room you have school tomorrow.
Wordlessly you walk past Yui and walk upstairs to go to your room. Once inside your you take off your shirt and lay down on your bed.
Y/n:(Thoughts) Yui is a Hero how come I never noticed. And the fallen angels their planning something here I gotta find out what.
You slowly but close eyes and after a few seconds you were asleep.
You were walking outside heading to school, your guard now up preparing for any attack that might happen.
Y/n:(Thoughts) It's clear I gotta keep my guard up around here seems like every fallen angel here is gunning for me now. Since they know I'm not a devil and not in any household they decide to come after me.
Your thoughts were interrupted when you hear a girl yell and fall on the ground. Turning to the source of it you see a girl who was face first into the ground. Her underwear was exposed, just then you caught a familiar scent looking over you see Issei with an perverted look on his face. Walking over you quickly smacked the back of his head and walked over to the girl
Y/n: You okay?
You kneeled down holding out your hand to her.
???: Yeah thank you.
The wind suddenly picks up and the cloth she had on her falls off revealing her face
???: Um thank you so much.
Y/n: Don't mention it.
The cloth that was on her head begins to fly away from the wind.
Y/n: I got it.
You jog over and grab it before it could fly. Returning back to the girl you hand her the cloth. She puts back on her head.
???: That was very sweet of you.
Y/n: It was nothing.
Looking over you see Issei with a another perverted look on his face.
Y/n: Excuse me but I'll be back.
???: O-Okay.
Walking over to Issei you smacked him hard on his head. He clutches his head in pain and looks at you.
Issei: What was that for!
Y/n: You know exactly what it was for!
???: Umm... I'm sorry but--
You returned your attention back to the girl.
???: I'm a little bit lost, do you think you can help me out?
You scratch the back of your head
Y/n: Sorry I really don't know my way around here. But maybe Issei can help you.
All three was walking Issei who was leading while you stayed with them to make sure Issei doesn't do anything.
Issei: So... are you a tourist?
???: Oh no, not at all... as a matter of fact, I was just assigned to serve the church in this town.
Issei: Right, you're a nun, then... guess that explains your uniform.
???: I'm so glad I ran into someone kind like you... I guess someone is looking out for me, huh?
Y/n: I wouldn't exactly say he's kind.
Issei looked at you annoyed then his attention was drawn to the cross the girl wore as a necklace. He looked away which the she noticed it.
Nun: Is everything okay?
Issei: Huh? Oh yeah. It's all good.
Y/n:(Thoughts) Makes sense he'll react that away crosses hurt devils.
Just then we all heard crying coming from a boy who had a scrape on his knee. The girl quickly ran over to the boy and started rubbing his head.
Nun: A big boy like you shouldn't cry over a scrape. Don't worry you're gonna be fine.
The nun put her hands over his knee and a green light appeared on the rings she wore. Slowly the scrape faded until it was gone completely.
Issei: Woah. She healed him.
Just then Issei groaned and grabbed his hand. When the light faded from the nun's hand so did the pain from Issei hands.
Y/n:(Thoughts) Issei reacted to the light.
Nun: Ya see...? There's no reason for you to cry at all... you're just fine.
She turned around to face us.
Nun: All done now. Sorry!
She got up and we all begun walking towards her destination. A few minutes has passed.
Nun: You must be suprised.
Y/n: That's quite a power you got there. Able to heal any injuries on a person's body that's quite impressive.
Nun: Thank you; I consider it to be a gift and a blessing.
She then looked with sadness on her face.
???: Truly... it's wonderful.
She looks up
Nun: Hey, there it is!
Me and Issei followed her gaze and spot a church in the distance.
Issei: Oh, yeah... that's the church all right... the only one we have.
Nun: Thank goodness I found it... that's a relief.
Issei: You know it's weird. I've never seen anyone up there... not a single person.
The nun turned to Issei
Nun: Let me thank you properly... would it be a problem for you to come inside with me?
Y/n: Apologies. But Issei here had somewhere to be.
She looked down in sadness
Nun: Oh that's okay... guess I should go too... it was sweet of you to help me find my way... my name's Asia Argento.
Issei: And my name is Issei Hyoudou. You are very welcome.
Y/n: Dude your embarrassing yourself.
Asia the turns to me.
Asia: May I ask for your name.
Y/n: Of course Y/n L/n a pleasure to meet you.
Asia: Y/n and Issei, huh? Well uh... so... meeting you two here was a blessing... and I know for sure, it's one I won't forget... I hope we see each other again.
You gave Asia a smile.
Y/n: Likewise.
Asia: If you're ever bored or in the neighborhood... come by and vist me at the church... that's where I'll be.
Y/n: Thanks. I'll keep that in mind. See you soon.
You grabbed Issei by the collar of his shirt and started dragging him with you.
Y/n: Let's go pervert.
Issei: Hey stop dragging me I can walk by myself!
You turn to Asia and yell.
Y/n: Bye Asia have a good one.
She waves at you yells back at you smiling.
Asia: Thanks! You have a good one, too!
Y/n:(Thoughts) I think she's the nicest girl I've ever met.
You draw your attention back to the church.
Y/n:(Thoughts) That church. I don't know why but I'm just getting a bad vibe just looking at it.
You begun walking around the school lost in your thoughts.
Y/n:(Thoughts) That smell no doubt about it. There's something differently wrong with that church. Maybe I should investigate it see what's up.
Rias: You must never go near the church again, Issei.
You heard Rias voice near the stairs. You walk over to see Issei and Rias talking.
Rias: For Devils like us, the church is enemy territory... simply setting foot inside would create major problems for both angels and devils. Surely you could sense that something was telling you to be careful.
Issei: Oh... that's what it was... when I went near the church I thought I felt a chill, and my left hand tensed up.
Rias: That was your devil instinct telling you danger was near. Being in close proximity to someone from the church is a very risky proposition... also... what's even more dangerous is that some of the exorcists affiliated with the church uses Sacred Gears. They could really hurt you. And you.
Rias looks up to you seeing you watching them.
Y/n: I appreciate the warning but I can handle myself.
Rias: Listen. Just cause you have dragon slayer magic doesn't mean your invincible.
Y/n:(Sigh) So I've been told.
She then brings her attention back to Issei.
Rias: Issei?
Issei: Yeah, I'm listening.
Rias: Just know that if a devil receives a devil-purge It's utterly annihilated... the end of the line... they can feel nothing... they're gone forever. You can never come back from that... do you understand?
Issei looks away to avoid eye contact with Rias.
Issei: I got it.
Rias: I'm sorry. I've gotten too worked up... I want you to be more careful that's all.
Issei: Of course.
She begins walking away until she looks up to you.
Rias: My over still stands Y/n.
Your sweat dropped.
Y/n: It was tempting the first time but hearing all that. I think I'll rather keep my mortality.
Rias: You can't survive in this world for long if your gonna be human the fallen angels will come after you. Since they know you exist.
Y/n: Don't underestimate a dragon slayer. We humans are tougher than we look. I say let them come.
Rias then walks downstairs.
Issei was seen sitting down on the couch inside the Occult Research Club.
Issei: Well great. I guess I've gone and done it again... seems like she's always pissed off at me something.
An image of Asia smile flashed in his mind.
Issei:(Thoughts) Sorry, Asia... looks like I'm not gonna be able to hangout with you.
Akeno appeared right behind Issei.
Akeno: She's not pissed off you know; she's just worried about you, silly boy.
Issei yells and jumped back startled
Issei: You scared me!
Rias then walked inside the room.
Rias: You're still here. I thought you had gone home for the day.
Akeno: We just received a message from the archduke.
Rias: The archduke?
Akeno: It was urgent... a stray devil has been causing trouble nearby.
You opened the door to your house and walk in to see Yui with a serious expression on her face.
Yui: Y/n. We need to talk about something.
Y/n: Listen if this is about yesterday I told you I'm not--
Yui: A stray devil is causing trouble here
This shuts you up, an confused expression is present on your face.
Y/n: A stray devil what is that?
Yui: Look all you need to know that it's evil and preying on innocent people here.
Y/n: How do you know this?
Yui: I may not be with the Heroes anymore but I still have contacts here and there.So hero you need to take care of it.
Y/n: Hero? You mean like a Hero like one the that saves people or the other one.
Yui:(Sigh) Just get out there.
Y/n: Fine fine. Just let me get changed I ain't fighting a stray devil in my uniform prefer something comfortable.
(Outfit you are wearing)
You were jumping from roof to roof your lighting surrounding your body
Y/n:(Thoughts) Yui said the stray is around here.
You then caught the scent of Rias who was outside a building with her peerage.
Y/n: Might as well say hello.
With a big jump you land right next to them your lighting slowly started to fade. Issei jumped back up and landed into Koneko's arms.
Issei: Where did you come from!
Koneko dropped Issei who hit the ground.
Y/n: I was just in the neighborhood. Looking for a stray devil.
Rias then walks up to you with a smile on her face.
Rias: What conisedense so were we.
Y/n: Mind if I tag along? kinda curious on what stray devils are.
Rias then smirked.
Rias: The more the merrier. But I prefer you watch.
Y/n: Your ship. Your rules. Can I get a little history lesson here about stray devils here?
Kiba: Stray devils start out as devil's servants.
Issei: You mean like we are?
Kiba: No, not exactly... once in a while, a servant rebels and kills their master to gain freedom. Then they become strays.
Akeno: According to the reports, this stary has been tricking people into that abandoned house and eating them.
Y/n and Issei: Gross!
Akeno: Tonight's job shouldn't be too hard; just find the beast and kill it.
Kiba: These monsters are pure evil. They don't care about anything but their own selfish desires. And that always ends in ugliness.
We all walked into the building keeping our eyes out for the stray.
Rias: Issei.
Issei: Uh... yes, president?
Rias: Are you familiar with the game of chess?
Issei: Yeah, sort of... I've played it, but I totally suck.
Y/n: Same.
Rias: Aa the master, I'm the King. My empress is the Queen. My cavalier the Knight. My tank, the Rook. My clergyman, the Bishop. And my foot soilder, the Pawn. Devils with titles of nobility grant the characteristics of these pieces to each one of their servants.
Y/n: That actually sounds pretty cool.
Rias: Changing your mind about joining me.
Y/n: You wish like I said I like to keep my mortality.
Rias: Anyway back to the topic. We have a special name for them... we call them our 'evil pieces.'
Issei: Sorry but why are you telling me this?
Rias: I want you to watch and learn... pay close attention to my devils as they do battle here tonight.
Issei: Oh. Okay.
Just then you caught a foul scent in the air. Alerting you.
Y/n and Koneko: It's here.
A voice can be heard somewhere in the shadows.
???: Now what could that fool, fecal smell be? Mmmm, and something smells quite delicious as well! I wonder what it tastes sweet. Or bitter!
The stray has stepped out from hiding. As she is naked.
Issei: I see big boobies!
Y/n: Now's not the time Issei!
Rias: Viser, you wretch... you betrayed your master and ran away to fulfill the lustful wants and desires that have consumed you. Your sins are worthy of a thousand hells. In the name of the great Marquis of Gremory... be gone... or meet your death!
Viser: Oh just give it a rest, you little slut! You always have had it in for me! Your just jealous cause your breasts will never be as luscious as these!
She starts caressing her breasts
Rias: This is your final warning: Go back to your master now!
Issei: Woah. This is a stray devil? She looks like a soft--
Y/n: If you continue that sentence Issei I swear I'll be hunting you Instead of that stray!
This shuts up Issei who puts his hands over his mouth.
Viser: Let me show you what I'm made of!
Just then she rises and reveals her true form.
Y/n: I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.
Kiba: See I told you. When I said it ends in ugliness, I wasn't joking.
Issei: She's got a really nice rack though... what a waste.
Just then magic circle appeared on her nipples.
Y/n: Don't tell me she's gonna start shooting at us from her nipples.
As on cue she shoots two yellow beams at you and Issei.
Y/n: You gotta be kidding me!
Koneko grabbed Issei and pushed him out of the way. While you stood still ready to deflect the beams that were heading towards your way. Rias noticed you not moving and rushed over to grab and pull you to the side as the attacks hit the wall behind you leaving two holes in it.
Issei: This is a porno I don't wanna be in!
Rias then looked at you.
Rias: Y/n. I allowed you to be here because I thought you can take care of yourself please try to be more careful.
Y/n: Thanks for that. But I had that under control you didn't need to help me.
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